Veolia strengthens its energy expertise with the acquisition of MRC Consultants & Transaction Advisers

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action VEOLIA (EPA:VIE).

Veolia, through Seureca, its Engineering Consulting division, announces the acquisition of MRC Consultants and Transaction Advisers, a company specializing in energy consulting. This company is present in Spain and the United Kingdom, and operates in more than 30 countries.

This acquisition is part of Veolia's 2024-2027 strategic plan, called “GreenUp”, aimed at accelerating ecological transformation. MRC brings expertise in energy strategies, including decarbonization and energy system planning, thereby strengthening Seureca's capabilities.

Seureca's energy division will now have more than 70 employees. This new acquisition will cover areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energies and smart grids.

R. H.

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