sur Arriving In High Heels Corporation

Visited App Launches Innovative Travel Email Marketing Platform

Arriving In High Heels Corp., the company behind the Visited app, has introduced an advanced email marketing advertising platform specifically for U.S.-based travelers. This new service offers unique segmentation capabilities based on user-identified travel interests and destinations.

Visited's email list includes over 300,000 U.S. travelers, allowing advertisers to target audiences based on detailed travel preferences. "We can email users in a specific location who want to visit particular destinations or have specific travel experiences," said Anna Kayfitz, CEO of Arriving In High Heels Corporation.

The data, gathered through the Visited app, which has over 2 million downloads and an average user visiting 15 countries, enables extensive segmentation. Users can map past and future travels and select destinations or experiences from over 150 different lists, ranging from hotel chains to snorkeling spots.

For more information, visit

R. P.

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