sur Volatus Aerospace Corp. (isin : CA92865G1054)

Volatus Aerospace Achieves 75,000 Flight Hours in Pipeline Monitoring

Volatus Aerospace Inc. has announced surpassing 75,000 flight hours in pipeline integrity monitoring. This achievement highlights the company's leadership in aerial inspection services, demonstrating its commitment to enhancing energy infrastructure with advanced monitoring solutions. The success is largely attributed to its proprietary AIRS (Aerial Intelligence Reporting System) technology, which ensures regulatory compliance through actionable data.

AIRS enables Volatus to perform low-altitude inspections, providing real-time monitoring to prevent leaks and structural concerns. The vast flight hours showcase Volatus' operational excellence and trusted partnerships within the energy sector. CEO Glen Lynch emphasized that this milestone reflects the expertise, reliability, and client confidence in Volatus' services.

In line with its commitment to innovation, Volatus is expanding into drone-based BVLOS operations. This initiative aims to integrate automation and sustainability into aerial solutions for sectors including energy and logistics. Volatus’ advanced remote Operations Control Centre will play a crucial role in these developments.

R. H.

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