sur Vossloh AG (isin : DE0007667107)

Vossloh AG Begins Capital Increase Through Accelerated Bookbuilding

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Vossloh AG (EBR:VOS).

Vossloh Aktiengesellschaft has announced a capital increase involving up to 1,756,417 new shares. This move, which excludes shareholders' subscription rights, aims to raise the company's share capital by up to 10%. The new shares, offering full dividend rights from January 1, 2024, are available exclusively to institutional investors via an accelerated bookbuilding process.

Major shareholder KB Holding GmbH, holding 50.09% of Vossloh's share capital, committed to participating in the capital increase. The capital raised will help finance Vossloh's acquisition of the Sateba Group, expected to complete in spring 2025. Trading of the new shares on the Frankfurt and Dusseldorf Stock Exchanges is set for mid-November 2024, aligning with Vossloh's strategic financial planning.

R. P.

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