sur Vossloh AG (isin : DE0007667107)

Vossloh Completes Successful Share Placement

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Vossloh AG (EBR:VOS).

Vossloh AG has completed its placement of new shares, raising approximately €72 million. The new shares were offered at €41.0 each in a private placement to institutional investors. This capital increase aims to finance Vossloh's planned acquisition of the Sateba Group.

KB Holding GmbH, a major shareholder with a 50.09% stake, participated proportionally in the capital increase. The new shares are set to begin trading on November 18, 2024, on the Frankfurt and Dusseldorf stock exchanges under the Prime Standard segment.

COMMERZBANK Aktiengesellschaft and Deutsche Bank AG served as Joint Global Coordinators and Bookrunners for the placement. A lock-up period of six months is in effect for Vossloh, subject to typical market exceptions. This transaction strengthens Vossloh's financial position as it seeks to expand its market presence.

R. P.

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