sur Vossloh AG (isin : DE0007667107)

Vossloh Secures Major Contract for HS2 High-Speed Line in the UK

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Vossloh AG (EBR:VOS).

Vossloh, a leading global technology group in the rail sector, has been awarded a significant contract for the High-Speed 2 (HS2) rail project in the UK. The company will supply rail fastening systems for the line between London and Birmingham. The contract, valued at over €30 million, will span from 2025 to 2027.

HS2 is positioned as one of Europe's most extensive infrastructure projects. The venture aims to cut travel time between London and Birmingham to 45 minutes, enhancing capacity for both freight and local services on existing lines. The project is scheduled for completion around 2033.

Vossloh's CEO, Oliver Schuster, highlighted the importance of the company's expertise in delivering high-quality solutions to meet safety and reliability demands. This contract further underscores Vossloh's role in advancing sustainable transport infrastructure in the UK.

R. E.

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