sur Vox Royalty Corp. (isin : CA92919F1036)
Vox Royalty Updates on Gold and Silver Asset Developments
Vox Royalty Corp., a mining royalty company, announced significant developments in partnerships with Norton Gold Fields, Silver Mines Limited, and Alamos Gold. Spencer Cole, Chief Investment Officer, highlighted major updates including a change in ownership for the Bullabulling gold project, an optimization study completion for the Bowdens silver project, and the start of construction at Alamos' Lynn Lake project.
Bullabulling, one of Australia's largest undeveloped gold projects, will be acquired by Minerals 260 for A$166.5 million. A significant 80,000m drilling program is planned post-acquisition. Bowdens silver project saw a 10% increase in mineral reserves from the optimization study. Alamos committed ~$600M for Lynn Lake, with production expected in 2028.
Vox holds various royalty interests in these projects, expecting substantial activities and further news in 2025, complementing its 2-4 year royalty pipeline outlook.
R. E.
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