sur Voxeljet AG (NASDAQ:VJET)

Voxeljet AG Undergoes Management Reorganization Following NASDAQ De-Listing

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Voxeljet AG (EBR:VJET).

On June 19, 2024, voxeljet AG announced a significant change in its management structure. This move comes after the company's recent de-listing from NASDAQ and the de-registration in the second quarter of the year.

Dr. Ingo Ederer, founder of voxeljet AG, will end his tenure as CEO and member of the Management Board on June 30, 2024. He will remain available in an advisory role to ensure a smooth transition.

Dr. Ederer expressed his pride in voxeljet's achievements over the past 25 years, noting that the previous year was the company's most successful. His successor, Rudolf Franz, previously the CFO, will take over as CEO.

The Supervisory Board thanked Dr. Ederer for his dedicated service and praised Rudolf Franz's extensive knowledge of voxeljet's technologies and markets, which is expected to drive the company's future growth.

R. H.

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