sur Waga Energy (EPA:WAGA)
Waga Energy: Revenue growth thanks to biomethane

In 2024, Waga Energy posted a 67% increase in revenue to €55.7 million. This increase was mainly due to the increase in biomethane revenue, which jumped 81% to €42.8 million. The group injected 576 GWh of biomethane into the networks, an increase of 72% compared to the previous year.
Waga Energy has started up ten new production units, bringing its fleet to 30 units. The company has also consolidated its international presence with seven units in France, one in the United States, one in Canada, and a cryogenic module sold in the United States. The American market has shown a strong interest in WAGABOX® technology, with twelve units under construction.
With 19 units under construction in five countries, Waga Energy appears well positioned for continued growth, estimating future contractual recurring revenue of €170 million.
R. E.
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