sur Waga Energy (EPA:WAGA)

Waga Energy to supply biomethane to University of California

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Waga Energy (EPA:WAGA).

Waga Energy has been selected by Kern County Public Works to produce biomethane in California. A production unit will be built at the Bena site in Bakersfield, using patented WAGABOX® technology. This biomethane will be sold to the University of California through a 20-year contract.

The WAGABOX® unit will purify 3,000 cubic meters of biogas per hour, producing 160 GWh of biomethane per year. This will reduce emissions by approximately 30,000 tons of CO2 per year. The project also contributes to the circular economy and the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels.

This project, scheduled for 2027, is part of the University of California's sustainable development program. It marks Waga Energy's third initiative in California.

R. E.

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