WALLIX: Revenue growth and profitability targets in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action WALLIX (EPA:ALLIX).

WALLIX, a European cybersecurity software publisher, has achieved record revenue of €34.1 million in 2024, with a significant increase in its recurring revenue of 24.4% as of December 31, 2024. Recurring revenue now represents 67.7% of its annual revenue.

Despite a difficult economic environment, WALLIX managed to sign 600 new contracts in one year, precipitating a 13% increase in its total turnover. This performance was particularly visible in the fourth quarter, with a 19% acceleration in sales.

The Group has reached a critical size allowing it to anticipate a positive operating result from the second half of 2024. The strategy of transitioning to a subscription and SAAS services model continues to bear fruit.

R. H.

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