sur Black Book Market Research
Waystar Secures Top Spot for End-to-End Revenue Cycle Management Solutions in 2024 Black Book Survey
Black Book Research has declared Waystar the leading vendor for Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) software technology. This recognition is based on the 2024 RCM survey responses from hospital executives, financial system users, and business office leaders representing 680 inpatient organizations.
Between Q4 2023 and Q2 2024, Black Book rigorously evaluated 307 vendors, incorporating feedback from 6,195 verified client users to determine top-rated solutions. In a market with numerous RCM solution vendors, Waystar has consistently achieved top customer satisfaction ratings in Black Book's annual surveys since 2012.
Waystar leverages AI and ML for predictive analytics to forecast patient payment behavior, identify denials, and optimize claims. Their data analytics tools ensure accurate billing and compliance, while patient engagement features like online payment portals improve transparency. Emphasizing interoperability, Waystar integrates with EHRs to streamline workflows.
Waystar achieved the highest scores in 12 out of 18 key performance indicators for RCM, including Innovation, Accountability, Customization, and Best-of-Breed Technology. These capabilities have secured Waystar's top client rating for the ninth consecutive year in end-to-end RCM services.
R. E.
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