sur EV Digital Invest AG (isin : DE000A3DD6W5)

Wealth Manager EV Digital Invest Assets Management AG Awarded Top 5-Star Rating by Capital Business Magazine

Berlin, 02 July 2024. EV Digital Invest Assets Management AG, a subsidiary of EV Digital Invest AG, has been awarded the top 5-star rating by Capital business magazine. Capital, a leading business publication in Germany, evaluated 123 independent wealth managers, analyzing around 69,000 real customer portfolios. Only 10 companies received the highest 5-star rating, including EV Digital Invest Assets Management AG.

Under the "Digital Invest Assets" brand, the company offers digital investments ranging from call money accounts to custom ETF portfolios. These portfolios are independently managed and continuously monitored based on modern portfolio theories. The 5-star rating attests to the company's dedication to excellent asset management and customer service.

Björn Siegismund, CEO, and Lars Kalwitzke, CFO, underscored the importance of customer trust and efficient portfolio management. The 5-star award is seen as a validation of their commitment to quality and careful management.

R. P.

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