sur WellnessLiving

WellnessLiving to Provide Business Management Software to Groupe Karaté Sportif

WellnessLiving, a premier software solution provider for the martial arts industry, has been selected as the exclusive business management software provider for Groupe Karaté Sportif, aiming to support the martial arts school's rapid expansion across Canada. This collaboration is anticipated to streamline operations and enhance the overall experience for both instructors and students at Groupe Karaté Sportif, which boasts over 40 locations in Quebec.

Key to this partnership is WellnessLiving's innovative features like appointment scheduling, billing, and especially the Belt feature, which tracks student progress through various levels of achievement. Groupe Karaté Sportif's decision to partner with WellnessLiving was based on the software's capability to meet the unique demands of their growing enterprise and its potential to strengthen community ties and operational efficiency.

Len Fridman, CEO of WellnessLiving, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, underscoring the importance of martial arts in character building and confidence enhancement. This collaboration not only highlights WellnessLiving's commitment to the martial arts community but also its dedication to providing solutions that support business growth and improve client experiences in the health and wellness industries.

R. P.

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