sur Wolfden Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:WLFFF)
Wolfden Resources Updates on Nevada Gold Exploration
Wolfden Resources Corp. (WLF.V) has provided an update on its Rockland Project located in Nevada, USA. The company aims to earn up to a 75% interest in the area. A drilling program, starting July 2025, targets rhyolite-hosted 'bonanza-type' gold mineralization, testing depths below historical drill results.
Funding from a land sale in Maine supports this initiative. The target model is inspired by AngloGold's Silicon-Merlin discovery in the Walker Lane trend. Don Dudek, VP of Exploration, described the project as an exciting exploration target, emphasizing historic mines and promising geophysical data.
As per the agreement with Evergold Corp., Wolfden must complete $1.175 million in exploration and drilling by 2025. Upon completing these terms, Wolfden can further increase its stake by completing a Pre-feasibility Study within five to eight years.
R. E.
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