sur Wolfden Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:WLFFF)
Wolfden Secures Option on Nevada Gold Property in Walker Lane Trend
Wolfden Resources Corp. has signed an option agreement to acquire up to a 75% stake in the Rockland Property, located in the Walker Lane Trend of Nevada. The 1,054-hectare site is potentially rich in a low-sulphidation, quartz-adularia epithermal gold-silver system, mirroring notable deposits in its vicinity, such as those owned by Hecla Mining. The company aims to conduct an extensive drilling program to explore targets akin to AngloGold's Silicon discovery.
The Rockland East target features promising gold intercepts. An historical bonanza-type mine, extensive alteration zones enriched with antimony and arsenic, and favorable geophysical data support its potential. VP Exploration, Don Dudek, notes these characteristics are typical of quality deposits in the region, with gold recovery tests indicating promising results.
As part of the agreement with Evergold Corp., Wolfden is committed to US$1.175 million in exploration spend and cash payments up to US$600,000 over three years to secure a 51% interest. Achieving a 75% interest requires completing a Pre-feasibility Study within eight years. The company plans to finance this through selling some of its US land assets.
R. P.
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