sur Woodland Park Zoo

Woodland Park Zoo Receives $7.15 Million Grant for Empathy Initiative

Woodland Park Zoo has been awarded a $7.15 million grant from Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) to enhance its Advancing Empathy Initiative. This program aims to foster empathy for animals within Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)-accredited organizations.

Over the next three years, the grant will bolster efforts to build empathic connections between humans and animals. By partnering with various organizations, the zoo seeks to integrate empathy practices that promote wildlife conservation.

The initiative includes the Advancing Conservation through Empathy (ACE) for Wildlife™ Network, which spans 13 states and includes over 550 professionals worldwide. The network develops, implements, and evaluates empathy programs, enhancing public engagement with wildlife conservation.

Part of the funding will be re-granted to network partners, supporting innovative programs like Racine Zoo's virtual animal encounters.

R. H.

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