X-PITCH 2023 Unveils Global TOP100 Startups
X-PITCH has announced its 2023 TOP100 startups, selected from over 3,000 global entries. This year's competition highlights diverse entrepreneurial talent, focusing on Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing, Sustainability, and Digital Economy. 88% of semi-finalists hail from Asia, while the remainder are from the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Startups are at various stages, with categories reflecting pressing global needs.
The event emphasizes "Accelerating Deeptech" and aims to foster innovation for societal betterment. Known for unique pitch locations, this year's semi-finals occur on Singapore's iconic bumboats. The finals will be held at the National Gallery Singapore on November 9th, culminating in ten award presentations at the Grand Finale.
Since 2021, X-PITCH has expanded globally, boosting startups with over $38 million in funding. Hosted by XCEL NEXT, this year's event is backed by leading organizations and sponsors, further enhancing the platform's outreach.
R. E.
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