sur Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:XBIO)
Xenetic Biosciences Extends Research Agreement with University of Virginia

Xenetic Biosciences, Inc., a company dedicated to advancing immune-oncology technologies for hard-to-treat cancers, has announced an extension of its Research Agreement with the University of Virginia. This extension supports the development of the company's DNase-Based oncology platform. Dr. Reid Bissonnette, Xenetic's Executive Consultant for Translational Research and Development, highlighted this in a Virtual Investor segment.
The DNase platform aims to enhance the effectiveness of current cancer treatments by targeting neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) involved in cancer growth. Xenetic focuses on advancing its DNase program for pancreatic carcinoma and locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors. This initiative represents a move towards innovative treatments that could potentially improve patient outcomes.
R. P.
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