sur Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:XBIO)
Xenetic Biosciences Extends Research Agreement with UVA for DNase Oncology Platform

Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. has announced an extension of its research agreement with the University of Virginia (UVA) to advance its DNase-based oncology platform. This program targets neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) which, in cancer, can promote tumor spread and immunosuppression. By reducing NETs, their DNase platform aims to enhance the effectiveness of existing immunotherapies and chemotherapies.
This extension allows Xenetic to further explore the combination of DNase I with immunotherapies, particularly for colorectal cancer. Dr. Allan Tsung, a notable figure in oncology research, will lead these efforts. Additionally, Xenetic retains an option for exclusive licenses on any new patents from this collaboration.
Aligning with its objectives, Xenetic is progressing toward clinical studies to test DNase with immune checkpoint inhibitors and chemotherapy. This collaboration underscores its commitment to developing new cancer treatment strategies.
R. H.
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