sur Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:XBIO)

Xenetic Biosciences Partners with PeriNess for Clinical Trial Services

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. (EBR:XBIO).

Xenetic Biosciences, Inc., a biopharmaceutical firm focusing on immuno-oncology technologies, has entered into a Clinical Trial Services Agreement with Israeli company PeriNess Ltd. This collaboration aims to develop Xenetic's DNase I oncology program targeting hard-to-treat cancers, like pancreatic and colorectal cancers. DNase I will be combined with chemotherapy and immunotherapy platforms, advancing toward clinical studies.

James Parslow of Xenetic expressed enthusiasm for leveraging PeriNess' expertise, while Michal Ben Attar from PeriNess highlighted the strategic nature of the agreement. The partnership will utilize Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), which play a role in modulating cancer treatment efficacy, strengthening the rationale for DNase I as an adjunctive therapy. Under the agreement, PeriNess will handle regulatory approval and management of exploratory studies in Israel.

R. P.

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