sur XTPL S.A. (isin : PLXTPL000018)
XTPL Records Peak Sales in Q4 2024, Eyes Growth in 2025
XTPL S.A., a provider of nanoprinting solutions, announced record sales of PLN 5.4 million in Q4 2024. This represents a 28% year-on-year increase, primarily from the sale of five Delta Printing System devices, with three delivered to North America. Despite this quarterly success, yearly sales declined by 9.9% to PLN 12.1 million.
CEO Filip Granek attributes growth prospects to new ventures, such as the first industrial implementation in China and rising interest in North America. The company's Boston Demo Center has initiated product demonstrations.
XTPL plans to achieve PLN 100 million in sales by 2026, supported by ongoing projects in semiconductors and displays. CFO Jacek Olszański emphasized the need for potential manufacturing partnerships to handle increased demand beyond 2026.
R. H.
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