sur ZetrOZ Systems

ZetrOZ Systems Marks Mid-Year with Presentations at Major Athletic and Military Medicine Conferences

ZetrOZ Systems, inventors of sustained acoustic medicine and makers of the sam® wearable ultrasound unit, concluded mid-year 2024 with presentations at three significant medical conferences. These events showcased new research on the technology's effectiveness in enhancing platelet-rich plasma treatments for soft tissue healing.

In May, the company participated in the annual meetings of the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA), the College Athletics Trainers Association (CATS), and the National Basketball Association Trainers Association (NBATA). ZetrOZ Systems received a Silver Partnership award from NBATA.

The sam® devices are extensively used in sports and are covered by most insurance plans. Additionally, they are covered under federal contracts for U.S. military and veteran patients.

George Lewis, ZetrOZ Systems founder, highlighted that the recent soft tissue healing study underscores the effectiveness of their products in expediting recovery without needing invasive procedures.

Research published in Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research revealed that athletes receiving combined PRP and long-duration ultrasound treatment returned to play 21.33 days faster than those treated with PRP alone, alongside experiencing less pain and better health outcomes.

R. H.

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