sur Zomedica Corp. (NASDAQ:ZOM)

Zomedica Bolsters Intellectual Property with New Patents for TRUFORMA Platform

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Zomedica Corp. (EBR:ZOM).

Zomedica Corp., a key player in veterinary health, announced the issuance of three new patents which enhance the protection of its TRUFORMA diagnostic platform. These patents expand Zomedica's already robust intellectual property portfolio, focusing on innovations that improve diagnostic accuracy and utility in veterinary practices.

The TRUFORMA system uses advanced Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) technology to provide reference laboratory accuracy at the point of care. This technology is designed to support quicker and more accurate diagnostic responses, thus enabling better health management in equine and companion animals.

The new patents specifically protect advancements in the disposable cartridges used in the TRUFORMA system, ensuring enhanced functionality and broader diagnostic capabilities. These developments allow for the detection of a variety of health conditions efficiently, supporting veterinarians in delivering high-quality care.

Zomedica's continuous innovations underscore its commitment to the veterinary health sector, promising to elevate the standard of care provided to animals. With these new patents, Zomedica aims to extend its influence and effectiveness in the market, ensuring sustained growth and competitiveness in a multi-billion dollar industry.

R. P.

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