sur Zomedica Corp. (NASDAQ:ZOM)
Zomedica Enhances TRUFORMA Assay for Improved Equine PPID Diagnosis

Zomedica Corp, specializing in veterinary health, has announced an update to its TRUFORMA biosensor platform. The enhanced endogenous ACTH assay now offers advanced capabilities for measuring eACTH in equine plasma. The update allows veterinarians to quantify both full-length endogenous ACTH and Corticotropin-Like Intermediate Peptide (CLIP). This marks a significant advancement in diagnosing Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID) in horses.
CLIP, a byproduct of ACTH, can now be measured alongside ACTH, giving a composite value comparable to traditional lab results. This innovation offers quick, point-of-care diagnostic potential for equine veterinarians.
Dr. T.J. Barclay from Zomedica emphasized the assay's role in advancing PPID research, while Dr. Kelsey Hart highlighted its potential to deepen understanding of equine health conditions. This marks a pivotal step in equine diagnostics.
R. P.
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