sur Zomedica Corp. (NASDAQ:ZOM)

Zomedica Relocates Headquarters to Boost Efficiency and Cut Costs

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Zomedica Corp. (EBR:ZOM).

Zomedica Corp., a veterinary health company, has moved its headquarters to a new facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This relocation aims to support its growth while reducing overhead costs significantly. According to Larry Heaton, Zomedica's CEO, the new space will accommodate a growing team and reduce lease expenses. The company expects annual cost savings of over $200,000.

The prior lease in Ann Arbor expired at the end of January 2025, prompting Zomedica to reduce its headquarters' square footage by 19% and cut base annual rent by approximately 50%. Scott Jordan, Zomedica's CFO, highlighted that these savings will accelerate the company's path to profitability by allowing capital to be reinvested into the business.

Zomedica continues to prioritize strategic decisions for its long-term success while aiming to enhance innovation and growth in providing veterinary solutions.

R. E.

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