Access to information in respect of the General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on June 6, 2024


On May 3, 2024


Access to information in respect of the 

General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on June 6, 2024


The shareholders of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain are invited to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary) to be held on June 6, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. (Paris time) at Salle Pleyel, 252 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France.

The notice of meeting and the convening notice (which include the agenda of the meeting and the draft resolutions) were published in the French BALO (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires) dated respectively April 3, 2024 and May 3, 2024. The rules governing shareholders’ participation and vote at the meeting are described in the abovementioned notices.

Information and documents provided for by Article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code have been made available to shareholders since the convening of the meeting in compliance with applicable regulations:

-       each holder of registered shares (actions détenues au nominatif) is entitled to request from the Company to receive such information and documents until the fifth day (included) before the meeting. Holders of bearer shares (actions détenues au porteur) must provide a registration certificate (attestation d’inscription) to be issued by their financial intermediary to exercise this right. Such requests should be sent either by email (preferable option) to the following address: or by mail to the registered office of the Company: Tour Saint-Gobain, 12 place de l’Iris, 92400 Courbevoie, France;

-       each shareholder is entitled to consult such information and documents at the registered office of the Company during the 15-day period preceding the meeting.

Documents and information relating to the meeting referred to in article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code are available on the Company’s website at the following address:

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain

“Tour Saint-Gobain” • 12, place de l’Iris • 92400 Courbevoie • France • Phone +33 (0)1 88 54 00 00 •

A French Société anonyme with a share capital of €2,025,752,048 • 542 039 532 R.C.S Nanterre • APE 7010 Z

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