Icade - 2024 Half-Year Financial Report
KEY FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
PERFORMANCE OF THE GROUP’S BUSINESS ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................... 8
1. H1 2024 highlights ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
2. FY 2024 guidance unchanged .................................................................................................................................... 11
3. Disposal of the Healthcare business: update ............................................................................................................. 12
4. Analysis of consolidated results as of June 30, 2024 ................................................................................................. 12
5. Performance by business line as of June 30, 2024 .................................................................................................... 15
6. Financial structure ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
7. CSR commitments ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
EPRA REPORTING.............................................................................................................................................................. 26
1. EPRA net asset value .................................................................................................................................................. 29
2. EPRA earnings from Property Investment ................................................................................................................. 29
3. EPRA LTV ratio ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
4. EPRA yield – Property Investment ............................................................................................................................. 31
5. EPRA vacancy rate – Property Investment ................................................................................................................. 32
6. EPRA cost ratio – Property Investment ...................................................................................................................... 32
7. EPRA investments – Property Investment ................................................................................................................. 33
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 34
1. The Icade Group’s segmented income statement ..................................................................................................... 36
2. Property Investment Division .................................................................................................................................... 38
3. Debt structure ............................................................................................................................................................ 43
4. Events after the reporting period .............................................................................................................................. 44
5. Risk factors ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
6. Review of the Group’s indicators in H1 2024 ............................................................................................................. 44
7. Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 46
GOVERNANCE ................................................................................................................................................................... 52
1. Changes in composition of the Board of Directors and its committees as of June 30, 2024 ..................................... 54
2. Composition of the Executive Committee ................................................................................................................. 57
CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF JUNE 30, 2024 ................................................................ 58
Consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024 ............................................................................................. 60
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024 ...................................................... 64
Statutory Auditors’ report on the half-year financial information .......................................................................... 105
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the condensed consolidated financial statements for the past half-year have been drawn up in accordance with applicable accounting standards, and give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial position, and profits and losses of the Company, and of all the companies included in its scope of consolidation; and that the attached half-year management report presents a true and fair view of the major events that took place in the first half of the year, their impact on the financial statements, the main related-party transactions, and a description of the main risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year.
Issy-les-Moulineaux, July 22, 2024
Nicolas Joly
Chief Executive Officer
Key figures
Following a review of the Group’s indicators as of June 30, 2024, Chapter 4 of this document includes a table showing all the changes made as of June 30, 2024 and their relatively minor impact on the results as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023. A detailed glossary showing how each indicator is calculated has also been provided.
Key financial data 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change (%)
Net current cash flow from strategic operations (in €m) | 111.1 | 111.2 | (0.1%) | |
in € per share | 1.47 | 1.47 | (0.0%) | |
Group Net Current Cash Flow (in €m) | 169.0 | 206.3 | (18.1%) | |
in € per share | 2.23 | 2.72 | (18.1%) | |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group (in €m) | (180.5) | (475.4) | N/A |
Property Investment Division
06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change
Gross rental income (in €m) | 187.8 | 181.1 | +3.7% |
Gross rental income on a like-for-like basis (in €m) | 184.9 | 177.6 | +4.1% |
Net to gross rental income ratio (in %) | 89.9% | 88.9% | +1.0 pps |
EPRA earnings (in €m) | 125.4 | 91.4 | +37.2% |
Net current cash flow (in €m) | 134.6 | 99.6 | +35.2% |
Change /
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | change |
Portfolio value excluding duties (100% + Group share of JVs) | 6,614.4 | 6,846.9 | (3.4%) / (3.8%) |
EPRA net initial yield | 5.2% | 5.3% | (0.1) pps / N/A |
Distribution of the Property Investment portfolio (100% + Group share of JVs) | Distribution of the office portfolio (100% + Group share of JVs) |
1 Mainly consisting of shops and hotels
2 Offices not part of any business park: €4.2bn (88%) / Offices located in business parks: €0.6bn (12%)
3 Offices not part of any business park: €0.5bn (68%) / Offices located in business parks: €0.2bn (32%)
Property Development Division
| 06/30/2024 | 06/30/2023 | Change | |||
Economic revenue (in €m) | 582.9 | 583.4 | (0.1%) | |||
Current economic operating margin (in %) | -3.1% | 5.5% | (8.6) pps | |||
Net current cash flow (in €m) | (20.9) | 13.6 | N/A | |||
Debt indicators
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (€m) | Change | ||
EPRA NDV (in €m) | 5,180.5 | 5,565.5 | (385.0) | (6.9%) | ||
EPRA NTA (in €m) | 4,744.9 | 5,098.0 | (353.1) | (6.9%) | ||
EPRA NRV (in €m) Per share amounts | 5,091.5 | 5,447.3 12/31/2023 | (355.8) Change (€) | (6.5%) Change (%) | ||
06/30/2024 | ||||||
EPRA NDV (in €) | 68.3 | 73.3 | (5.0) | (6.8%) | ||
EPRA NTA (in €) | 62.6 | 67.2 | (4.6) | (6.8%) | ||
EPRA NRV (in €) | 67.2 | 71.8 | (4.6) | (6.4%) |
06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change
LTV ratio (including duties) | 35.9% | 33.5% | +2.4 pps |
LTV ratio (excluding duties) | 37.7% | 35.1% | +2.6 pps |
ICR | 34.0x | 5.6x | +28.4 pps |
Net debt-to-EBITDA ratio plus dividends from equity-accounted companies and unconsolidated companies | 11.4x | 7.0x | +4.4 pps |
Average cost of debt | 1.52% | 1.60% | (0.1) pps |
Share capital
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | 06/30/2023 |
Number of shares (including treasury shares) | 76,234,545 | 76,234,545 | 76,234,545 |
Number of fully diluted shares | 75,813,248 | 75,891,439 | 75,845,951 |
Weighted average number fully diluted shares | 75,831,110 | 75,853,489 | 75,847,290 |
Ownership structure as of 06/30/2024
1. H1 2024 highlights
1.1. First concrete actions to implement the ReShapE strategic plan
In February 2024, Icade presented ReShapE, its new strategic plan to 2028 aimed at addressing the new challenges of designing the city of 2050. This new plan builds on the synergies that exist between the Company’s Property Investment and Property Development Divisions. In response to the profound changes in the way we live and work in our buildings and neighbourhoods, as well as the major climate-related challenges facing society, Icade has set the following four strategic priorities:
• further adapting the office portfolio to changes in demand: resilience of existing supply, conversion and/or disposal of specific assets and increased pipeline selectivity;
• accelerating portfolio diversification in line with the growing need for mixed uses: light industrial units, student residences and data centers;
• building the city of 2050 to be diverse, innovative and sustainable;
• maintaining a strong financial structure through a balanced allocation of capital by financing valuecreating projects and helping to reduce the Group’s debt.
In H1 2024, Icade placed strong emphasis on the conversion of assets to be repositioned as they do not meet new market expectations. These assets represented 12% of the office portfolio as of June 30, 2024 vs. 14% as of December 31, 2023.
In particular, in H1 the Property Investment Division sold two assets to the Property Development Division for conversion into housing.
• Icade Promotion acquired the Arcade office building with a view to creating a new flagship neighbourhood, Le Carré Haussmann, to be jointly developed alongside SEMPRO, an urban planning agency based in Le Plessis-Robinson. This neighbourhood, comprising shops and 650 homes, is aiming for the top environmental certifications, thanks in particular to 4,735 sq.m of depaved and green surfaces and a large pool of water to reduce the heat island effect on the site. The units are already on the market, with work on the first phase (251 homes) due to start in late 2024 and completion scheduled for 2026.
• On July 16, Icade Promotion completed the acquisition of a nearly 8,900-sq.m office tower in the centre of Lyon with a view to converting it into 101 high-end housing units by the end of 2026. Sales on this project have been brisk with orders from individuals and 47 social housing units sold in bulk in July 2024 to social landlord Lyon Métropole Habitat.
In addition, Icade is also making progress, in line with its objectives, on its announced plans to diversify its asset portfolio:
• building permit application filed in Q2 2024 to develop a 17,100-sq.m light industrial building in Rungis (Ottawa);
• building permit obtained in March 2024 to develop the City Park student residence in Levallois-Perret;
• construction started on a data center to be leased by Equinix in the Portes de Paris business park (scheduled for completion in Q3 2025) and grid connection offer received for a project to build a 130-MW hyperscale data centre in the Paris Orly-Rungis business park (scheduled for completion in 2031).
Lastly, Icade is helping to build the city of 2050 through large-scale mixed-use projects that illustrate Icade Promotion’s expertise such as:
• La Plateforme digital campus in Marseille on which construction has started representing c. €53m in revenue, scheduled for completion in September 2026;
• the 30,000-sq.m PIOM industrial and technology campus in Montpellier, completed in June 2024.
1.2. Dividend up +11.8% for the financial year 2023
On April 19, 2024, the General Meeting unanimously approved a dividend of €4.84 per share for the financial year 2023, an increase of +11.8% on the 2022 dividend, and including €2.54 per share from the completed first stage of the disposal of the Healthcare business in 2023.
The dividend yield stood at 13.6% based on the share price as of December 29, 2023.
Following the payment on March 6, 2024 of an interim dividend of 50%, i.e. €2.42 per share, the balance of the dividend, i.e. €2.42 per share, was paid in cash on July 4, 2024 (with an ex-dividend date of July 2, 2024).
1.3. First company in Europe to submit two resolutions on climate and biodiversity, which were widely approved at the General Meeting
At the April 19, 2024 General Meeting, Icade set itself apart by being the first listed company in Europe to submit two separate resolutions on climate and biodiversity to the vote of its shareholders:
• the Say on Climate resolution on the Group’s 2023 results in terms of reducing carbon intensity (-35% for Property Investment and -12% for Property Development over the 2019–2023 period) and reducing the Group’s CO2 emissions (-21% in absolute terms over the 2019–2023 period), in line with the 1.5°C pathway approved by the SBTi; and
• the Say on Biodiversity resolution on the progress made by the Group in preserving biodiversity, including (i) the measurement of the proportion of development projects with a positive impact on nature upon completion (52% of projects launched in 2023) and (ii) the measurement of biodiversity indicators for business parks (impact on soil, fauna, flora, water, etc.).
These two resolutions were approved by a very wide margin: the Say on Climate resolution by 99.30% and the Say on Biodiversity resolution by 98.65%.
2. FY 2024 guidance unchanged
Based on the Group’s results as of June 30, 2024 and expectations for H2 and amid political uncertainty in France over the last few weeks, Icade reaffirms its guidance of a total Net Current Cash Flow of between €3.55 and €3.70 per share for FY 2024, made up of (i) Net Current Cash Flow from strategic operations of between €2.75 and €2.90 per share and (ii) Net Current Cash Flow from discontinued operations of c. €0.80 per share.
The main underlying assumptions are as follows:
• lower growth in the Property Investment business in H2 2024 due to the planned departure of certain tenants and lower short-term investment income;
• stabilisation in the Property Development business, following a major adjustment resulting in significant write-downs in H1;
• Net Current Cash Flow from discontinued operations has already been secured at 95% thanks to the income recognised by Icade (€58m) in H1 2024 in connection with its remaining interest in the Healthcare business.
3. Disposal of the Healthcare business: update
In 2023, following the signing of a sale and purchase agreement with Primonial REIM (now called Præmia REIM) and the minority shareholders of both Icade Santé (now called Præmia Healthcare) and Icade Healthcare Europe (now called IHE Healthcare Europe), Icade announced the three-stage disposal of its Healthcare business.
Since that time, Præmia REIM has been responsible for managing all of the property assets held by Icade Santé and IHE. The sale of the Healthcare business resulted in its deconsolidation from the Group in July 2023.
Stage 1 of the transaction, completed in July 2023, involved the sale of 63% of Icade’s stake in Icade Santé to Præmia REIM and Sogecap for a total amount of €1.45bn. The capital gain on this first stage of the disposal generated a mandatory dividend of €5.08 per share, of which €2.54 paid in 2024.
In an environment not very favourable to investment (high interest rates, falling inflows into French SCPI property funds, pressure on asset values), the Group has continued discussions with Præmia REIM and other investors and maintained its strategy of selling its stake in the Healthcare business, in accordance with the terms of the agreements.
Stage 2 consists of the sale of Icade’s remaining stake in Præmia Healthcare[1], for an amount estimated at c. €0.8bn[2] as of June 30, 2024. The Group aims to complete stage 2 by the end of 2025.
This may be done in stages through:
• the acquisition of additional shares by Præmia REIM using the inflows into the CapSanté fund;
• and/or the purchase of Icade’s remaining shares by third-party institutional investors.
Stage 3 involves the sale of IHE’s international portfolio (Italy, Portugal and Germany), which represents c. €0.5bn5 in proceeds to be received by Icade[3] based on its valuation as of June 30, 2024, including €194m for a shareholder loan between Icade and IHE. The Group aims to complete stage 3 by the end of 2026. As such, a process to sell the Italian asset portfolio is underway.
4. Analysis of consolidated results as of June 30, 2024
¨ Stable Net Current Cash Flow from strategic operations, driven by the performance of the Property Investment Division
¨ Improved net finance expense
¨ EPRA NTA down by -6.9%, mainly due to a moderate fall in asset values compared to December 2023
As part of its ongoing efforts to improve the transparency of its financial reporting, the Group reviewed its indicators in H1 2024 and asked a panel of investors and analysts for their opinion.
In view of the comments received, industry recommendations, in particular from the European Public Real Estate Association, and best market practices, two changes have been made to provide more relevant information:
• the scope of calculation of certain indicators has been adjusted to reflect the IFRS scope of consolidation, plus the share of joint ventures;
• the methodology for calculating certain Group indicators has been updated.
In the appendices to the 2024 Half-Year Results press release (and in Chapter 4 of the Half-Year Financial Report), you will find a table showing all the changes made as of June 30, 2024 and their relatively minor impact on the results as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023. A detailed glossary has also been provided.
(in €m) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change (€m) Change (%)
Gross rental income | 187.8 | 181.1 | 6.8 | +3.7% | |
Property Development revenue | 503.2 | 507.3 | (4.2) | (0.8%) | |
Other | 7.9 | 8.3 | (0.4) | (4.4%) | |
Total IFRS consolidated revenue | 698.9 | 696.6 | 2.3 | +0.3% | |
Other income from operating activities (a) | 80.4 | 90.5 | (10.1) | (11.2%) | |
Income from operating activities | 779.3 | 787.1 | (7.9) | (1.0%) | |
Expenses from operating activities | (712.2) | (632.3) | (79.9) | +12.6% | |
EBITDA | 67.1 | 154.8 | (87.7) | (56.7%) | |
OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | (222.0) | (441.1) | 219.1 | (49.7%) | |
FINANCE INCOME/(EXPENSE) | (6.7) | (44.6) | 37.9 | (85.0%) | |
Tax expense | 26.1 | (1.2) | 27.2 | N/A | |
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations | (202.6) | (486.8) | 284.2 | (58.4%) | |
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations (b) | (0.5) | 39.9 | (40.4) | N/A | |
Net profit/(loss) | (203.2) | (447.0) | 243.8 | (54.5%) | |
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP | (180.5) | (475.4) | 294.9 | (62.0%) |
(a) Other income from operating activities mainly consists of service charges recharged to tenants.
(b) As of June 30, 2023, in accordance with IFRS 5, the net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group for the Healthcare Property Division in H1 2023 was classified under “Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations” in the Group’s financial statements.
As of June 30, 2024, the Group’s consolidated IFRS revenue was stable at nearly €699m despite still challenging markets. Gross rental income from the Property Investment Division rose by +3.7% to €187.8m, driven by index-linked rent reviews, while revenue from the Property Development Division remained broadly stable at €503.2m (-0.8%), thanks to the sale of residential units from the backlog built up by the end of 2023.
EBITDA fell significantly as of June 30, 2024 to €67.1m, compared with €154.8m over the same period in 2023, taking into account €85m of impairment losses on development projects in the portfolio. Against the backdrop of an unfavourable market environment and given the downward pressure on bulk sale prices in H1, Icade carried out a comprehensive review of the projects in order to adjust the economics of projects launched to the new economic environment, reconfigure certain projects or discontinue the most uncertain or least profitable among them.
This impact was partly offset by the careful management of operating costs.
The improvement in operating profit/(loss) includes the effect of the moderate drop in the fair value of investment property in H1 2024 to -€268.5m vs. -€565m in H1 2023.
The finance expense fell significantly thanks to the combined effect of (i) keeping the cost of debt down to 1.52% as of June 30, 2024, (ii) the increase in short-term investment income of +€19m compared with the same period last year and (iii) income from the remaining stake in the Healthcare business (€48m in dividends and €9m in interest on the shareholder loan granted to Icade Healthcare Europe (IHE), and (iv) a €13m cash adjustment recognised as a result of a bond buyback.
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group amounted to -€180.5m, an improvement on the June 2023 figure (-€475.4m), due in particular to a smaller change in the value of investment property as of June 30, 2024 than at the same period last year.
Given the sale of the Healthcare business, Icade reports Group Net Current Cash Flow comprising (i) Net Current Cash Flow from strategic operations, i.e. Property Investment and Property Development, and (ii) Net Current Cash Flow from discontinued operations, i.e. the remaining investment in the Healthcare business.
(In €m) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change (€m) Change (%)
Net current cash flow from Property Investment (1) | 134.6 | 99.6 | 35.0 | +35.2% | |
Net current cash flow from Property Development (2) | (20.9) | 13.6 | (34.5) | N/A | |
Net current cash flow from intersegment transactions and other items (3) (A) Net current cash flow from strategic operations (1+2+3) | (2.6) | (2.0) 111.2 | (0.6) (0.1) | +30.6% (0.1%) | |
111.1 | |||||
(B) Net current cash flow from discontinued operations Group Net Current Cash Flow (A+B) | 57.8 | 95.1 206.3 | (37.3) (37.4) | (39.2%) (18.1%) | |
169.0 |
Group Net Current Cash Flow fell by -18.1% to €169m as of June 30, 2024.
Net current cash flow from strategic operations remained stable at €111.1m compared to June 30, 2023. This is the result of differences in performance between the business lines:
• The Property Investment Division’s Net Current Cash Flow rose sharply to €134.6m (up +€35m on H1 2023), thanks to higher rental income, lower expenses and operating costs, and the lower finance expense.
• The Property Development business had a negative Net Current Cash Flow of -€20.9m (-€34.5m lower than in H1 2023) due to the recognition of significant impairment losses on projects in the portfolio. Excluding the impact of these provisions, Net Current Cash Flow from Property Development as of June 30, 2024 would be €13.1m, similar to H1 2023.
Net current cash flow from discontinued operations fell sharply with respect to June 30, 2023, from €95.1m to €57.8m. Since the deconsolidation of the Healthcare business, it consists of dividends from Praemia Healthcare and IHE Healthcare Europe as well as interest received on a shareholder loan granted by the Group to IHE.
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (€m) | Change |
EPRA NDV (in €m) | 5,180.5 | 5,565.5 | (385.0) | (6.9%) |
EPRA NTA (in €m) | 4,744.9 | 5,098.0 | (353.1) | (6.9%) |
EPRA NRV (in €m) | 5,091.5 | 5,447.3 | (355.8) | (6.5%) |
LTV ratio (including duties) | 35.9% | 33.5% | +2.4 pps | |
Per share amounts | 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (€) | Change (%) |
EPRA NDV (in €) | 68.3 | 73.3 | (5.0) | (6.8%) |
EPRA NTA (in €) | 62.6 | 67.2 | (4.6) | (6.8%) |
EPRA NRV (in €) | 67.2 | 71.8 | (4.6) | (6.4%) |
The Group’s EPRA NDV stood at €5,181m (€68.3 per share), down -6.9% compared to December 31, 2023 (€5,566m or €73.3 per share), mainly due to the combined effects of the following:
• the H1 loss of -€181m, i.e. -€2.4 per share (including the impact of the decrease in the value of the Property Investment portfolio of -€3.3 per share);
• the payment of an interim dividend of -€183m, i.e. -€2.4 per share;
• the -€46m reduction, i.e. -€0.6 per share, in the fair value of fixed rate debt during the period.
The Group’s EPRA NTA amounted to €4,745m (€62.6 per share), down -6.9% compared to December 31, 2023 due to the net loss in H1 and the payment of the interim dividend.
Lastly, the Group’s EPRA NRV stood at €5,092m as of June 30, 2024 (€67.2 per share), generally following the same downward trend, for the same reasons, with -6.5% year-on-year.
The LTV ratio including duties as of June 30, 2024 stood at 35.9%, up +2.4 pps compared to 2023, mainly due to (i) the lower value of the property portfolio excluding duties (+1 pp) and (ii) higher net debt (+1.2 pps).
5. Performance by business line as of June 30, 2024
5.1. Property Investment Division: higher rental income and Net Current Cash Flow, moderate drop in property values
¨ Gross rental income up by +4.1% like-for-like, driven by index-linked rent reviews (+5.5%), and a sharp increase in Net Current Cash Flow of +35.2%
¨ Dynamic leasing activity: leases covering c. 56,000 sq.m signed or renewed
¨ Moderate drop in asset values of -3.8% like-for-like after a sharp adjustment in 2023
¨ Solid operating indicators for well-positioned offices and light industrial assets: rental income up +6.4% and +7.8% like-for-like respectively, financial occupancy rate over 90% and a moderate change in asset values of -3.7% and +0.7% like-for-like respectively
Key financial data
(in €m) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change
Gross rental income | 187.8 | 181.1 | +3.7% |
Gross rental income on a like-for-like basis | 184.9 | 177.6 | +4.1% |
Net rental income | 168.9 | 161.0 | +4.9% |
Net to gross rental income ratio | 89.9% | 88.9% | +1.0 pps |
EPRA earnings | 125.4 | 91.4 | +37.2% |
Net Current Cash Flow | 134.6 | 99.6 | +35.2% |
Investments | 83.1 | 121.8 | (31.8%) |
Disposals * | - | 88.7 | N/A |
* These figures do not include intercompany disposals.
(in €m) | 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | change (%) |
Portfolio value excluding duties (100% + Group share of JVs) | 6,614.4 | 6,846.9 | (3.8%) |
Key operational information
| 06/30/2024 | 06/30/2023 | Change |
Leasing activity (leases signed or renewed) in sq.m | 55,785 | 100,206 | (44.3%) |
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change |
EPRA vacancy rate | 14.3% | 13.1% | 1.2 pps |
EPRA net initial yield | 5.2% | 5.3% | (0.1) pps |
Financial occupancy rate | 87.2% | 87.9% | (0.7) pps |
Weighted average unexpired lease term to first break (in years) | 3.5 | 3.6 | (0.1) years |
5.1.1. Robust leasing activity with almost 56,000 sq.m signed or renewed
In H1 2024, 51 leases covering almost 56,000 sq.m were signed or renewed, representing €16.3m in annualised headline rental income, with a WAULT to break of 6.3 years. This volume is split evenly between new leases and renewals.
Leasing activity as of June 30, 2024 should be interpreted in the light of the record performance achieved in 2023. H1 leasing activity also reflects a number of market trends:
• Resumption of transactions exceeding 5,000 sq.m. In particular, Icade (i) extended an 8,400-sq.m lease with Planeta Formation et Universités in Pont de Flandre for a further 3 years, taking the lease term to first break to 7 years, and (ii) renewed the 6,500-sq.m lease in the Monet building in Saint-Denis with SNCF for 6 years.
• Demand still strong for assets meeting the highest standards in conveniently located areas. As a result, 85% of leases signed or renewed in the office segment were for well-positioned assets (i.e. c. 37,000 sq.m). For example, Schneider Electric has signed an additional 3,700 sq.m in the Edenn building in NanterrePréfecture, next to the RER E station, for 9 years with no break option.
• Dynamic activity in the light industrial segment. Nearly 9,000 sq.m were signed or renewed, i.e. 16% of total volume, including more than 5,000 sq.m in the Paris Orly-Rungis business park and c. 3,000 sq.m in the Portes de Paris business park.
In H1 2024, space vacated represented c. €16.4m in annualised headline rental income, including Crédit Lyonnais’s departure from the Tolbiac building in Villejuif, and Thales and ESI Group in Rungis. For the leases having a break or expiry in H2, tenant departures already notified to Icade as of June 30, 2024 represented over €30m in annualised rental income, including €10m for the Pulse building in Saint-Denis, currently occupied by the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games.
Weighted average unexpired lease
Financial occupancy rate* (%)
term* (years)
Asset classes 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
90.6% | 91.0% | (0.4) pps |
| 3.7 |
69.3% | 71.4% | (2.1) pps |
| 1.9 |
86.5% | 87.1% | (0.6) pps | 3.4 | |
90.5% | 92.1% | (1.6) pps | 3.2 | |
90.4% | 90.5% | (0.1) pps |
| 5.2 |
87.2% | 87.9% | (0.7) pps | 3.5 |
Offices – well-positioned 3.9
Offices – to be repositioned 1.9
Light industrial 3.1
Other 5.4
(*) 100% + Group share of joint ventures.
The financial occupancy rate stood at 87.2% as of June 30, 2024, down -0.7 pps compared with December 31, 2023 due to tenant departures in H1 2024. The decline in the occupancy rate mainly concerns offices to be repositioned, with the financial occupancy rate in the well-positioned office and light industrial segments remaining above 90%.
5.1.2. Targeted capital allocation and diversified pipeline
As of June 30, 2024, investments stood at €83.1m7, down by -32% compared with H1 2023. However, this decrease as of June 30 due to construction delays on some projects in H1 2024 should be partly offset in H2.
Investments focused primarily on well-positioned office properties (€65.1m) and were used to finance projects under development (€53.0m) such as Edenn and Next. Other investments relate mainly to operational capex of €30m, including renovation work, work to improve the energy performance of buildings and lease incentives.
In July 2024, the Property Investment Division signed preliminary agreements to sell two office properties in Marseille for a total of c. €44.5m, in line with NAV as of June 30, 2024. These transactions reflect the liquidity of core and small assets on the investment market, with yields of around 6%.
In addition, as previously indicated, the Property Investment Division sold two office properties to be repositioned to the Property Development Division for a total of €66m, in line with NAV as of December 31, 2023, with these properties to be converted into residential units.
7 See the breakdown of investments in the EPRA reporting section of the appendices to the 2024 Half-Year Results press release (or in chapter 3 of the 2024 Half-Year Financial Report).
As of June 30, 2024, projects started represented a limited total investment volume of €907m, of which €288m has not yet been paid out, and additional annualised rental income of €45m including €21m by the end of 2025, with leases secured for 82% of this amount.
The pipeline is particularly well secured, with three of the four projects to be completed over the next 18 months fully pre-let. In addition, the pre-letting of the Edenn office asset continued in H1, with Schneider Electric signing an expansion of its future lease to include additional space, bringing pre-let space in the building to 71%.
The projects are diversified and meet the guidelines set out in the ReShapE strategic plan. With the 29-33 ChampsÉlysées, Edenn and Next projects, the pipeline is helping to adapt the office portfolio to changing demand, while the data center projects in the Portes de Paris business park and the hotel project in Rungis are helping to diversify the portfolio.
In line with the Group’s CSR goals, Icade aims for all its projects under development to obtain the very best certifications (HQE and BREEAM Excellent) or to be aligned with EU Taxonomy criteria.
5.1.3. Moderate drop in asset values
(Excluding duties in €m, 100% + Group share of Fair value as of Fair value as of Change on a Like-for-like JVs) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change (€m) reported basis (%) change (%)
TOTAL | 6,614.4 | 6,846.9 | (232.5) | (3.4%) | (3.8%) |
Offices | 5,475.2 | 5,697.4 | (222.2) | (3.9%) | (4.1%) |
Offices – well-positioned | 4,805.0 | 4,925.5 | (120.5) | (2.4%) | (3.7%) |
Offices – to be repositioned | 670.2 | 771.8 | (101.7) | (13.2%) | (7.3%) |
Light industrial | 715.8 | 705.2 | +10.6 | +1.5% | +0.7% |
Land | 115.4 | 125.1 | (9.7) | (7.7%) | (8.4%) |
Other (a) | 307.9 | 319.2 | (11.3) | (3.5%) | (5.4%) |
(a) Mainly includes hotel and retail assets.
As of June 30, 2024, the value of the Property Investment portfolio stood at €6.6bn excluding duties, compared with €6.8bn at the end of 2023, down -3.4% on a reported basis.
Following a major adjustment in asset values in 2023 (-17.9%8), the portfolio saw a moderate decline in value of -3.8% like-for-like in H1 2024, despite continuing disparities across asset types:
• The value of light industrial premises once again saw positive growth, with a slight increase of +0.7% on a like-for-like basis, supported by the stabilisation of the main appraisal parameters (estimated rental value and yield) and by index-linked rent reviews.
• The value of well-positioned offices fell by just -3.7%, with the adverse impact of residual yield decompression partially offset by the positive effect of additional rental income (EDF lease in Origine, Schneider lease in Edenn).
• Offices to be repositioned remain the asset class most exposed to value corrections, with an additional fall of -7.3% in H1 2024, for a cumulative -46% over the last 24 months.
8 100% + Group share of JVs
5.1.4. Strong growth in Net Current Cash Flow (NCCF) of +35.2%
(in €m) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change (€m) Change
Recurring items:
GROSS RENTAL INCOME | 187.8 | 181.1 | +6.8 | +3.7% |
NET RENTAL INCOME | 168.9 | 161.0 | +7.9 | +4.9% |
Net to gross rental income ratio | 89.9% | 88.9% | N/A | +1 pp |
Net operating costs | (20.1) | (23.1) | +3.0 | (12.8%) |
RECURRING EBITDA | 148.8 | 137.9 | +10.9 | +7.9% |
Depreciation of operating assets | (8.8) | (7.6) | (1.2) | +16.1% |
RECURRING OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | 140.5 | 131.0 | +9.5 | +7.3% |
Cost of net debt | (8.0) | (31.6) | +23.6 | (74.7%) |
Other finance income and expenses | (3.4) | (3.9) | +0.4 | (10.8%) |
RECURRING FINANCE INCOME/(EXPENSE) | (11.4) | (35.5) | +24.0 | (67.8%) |
Tax expense | (0.3) | (0.3) | +0.0 | (11.3%) |
EPRA EARNINGS ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP | 125.4 | 91.4 | +34.0 | +37.2% |
Non-current recurring items (a) | 9.2 | 8.2 | +1.0 | +12.4% |
NET CURRENT CASH FLOW ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP | 134.6 | 99.6 | +35.0 | +35.2% |
Non-current items (b) | (248.5) | (545.3) | +296.8 | (54.4%) |
IFRS NET PROFIT/(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP | (113.9) | (445.7) | +331.8 | (74.4%) |
(a) “Non-current recurring items” relate to the depreciation of operating assets and the IFRS 2 charge relating to bonus share plans.
(b) “Non-current items” include the change in fair value of investment property, gains or losses on disposals, fair value adjustments to financial instruments, and other non-current items.
Net current cash flow from Property Investment rose by a solid +35.2% to €134.6m, driven by (i) higher rental income, particularly from well-positioned offices and light industrial premises, (ii) profit margins and operating costs kept under control, and (iii) the lower finance expense.
Leasing activity
Offices – well-positioned Offices – to be repositioned | 117.3 31.5 | 7.5 (2.8) | 1.2 | 27.4 | +7.4% (12.8%) | +6.4% (9.5%) |
(1.2) | ||||||
SUBTOTAL OFFICES | 148.8 | 4.6 | 0.1 | 153.5 | +3.2% | +3.2% |
Light industrial Other | 23.0 10.4 | 1.8 1.1 | - | 24.7 10.9 | +7.8% +5.4% | +7.8% +12.3% |
(0.6) | ||||||
Intra-group transactions from Property Investment | (1.0) | (0.3) | - | (1.3) | +26.0% | +27.1% |
GROSS RENTAL INCOME | 181.1 | 7.3 | (0.5) | 187.8 | +3.7% | +4.1% |
and index-linked Total Like-for-like (in €m)
rent reviews * Other **
change (%) change (%)
(*) “Leasing activity and index-linked rent reviews” includes early termination fees.
(**) “Other” includes the impact of changes in scope of consolidation (acquisitions, disposals, pipeline).
Gross rental income from the Property Investment Division amounted to €187.8m as of June 30, 2024, up +€6.8m compared to June 30, 2023, i.e. +3.7% on a reported basis and +4.1% like-for-like, including +1.2% from early termination fees. The impact of changes in the scope of consolidation was only -€0.5m in H1.
Growth was mainly driven by index-linked rent reviews (+5.5%), partly offset by the effect of tenant departures (-1.2%) and negative reversion on renewals (-0.2%).
Performance varied according to asset class, with growth outstripping index-linked rent reviews in the well-positioned office and light industrial segments, at +6.4% and +7.8% like-for-like, respectively, compared with H1 2023.
Net rental income from Property Investment amounted to €168.9m, up +€7.9m compared to June 30, 2023 (+4.9%), positively impacted by a one-off decrease in energy costs, which were lower than expected in 2023. The rent collection rate as of June 30, 2024 remained high at 97%, reflecting an excellent tenant base, nearly 85% of which comprises large companies, middle-market companies and public sector companies.
Lastly, finance income/(expense) for Property Investment improved by +€24.1m due in particular to (i) higher shortterm investment income (+€16.3m) and (ii) a lower cost of gross debt (-€7.3m).
5.2. Property Development: operational performance reflecting adjustment to market conditions
¨ Volume of orders for homes sold individually down -6% in a market down -21%[4]
¨ Bulk sales up by +5% but on less favourable financial terms (-5% in value terms)
¨ Revenue stable, but bottom line impacted by significant impairment losses of €63m after tax on projects in the portfolio
¨ Continued selective policy for launching new projects
Key financial data
06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change
Economic revenue (in €m) | 582.9 | 583.4 | (0.1%) | |
Residential | 456.8 | 424.8 | +7.5% | |
Commercial | 116.7 | 156.3 | (25.4%) | |
Other revenue | 9.5 | 2.3 | N/A | |
Current economic operating margin (in %) | -3.1% | 5.5% | (8.6) pps | |
Net current cash flow (in €m) | (20.9) | 13.6 | N/A |
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (%) |
WCR (in €m) | 498.6 | 571.2 | (12.7%) |
Net debt (in €m) | 405.5 | 391.6 | +3.5% |
Key operational information
| 06/30/2024 | 06/30/2023 | Change (%) |
Orders in units | 2,110 | 2,129 | (0.9%) |
Orders in value terms (in €m) | 538.3 | 582.4 | (7.6%) |
| 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (%) |
Total backlog (in €m) | 1,717.9 | 1,842.0 | (6.7%) |
5.2.1. Slowdown in business despite outperforming the market
Pressure on residential prices
For the residential segment, the Property Development Division recorded 2,110 orders totalling €538m, down by a mere -1% in volume terms and -8% in value terms. Business remained strong, driven by bulk sales from institutional investors despite less favourable conditions than in 2023.
Orders for homes sold individually by the Property Development Division dropped by -6% in volume terms and -10% in value terms, outperforming the market which was down -21% year-on-year. In an unfavourable tax and financial environment, private investors still represent a relatively small proportion of investors (18% of orders as of June 30, 2024 vs. 24% as of June 30, 2023).
Despite the market showing some promising signs lately—borrowing rates have started to fall[5], the order cancellation rate of individual buyers dropped to 27% (vs. 32% as of June 30, 2023) and the time on market was down to 19 months vs. 22 months as of December 31, 2023—political events in France at the start of the summer of 2024 have caused further uncertainty about this segment’s recovery.
Bulk orders, up +5% in volume terms, continue to bolster the business, but conditions are less favourable, with prices down between -10% and -15% compared with the previous year. Institutional investors accounted for 53% of total volume, with orders for 1,116 units in H1 2024 (vs. 1,066 units year-on-year), with social landlords making up 2/3 of these investors.
Slowdown in the commercial segment
The commercial segment saw a sharp decline, with sales down -35% in value terms to €16m (vs. €25m in H1 2023). Icade Promotion nonetheless signed two preliminary off-plan agreements to sell office buildings in early July 2024 (4,200 sq.m in Villeurbanne on the site of the former Clinique du Tonkin private hospital and 4,500 sq.m in Lyon, where the Part-Dieu, Tête d’Or and Brotteaux districts intersect).
Reduction in the backlog built up at the end of 2023
The backlog as of June 30, 2024 stood at €1.7bn, down by -6.7% compared to the end of 2023. This decrease reflects (i) the relatively stable residential backlog, down -1.5% to €1.5bn and (ii) a -36% drop in the commercial backlog[6] resulting from the progress made on large-scale projects such as the Envergure complex in Romainville (SeineSaint-Denis) and Audessa in Lyon.
Over 47% of the backlog units as of June 30, 2024 have been pre-sold.
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs) | 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 | Change (€m) | Change (%) |
Secured | 810.8 | 1,064.2 | (253.4) | (23.8%) |
Unsecured | 907.1 | 777.8 | 129.3 | +16.6% |
Total | 1,717.9 | 1,842.0 | (124.1) | (6.7%) |
The secured backlog as of June 30, 2024 includes €733.2m of work still to be performed on fully consolidated entities (see note 7.1 to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024) and €77.6m of work on the Group’s share of joint ventures.
5.2.2. Business stable but results impacted by accounting for significant impairment losses following a comprehensive review of the project portfolio
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change (€m) Change
Economic revenue | 582.9 | 583.4 | (0.5) | (0.1%) |
Property Development revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis | 577.5 | 576.0 | +1.5 | +0.3% |
Cost of sales and other expenses | (535.7) | (479.2) | (56.5) | +11.8% |
Net property margin from Property Development | 41.7 | 96.8 | (55.0) | (56.9%) |
Property margin rate (net property margin / revenue on a POC basis) | 7.2% | 16.8% | N/A | (9.6) pps |
Other revenue | 5.5 | 7.4 | (1.9) | (26.0%) |
Operating costs | (66.7) | (73.7) | +7.0 | (9.5%) |
Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | 0.3 | 0.4 | (0.0) | (12.5%) |
CURRENT OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | (19.2) | 30.8 | (50.0) | N/A |
CURRENT ECONOMIC OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) (a) | (18.2) | 31.9 | (50.2) | N/A |
Current economic operating margin (current economic operating profit or loss/revenue) (a) | (3.1%) | 5.5% | N/A | (8.6) pps |
Cost of net debt | (5.3) | (9.0) | +3.7 | (41.4%) |
Other finance income and expenses | (2.3) | (1.4) | (0.9) | +68.3% |
Corporate tax | 9.6 | (5.1) | +14.6 | N/A |
Net current cash flow | (17.2) | 15.4 | (32.6) | N/A |
Net current cash flow attributable to non-controlling interests | 3.7 | 1.8 | +1.9 | N/A |
Non-current items (b) | (46.0) | (26.3) | (19.7) | N/A |
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP | (66.9) | (12.7) | (54.2) | N/A |
(a) Current operating profit/(loss) adjusted for the trademark royalties charged by Icade.
(b) “Non-current items” include depreciation charges, impairment of inventories and other non-current items.
Economic revenue from Property Development was stable at €582.9m as of June 30, 2024 (including €577.5m revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis) vs. €583.4m as of June 30, 2023, despite the uneven performance of the two segments. Indeed:
• revenue from the residential segment totalled €456.8m, up +€32m compared to H1 2023, driven by the progress made on projects in the backlog built up at the end of 2023 (€1.6bn);
• revenue from the commercial segment totalled €116.7m, down -€40m compared to H1 2023. As a reminder, H1 2023 was impacted by the opportunistic sale of an office building on rue Taitbout in Paris for €40m.
Amid a persistently challenging market environment with prices continuing to fall, in particular for bulk orders, and political uncertainty, Icade conducted a comprehensive and in-depth review of the project portfolio. This review entailed:
• for projects under construction: revising the price lists to factor in prevailing market conditions, especially for bulk sale prices;
• for projects in the pre-construction phase:
o writing down all the study costs incurred on discontinued or reconfigured projects;
o updating land values in line with the new residual values or based on the resale price when a project has been discontinued.
This in-depth project review led to the recognition of significant impairment losses totalling €85m before tax (i.e. €63m after tax):
• €46m (€34m after tax) for ongoing projects, included under current items;
• €39m (€29m after tax) for reconfigured or discontinued projects, included under non-current items.
As a result, these impairment losses reduced Property Development net property margin, current economic operating profit/(loss) and Net Current Cash Flow for the Property Development Division.
Due to rigorous monitoring, the Property Development Division’s operating costs were down by -9.5% to -€7m in H1 2024 (-€5.7m after tax) compared to H1 2023. This decrease was achieved through a reduction in the payroll and the sale of the Project Management Support and Healthcare Expertise business on June 30, 2023.
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group stood at -€66.9m (vs. -€12.7m as of June 30, 2023), taking into account additional impairment losses classified under non-current items in the amount of €29m (after tax).
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change (€m)
Residential Property Development | 347.6 | 430.7 | (83.1) |
Commercial Property Development | 14.2 | (27.8) | +42.0 |
Other uses | 136.8 | 168.3 | (31.5) |
TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENT | 498.6 | 571.2 | (72.5) |
TOTAL NET DEBT | 405.5 | 391.6 | +13.8 |
It should be noted that the WCR and net debt cover the entire Property Development business and also include urban development projects and land for which a building permit may not have been obtained or may still be appealable.
The Property Development Division’s working capital requirement stood at €498.6m as of June 30, 2024, down €72.5m compared to the end of 2023. This decline was mainly due to the impairment losses recognised for the project portfolio. As in previous years, WCR at the end of June was higher than the year-end WCR as most bulk orders are usually signed in the second half of the year.
Inventory was efficiently managed, with the stock of unsold completed homes kept low (€17m as of June 30, 2024 vs. €19m as of December 31, 2023).
Total net debt increased slightly compared to the end of 2023 (+€13.8m) as some payments are expected to be received at the beginning of H2. It was down -€28.7m compared to the end of June 2023.
5.2.3. Selective policy for launching new projects
Icade has remained cautious and selective when launching new projects. This resulted in:
• a -40% drop in sales launches (1,795 units as of June 30, 2024 vs. 3,011 units for the same period in 2023); • a -5% reduction in the inventory of homes for sale compared to the end of 2023;
• an increase in the percentage of projects under construction pre-sold (percentage of projects pre-sold before the start of construction of over 80% in H1 2024 [vs. 59% in H1 2023] including c. 50% for homes sold individually);
• a reduction in construction starts of -56% in volume terms and -69% in value terms (€214m in H1 2024 vs. €695m in H1 2023).
The land portfolio totalled 11,965 units as of June 30, 2024, with potential revenue of €2.6bn excluding taxes
(on an economic basis), down -8.8% in value terms compared to December 31, 2023. Discontinued projects totalled 2,461 units and are expected to negatively impact this portfolio by €555m by the end of the year.
6. Financial structure
¨ A solid liquidity position covering 3.6 years of debt payments
¨ Proactive management of debt maturities through the buyback of €350m in bonds maturing in 2025 and 2026
¨ Proactive management of debt and short-term investments helped to reduce the net finance expense
¨ Balance sheet reflecting the absence of H1 2024 disposals and a moderate drop in asset values
Key financial data
06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change
Gross debt | €4,708.0m | €5,067.3m | (7.1%) |
Net debt | €3,123.5m | €3,015.9m | +3.6% |
Cash net of bank overdrafts | €956.8m | €1,415.6m | (32.4%) |
Undrawn credit lines | €1,680.0m | €1,680.0m | - |
Loan-to-value ratio including duties | 35.9% | 33.5% | +2.4 pps |
Loan-to-value ratio excluding duties | 37.7% | 35.1% | +2.6 pps |
EPRA loan-to-value ratio (excluding duties) | 43.5% | 39.5% | +4.0 pps |
ICR | 34.0x | 5.6x | +28.4 pps |
Net debt-to-EBITDA ratio plus dividends from equity-accounted companies and unconsolidated companies | 11.4x | 7.0x | +4.4 pps |
Average cost of debt | 1.52% | 1.60% | (0.1) pps |
Average debt maturity (years) | 4.3 years | 4.6 years | (0.3) years |
6.1. A solid liquidity position covering 3.6 years of debt payments
The Group had a very strong liquidity position of over €2.6bn as of June 30, 2024 against gross debt of €4.7bn. Liquidity consisted of:
• c. €1.0bn in cash net of bank overdrafts, down -€0.5bn compared to December 31, 2023, following an interim dividend payment in March 2024 (€183m) and a €350m bond buyback in May 2024; and
• €1.68bn in undrawn credit lines (excluding credit lines for property development projects), in line with the volume as of December 31, 2023. In H1 2024, Icade did not draw down these credit lines and thus still has the entire undrawn amount at its disposal.
Excluding NEU Commercial Paper, since it is a short-term source of financing, liquidity amounted to €2.4bn as of June 30, 2024 and covered the Group’s debt payments up to 2028.
The Group’s outstanding amount of NEU Commercial Paper remained unchanged at €225m in H1 2024, in line with its position as of December 31, 2023, in order to limit the impact on its finance expenses. The average rate of NEU Commercial Paper over the period was 4.21%, with an average maturity of 3 months.
6.2. Proactive management of debt and derivative maturities
In H1 2024, Icade used part of the proceeds received in 2023 on completion of the first stage of the disposal of its Healthcare business to reduce its short-term debt maturing in 2025 and 2026.
In May 2024, Icade successfully completed a €350m bond buyback, including €142.5m for 2025 bonds and €207.5m for 2026 bonds. Redeeming the bonds at a price below par value also generated a premium of +€12.7m (non-recurring impact).
The Group’s debt structure remains well-balanced and diversified, with non-bank debt accounting for 57% and bank debt for 43%. The average debt maturity[7] as of June 30, 2024 was 4.3 years vs. 4.6 years as of December 31, 2023.
In addition, Icade’s financing is mostly sustainable in line with its CSR goals: 69% of its financing is green or linked to objectives in terms of carbon intensity and biodiversity preservation (vs. 65% as of December 31, 2023). On July 22, 2024, Icade published its Green Financing Report which set out all its green financing (€1.75bn) and eligible assets (€2.5bn). The report is available via this link: Long-term Market Funding.
Icade continued its prudent interest rate risk management policy. As of June 30, 2024, 100% of estimated debt for H2 2024 was fixed rate or hedged. Separately, Icade improved its long-term hedging profile in June 2024 through the purchase of €100m in forward swaps beginning in January 2027 with a maturity of seven years at a rate of 2.55%.
6.3. Net finance expense under control
The net finance expense improved significantly as of June 30, 2024 to -€6.7m vs. -€44.6m as of June 30, 2023.
As of June 30, 2024, the Group’s average cost of debt was down slightly to 1.52% (vs.1.60% at the end of 2023). This was due in part to (i) the effect of well-priced hedges that took effect on December 31, 2023 (€125m in swaps at 0.37%, maturing in 2031) and (ii) the reduction in gross debt outstanding vs. H1 2023 (NEU Commercial Paper reduced and €100m in variable rate debt under credit facilities repaid in July 2023).
In addition, the cost of net debt dropped significantly (-€1.9m vs. -€38.2m as of June 30, 2023), due to the combined effect of higher short-term investment income (+€19m) and interest received on a shareholder loan granted by Icade to IHE Healthcare Europe (+€9m).
As a result, the ICR rose sharply to 34.0x (vs. 4.1x as of June 30, 2023).
6.4. Balance sheet showing no disposals in H1 2024
Amid a tight market, the change in balance sheet ratios reflected the adjustments recorded on the Property Investment and Property Development Divisions in H1 2024.
• The loan-to-value ratio, including duties, rose to 35.9% (vs. 33.5% as of December 31, 2023), due to the lower valuation of the Property Investment portfolio and the absence of disposals in H1 in an investment market that had virtually ground to a halt.
• The net debt-to-EBITDA ratio plus dividends from equity-accounted and unconsolidated companies increased to 11.4x (vs. 7.0x as of December 31, 2023), due to the material impact on EBITDA of the Property Development Division’s impairment losses.
In March 2024, S&P Global has downgraded the outlook on Icade’s long-term credit rating (BBB+) from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ due to increasing pressure on the Property Development business and a larger-than-expected adjustment in the valuation of the Property Investment Division’s assets. S&P Global also adjusted Icade’s financial ratio thresholds[8] for a BBB+ rating and set the following targets:
• a net debt-to-capital ratio below 40% (vs. ‘towards 35%’ previously), factoring in the positive influence of Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Icade’s leading shareholder with a 39.2% stake as of June 30, 2024; • an S&P net debt-to-EBITDA ratio below 8.5x (unchanged);
• an S&P ICR above 3.8x (unchanged).
The Group has taken note of these adjustments and reaffirms its determination to maintain a rigorous and prudent financial policy.
S&P affirmed the Group’s BBB+ rating with a negative outlook in July 2024.
6.5. Bank covenants
Covenants | 06/30/2024 | ||
Ratio of net financial liabilities/latest portfolio value excl. duties (LTV) | Maximum | < 60% | 37.7% |
Interest coverage ratio (ICR) based on EBITDA plus the Group’s share in profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | Minimum | > 2 | 33.99x |
CDC’s stake Value of the property portfolio (a) | Minimum Minimum | > 34% | 39.20% |
> €4-5bn | €6.6bn | ||
Security interests in assets | Maximum | < 25% of the property portfolio | 8.8% |
(a) It should be noted that the minimum value of the property portfolio was lowered to €4 billion in all bank financing agreements after the reporting period. As of June 30, 2024, these agreements included both the €4 billion and €5 billion thresholds.
All covenant ratios were met as of June 30, 2024 and remained comfortably within the limits.
7. CSR commitments
7.1. Exemplary energy management
Icade continued to integrate and develop innovative energy and low-carbon infrastructure in H1 2024. This included adapting the energy consumption profile, installing charging stations for electric vehicles at its properties and ramping up the use of renewable energy.
In particular, Icade obtained the Cube Flex badge, an initiative sponsored by the French Energy Regulatory Commission, attesting to the quality and adaptability of its energy management policy. This badge is awarded for the ability to reduce the demand for electrical power should the need arise in anticipation of and in response to an EcoWatt signal so as to consume at the best time and reduce the risk of power outages.
Icade has also sourced its entire supply of 100% clean electricity and natural gas from France for the next three years (2025–2027). This early action allows us to keep energy costs under control ahead of the end of the ARENH (“Regulated Access to Incumbent Nuclear Electricity”) framework scheduled for December 31, 2025.
7.2. A recognised industry leader
This year, Icade joined the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) “A List”, placing it among the industry leaders in terms of transparency and performance on climate change. The Group is above the industry average of B and among the top 2% highest scoring companies worldwide.
For the third consecutive year in 2024, the Financial Times recognised Icade’s commitment to combating climate change, ranking the Group in first place among French companies in the real estate sector and in fourth place in Europe.
Icade presents below all its performance indicators as defined by the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) and as calculated in accordance with its recommendations. These are all leading indicators for the property investment industry.
EPRA earnings (in €m) | 125.4 | 91.4 | +37.2% | 2 |
EPRA investments (in €m) | 83.1 | 121.8 | (31.8%) | 7 |
EPRA cost ratio (including vacancy costs) | 21.8% | 24.5% | (2.6) pps | 6 |
EPRA cost ratio (excluding vacancy costs) | 10.1% | 12.8% | (2.7) pps | 6 |
Key EPRA metrics 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 Change See note
EPRA NTA (€ per share) | 62.6 | 67.2 | (6.8%) | 1 |
EPRA Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio (including duties) | 41.7% | 37.8% | +3.9 pps | 3 |
EPRA Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio (excluding duties) | 43.5% | 39.5% | +4.0 pps | 3 |
EPRA topped-up net initial yield | 6.3% | 6.1% | +0.2 pps | 4 |
EPRA net initial yield | 5.2% | 5.3% | (0.1) pps | 4 |
EPRA vacancy rate | 14.3% | 13.1% | 1.2 pps | 5 |
Key EPRA metrics 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 Change See note
1. EPRA net asset value
(in €m) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 06/30/2023
Consolidated equity attributable to the Group | 4,440.1 | 4,985.9 | 5,778.4 | |
Amounts payable to shareholders (a) | 184.5 | - | 165.4 | |
Unrealised capital gains on property assets and property development companies | 155.8 | 134.9 | 110.5 | |
Tax on unrealised capital gains | (3.2) | (5.0) | (6.4) | |
Other goodwill | - | - | (2.9) | |
Remeasurement of financial instruments EPRA NDV (Net Disposal Value) | 403.4 | 449.8 5,565.5 | 619.6 6,664.5 87.9
| |
5,180.5 68.3 | ||||
EPRA NDV per share (in €) | 73.3 | |||
Change during the half-year | (6.8%) | (16.5%) | ||
Year-on-year change | (22.2%) |
| |
Adjustment for tax on unrealised capital gains | 3.2 | 5.0 | 6.4 | |
Deferred tax on investment property | - | - | - | |
Intangible fixed assets | (31.3) | (31.5) | (27.6) | |
Optimisation of transfer tax on the fair value of property assets | 60.7 | 68.2 | 66.7 | |
Adjustment for remeasurement gains or losses on financial instruments EPRA NTA (Net Tangible Assets) | (468.3) | (509.2) 5,098.0 | (698.7) 6,011.4 79.3 | |
4,744.9 62.6 | ||||
EPRA NTA per share (in €) | 67.2 | |||
Change during the half-year | (6.8%) | (15.2%) |
| |
Year-on-year change | (21.0%) |
| |
Other goodwill | - | - | 2.9 | |
Adjustment for intangible fixed assets | 31.3 | 31.5 | 27.6 | |
Adjustment for the optimisation of transfer tax on the fair value of property assets | (60.7) | (68.2) | (66.7) | |
Transfer tax on the fair value of property assets | 376.0 | 385.9 | 413.4 | |
EPRA NRV (Net Reinstatement Value) | 5,091.5 67.2 | 5,447.3 71.8 | 6,388.5 84.2
| |
EPRA NRV per share (in €) | ||||
Change during the half-year | (6.4%) | (14.8%) | ||
Year-on-year change | (20.3%) |
| |
75,813,248 | 75,845,951 | |||
(a) As of June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2024, final dividend for the previous financial year paid in July 2023 and July 2024, respectively.
(b) Stood at 75,813,248 as of June 30, 2024, after cancelling treasury shares (-456,085 shares) and the positive impact of dilutive instruments (+34,788 shares).
2. EPRA earnings from Property Investment
(in €m) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) | (203.2) | (447.0) | |
(1) | Net profit/(loss) from other operations (a) NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM PROPERTY INVESTMENT | (66.6) | 37.0 (483.9) |
(136.5) | |||
(i) | Changes in value of investment property and depreciation charges | (268.5) | (565.2) |
(ii) | Profit/(loss) on asset disposals | 0.0 | (8.5) |
(iii) | Profit/(loss) from acquisitions | - | - |
(iv) | Tax on profits or losses on disposals and impairment losses | ||
(v) | Negative goodwill / goodwill impairment | - | |
(vi) | Changes in fair value of financial instruments and restructuring of financial liabilities | 9.1 | (1.5) |
(vii) | Acquisition costs on share deals | ||
(viii) | Tax expense related to EPRA adjustments | - | - |
(ix) | Adjustment for equity-accounted companies | (5.9) | (4.0) |
(x) | Non-controlling interests | 3.4 | 3.8 |
(xi) | Other non-recurring items | - | - |
(2) | TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS | (262.0) | (575.4) |
(a) “Other operations” include property development, discontinued operations as well as “Intersegment transactions and other items”.
3. EPRA LTV ratio
Group Share of Non- Combined as material controlling as of reported associates interests 06/30/2024
Loan-to- Share of joint Combined
value ventures as of
(LTV) ratio (2) 12/31/2023
(1) (3) (4) (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)
Including: Borrowings from financial institutions | 1,197 | 1,197 | 113 | (284) | 1,026 | 1,040 | |||
NEU Commercial Paper | 225 | 225 | 225 | 225 | |||||
Hybrids Bonds | 3,200 | 3,200 | 2 | - | 3,202 | 3,552 | |||
Foreign currency derivatives Net payables | (3) | 322 | (11) | (8) | 303 | 175 | |||
Owner-occupied property (debt) Shareholder loans | 89 | 89 | 114 | (87) | 115 | 115 | |||
Interest rate derivatives | (67) | ||||||||
Excluding: Financial assets | (366) | ||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | (1,152) | (1,152) | (103) | 56 | (1,199) | (1,656) | |||
NET FINANCIAL LIABILITIES (A) | 3,124 | 3,882 | 115 | (323) | 3,673 | 3,451 | |||
8,293 |
8,570 |
204 |
| (335) |
| 8,742 | |
8,438 | |||||||||
Real estate transfer taxes | 396 | 396 | (20) | 376 | 386 | ||||
TOTAL PROPERTY VALUE AND OTHER ASSETS (incl. RETTs) (C) | 8,689 | 8,966 | 204 | (355) | 8,814 | 9,128 | |||
EPRA LTV (excl. RETTs) (A/B) |
37.7% |
45.3% |
| |||
43.5% | 39.5% | ||||||||
EPRA LTV (incl. RETTs) (A/C) | 35.9% | 43.3% |
| 41.7% | 37.8% |
4. EPRA yield – Property Investment
The table below presents a reconciliation of Icade’s net yield to EPRA yields. The calculation takes into account all Property Investment properties in operation. It is presented based on 100% of fully consolidated entities plus the Group’s share of joint ventures (JVs).
(100% + Group share of JVs) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Adjustment for vacant space | -1.5% | -1.4% |
Inclusion of rent-free periods | -1.1% | -0.8% |
EPRA NET INITIAL YIELD | 5.2% | 5.3% |
Property Investment
AS OF Offices – Offices – Subtotal Light AS OF
06/30/2024 well- to be offices industrial Land Other 12/31/2023 positioned repositioned
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs)
VALUE EXCLUDING DUTIES | 6,614 | 4,805 | 670 | 5,475 | 716 | 115 | 308 | 6,847 | |
including equity-accounted assets | 85 | 71 | - | 71 | - | - | 15 | 91 | |
Adjustment for non-operating assets and other (1) | 816 | 541 | 53 | 594 | 38 | 115 | 69 | 794 | |
VALUE (EXCLUDING DUTIES) OF OPERATING ASSETS | 5,798 | 4,264 | 617 | 4,881 | 678 | - | 239 | 6,052 | |
Duties | 362 | 256 | 42 | 298 | 48 | - | 15 | 374 | |
VALUE (INCLUDING DUTIES) OF OPERATING ASSETS | A | 6,160 | 4,520 | 659 | 5,179 | 726 | - | 254 | 6,426 |
Annualised accrued gross rental income | 347 | 225 | 52 | 277 | 49 | - | 21 | 371 | |
Service charges that are non-recoverable under current leases or not recovered due to vacancies | (28) | (13) | (10) | (23) | (3) | - | (3) | (27) | |
ANNUALISED ACCRUED NET RENTAL INCOME | B | 319 | 211 | 42 | 254 | 46 |
- | 19 | 343 |
Additional rental income at the expiry of rent-free periods or other lease incentives | 70 | 66 | 1 | 67 | 2 | - | 1 | 49 | |
TOPPED-UP ANNUALISED NET RENTAL INCOME | C | 388 | 277 | 44 | 321 | 48 |
- | 19 | 393 |
EPRA NET INITIAL YIELD | B/A | 5.2% | 4.7% | 6.4% | 4.9% | 6.4% | N/A | 7.3% | 5.3% |
EPRA TOPPED-UP NET INITIAL YIELD | C/A | 6.3% | 6.1% | 6.6% | 6.2% | 6.6% | N/A | 7.6% | 6.1% |
(1) Properties under development, land bank, floor space awaiting refurbishment and assets treated as financial receivables (PPPs)
5. EPRA vacancy rate – Property Investment
(100% + Group share of JVs) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023 06/30/2023
Offices – well-positioned | 10.5% | 9.6% | 12.5% |
Offices – to be repositioned | 37.2% | 34.2% | 27.8% |
Subtotal offices | 15.2% | 14.0% | 15.5% |
Light industrial | 9.5% | 7.7% | 8.1% |
Other | 12.2% | 12.2% | 14.4% |
TOTAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT (a) | 14.3% | 13.1% | 14.5% |
(a) Excluding PPPs, including “Other assets”
EPRA vacancy rate
Estimated rental value of vacant space Estimated rental value of the as of 06/30/2024
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs) (A) whole portfolio (B) (= A/B)
Offices – well-positioned | 30.6 | 292.6 | 10.5% | |
Offices – to be repositioned | 23.6 | 63.5 | 37.2% | |
Subtotal offices | 54.2 | 356.2 | 15.2% | |
Light industrial | 5.4 | 56.6 | 9.5% | |
Other | 2.7 | 22.3 | 12.2% | |
TOTAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT (a) | 62.3 | 435.0 | 14.3% |
(a) Excluding PPPs, including “Other assets”
6. EPRA cost ratio – Property Investment
Detailed figures on the EPRA cost ratio for the Property Investment portfolio are presented below.
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023
Including: Structural costs and other overhead expenses | (42.8) | (42.7) |
Service charges net of recharges to tenants | (18.9) | (19.0) |
Other recharges intended to cover overhead expenses | 22.7 | 19.4 |
Share of overheads and expenses of equity-accounted companies | (3.0) | (2.8) |
Excluding: Ground rent costs | (0.1) | (0.1) |
Share of ground rent costs of equity-accounted companies | (0.1) | (0.1) |
Vacancy expenses | (22.5) | (21.5) |
Gross rental income less ground rent costs | 187.7 | 180.0 |
Share of gross rental income less ground rent costs of equity-accounted companies | 4.0 | 3.9 |
(C) GROSS RENTAL INCOME | 191.7 | 183.9 |
7. EPRA investments – Property Investment
Investments are presented as per EPRA recommendations for the Property Investment portfolio.
06/30/2024 06/30/2023
Joint Joint
100% Total 100% Total
(in €m) ventures ventures
Acquisitions | 0.0 53.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6.7 74.4 | 0.0 0.0 | 6.7 74.4 |
Developments | 0.0 | 53.0 | ||||
Including capitalised finance costs | 0.9 | 0.0 | 0.9 | 1.7 | 0.0 | 1.7 |
Operational capex | 29.8 24.0 5.8 | 0.3 | 30.1 | 40.6 22.1 18.5 | 0.2 0.2 0.0 | 40.8 22.3 18.5 |
Including no incremental lettable space | 0.3 | 24.3 | ||||
Including lease incentives | 0.0 | 5.8 | ||||
TOTAL CAPEX | 82.8 | 0.3 | 83.1 | 121.6 | 0.2 | 121.8 |
Conversion from accrual to cash basis | 7.9 | (0.2) | 7.8 | (22.3) | (0.2) | (22.4) |
TOTAL CAPEX ON CASH BASIS | 90.7 | 0.2 | 90.9 | 99.4 | 0.0 | 99.4 |
1. The Icade Group’s segmented income statement
1.1. Segmented income statement as of June 30, 2024
For ease of comparison, the Group’s segmented income statement for the period ended June 30, 2024 is presented using the same format as the period ended June 30, 2023. For H1 2024, the “Discontinued operations” column includes dividends and interest income received from the remaining unconsolidated investment in the Healthcare business, the fair value adjustment to this investment as of June 30, 2024 as well as fees for administrative services and loan interest charged by Icade to these Healthcare entities. For H1 2023, this column includes the results of the Healthcare business over this period, recognised as profit/(loss) from discontinued operations, net of intercompany recharges. These recharges relate to fees for property management, administrative services as well as interest on loans, shareholder loans and cash pooling.
Intersegment and other | Discontinued operations |
(0.0) | - |
- | - |
(1.0) | 1.4 |
(0.7) | - |
(0.7) | - |
| |
0.7 | - |
0.7 | - |
- | - |
(1.6) | - |
- | - |
(2.6) | 1.4 |
- | - |
- | 8.9 |
0.0 | 47.5 |
0.0 | 56.4 |
- | - |
- | - |
(2.6) | 57.8 |
- | - |
(2.6) | 57.8 |
- | - |
- | - |
- | |
-- | -- |
1.2 | - |
- | - |
- | (57.7) |
- | - |
2.2 | (0.5) |
(0.1) | - |
- | - |
3.3 | (58.2) |
- | - |
0.7 | (0.4) |
Current items: Gross rental income | (b) |
Revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis | (c) |
Other services | (d) |
Service charges not recovered from tenants and other expenses | (e) |
Net rental income | (f)=(b)+(e) |
Net to gross rental income ratio for Property Investment | (f)/(b) |
Cost of sales and other expenses | (g) |
Net property margin from Property Development | (h)=(c)+(g) |
Property Development margin rate (net property margin / revenue on a POC basis) | (h)/(c) |
Net operating costs | (i) |
Other operating income and expenses | (j) |
CURRENT OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | (m)=(d)+(f)+(h)+(i)+(j) |
Cost of net debt | (n) |
Other finance income and expenses | (o) |
Tax expense | (q) |
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations | (aba) |
NET CURRENT CASH FLOW | (r)=(m)+(p)+(q) |
Depreciation and impairment of operating assets | (u) |
Depreciation of operating assets of equity-accounted companies | (um) |
IFRS 2 charge | (u2) |
Non-current items: Change in fair value of investment property – depreciation and impairment charges Profit/(loss) on asset disposals Non-current finance income/(expense) Non-current corporate tax Other non-current expenses, profit/(loss) from acquisitions, discontinued operations Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies Non-current portion of profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests | |
Total non-current items | (ab) |
| |
187.8 | 187.8 | |
577.5 | (79.1) | 498.4 |
13.4 (19.6) | (0.7) | 12.7 |
168.2 | | |
| |
(535.1) | 69.5 | (465.6) |
42.4 | (9.6) | 32.8 |
(95.6) | 0.7 |
(94.9) |
1.0 | 2.8 | |
129.4 | (6.7) | |
(4.3) | 2.4 | (1.9) |
41.7 | 2.4 | 44.1 |
37.4 | 4.8 | 42.2 |
9.3 | 2.0 | 11.2 |
176.1 | 0.0 | 176.1 |
(7.1) | - | (7.1) |
169.0 | 0.0 | 169.0 |
| ||
(283.1) | (0.2) | (283.3) |
(4.3) | (4.3) | |
(48.9) | 0.0 | (48.8) |
14.8 | 14.8 | |
(51.7) | (51.7) | |
(6.1) | 0.2 | (5.9) |
29.7 | 29.7 | |
(349.5) | - | (349.5) |
| ||
(180.5) | 0.0 | (180.5) |
89.9% | |
(535.7) | |
| 41.7 |
| 7.2% |
(27.3) | (66.7) |
0.6 | 0.3 |
149.7 | (19.2) |
(7.6) | |
(0.3) | 9.6 |
138.0 | (17.2) |
(3.4) | (3.7) |
134.6 | (20.9) |
(8.8) (0.1) (0.3) | |
125.4 | |
(277.7) | (6.6) |
0.0 | (4.4) |
9.1 | (0.2) 14.8 (53.3) |
(5.9) | (0.1) |
26.0 | 3.8 |
(248.5) | (46.0) |
| |
(113.9) | (66.9) |
IFRS Property
Property Total Group adjustments
Development Total
Invest-(economic (Property
(economic Group
ment basis*) Development
(in €m) joint ventures)
7.5 5.5
(8.0) (5.3)
* Income statement items include controlled entities and joint ventures on a proportionate consolidation basis.
1.2. Segmented income statement as of June 30, 2023
Intersegment and other | Discontinued operations |
- | - |
- | - |
(9.3) | 8.0 |
(0.0) | - |
(0.0) | - |
| |
0.8 | - |
0.8 | - |
- | - |
(1.6) | 0.2 |
- | - |
(10.1) | 8.2 |
- | - |
(1.0) | 1.0 |
(0.3) | 0.4 |
(1.3) | 1.4 |
- | - |
9.5 | 147.0 |
(2.0) | 156.6 |
- | (61.5) |
(2.0) | 95.1 |
- | - |
- | - |
- | - |
- | |
-- | -- |
1.2 | - |
- | - |
- | - |
- | - |
0.9 | (108.0) |
(0.1) | - |
- | (4.1) |
1.9 | (112.1) |
- | - |
(0.0) | (17.0) |
Current items: Gross rental income | (b) |
Revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis | (c) |
Other services | (d) |
Service charges not recovered from tenants and other expenses | (e) |
Net rental income | (f)=(b)+(e) |
Net to gross rental income ratio for Property Investment | (f)/(b) |
Cost of sales and other expenses | (g) |
Net property margin from Property Development | (h)=(c)+(g) |
Property Development margin rate (net property margin / revenue on a POC basis) | (h)/(c) |
Net operating costs | (i) |
Other operating income and expenses | (j) |
CURRENT OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | (m)=(d)+(f)+(h)+(i)+(j) |
Cost of net debt | (n) |
Other finance income and expenses | (o) |
Tax expense | (q) |
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations | (aba) |
NET CURRENT CASH FLOW | (r)=(m)+(p)+(q)+(aba) |
Depreciation and impairment of operating assets | (u) |
Depreciation of operating assets of equity-accounted companies | (um) |
IFRS 2 charge | (u2) |
Non-current items: Change in fair value of investment property – depreciation and impairment charges Profit/(loss) on asset disposals Non-current finance income/(expense) Non-current corporate tax Other non-current expenses, profit/(loss) from acquisitions, discontinued operations Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies Non-current portion of profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests | |
Total non-current items | (ab) |
| |
181.1 | 181.1 | |
576.0 | (75.6) | 500.4 |
15.6 (20.1) | (0.4) | 15.2 |
161.0 | ||
| |
(478.5) | 67.5 | (411.0) |
97.5 | (8.1) | 89.4 |
(107.2) | 0.7 |
(106.5) |
1.1 | 4.4 | |
168.1 | (3.5) | |
(40.6) | 2.4 | (38.2) |
(5.2) | 0.5 | (4.7) |
(45.8) | 2.9 | (42.9) |
(5.4) 156.5 | 0.5 | (4.8) |
273.4 | (0.0) | |
(67.1) | - | (67.1) |
206.3 | (0.0) | 206.3 |
(595.3) | (0.2) | (595.6) |
(3.0) | (3.0) | |
(1.7) | (1.7) | |
3.7 | 3.7 | |
(119.9) | (119.9) | |
(4.1) | 0.2 | (3.8) |
38.6 | 38.6 | |
(681.7) | - | (681.7) |
(475.4) | (0.0) | (475.4) |
88.9% | |
(479.2) | |
96.8 | |
| 16.8% |
(32.1) | (73.7) |
0.7 | 0.4 |
139.2 | 30.8 |
(10.4) | |
(0.3) | (5.1) |
103.4 | 15.4 |
(3.8) | (1.8) |
99.6 | 13.6 |
(7.6) (0.1) (0.5) | |
91.4 | |
(573.4) | (23.1) |
0.2 | (3.2) |
(1.5) | (0.2) 3.7 |
(8.6) | (4.2) |
(4.0) | (0.0) |
42.0 | 0.7 |
(545.3) | (26.3) |
(445.7) | (12.7) |
IFRS Property
Property Total Group adjustments
Development Total
Invest-(economic (Property
(economic Group
ment basis*) Development
(in €m) joint ventures)
9.5 7.4
(31.6) (9.0)
* Income statement items include controlled entities and joint ventures on a proportionate consolidation basis.
2. Property Investment Division
2.1. Changes in value of the Property Investment portfolio
Appraised value Net initial
as of Like-for-like Like-for-like yield incl. EPRA
OFFICES – well-positioned
Light industrial
Inner Ring | 481.9 | 473.5 231.7 | +8.4 +2.2 | +1.8% +0.9% | +3.8 +1.2 | +0.8% +0.5% | 2,133 1,511 | 8.1% 8.0% | 3.6% 19.0% | ||||||
Outer Ring | 233.9 | ||||||||||||||
TOTAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL | 715.8 | 705.2 | +10.6 | +1.5% | +5.0 | +0.7% | 1,870 | 8.1% | 9.5% | ||||||
TOTAL LAND | 115.4 | 125.1 319.2 | (9.7) (11.3) | (7.7%) (3.5%) | (10.6) (17.2) | (8.4%) (5.4%) | - 1,767 | - 9.2% | - 12.2% | ||||||
TOTAL OTHER (d) | 307.9 | ||||||||||||||
TOTAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT ASSETS | 6,614.4 | 6,846.9 | (232.5) | (3.4%) | (256.8) | (3.8%) | 3,402 | 7.8% | 14.3% | ||||||
including operating assets | 5,866.5 | 6,096.3 | (229.7) | (3.8%) | (218.1) | (3.6%) | 3,402 | 7.8% | 14.3% | ||||||
including non-operating assets | 747.9 | 750.7 | (2.8) | (0.4%) | (38.8) | (5.2%) | - | - | - |
*Adjusted for the asset reclassifications made between the two periods, including reclassifications from “Projects under development” to the “Operating” category upon completion of a property.
(a) Change net of disposals and investments for the period, changes in value of assets treated as financial receivables (PPPs) and tax changes during the period.
(b) Established based on the appraised value excluding duties for operating properties.
(c) Also includes an asset located in Peri-Défense.
(d) Mainly hotel and retail assets.
Indicators (price in €/sq.m, net initial yield including duties, and EPRA vacancy rate) are presented excluding PPPs and only for operating properties.
Following the review of the Group’s indicators in H1 2024, the table below shows the reconciliation of the portfolio value excluding duties as of December 31, 2023 as reported on February 19, 2024 on a proportionate consolidation basis to the portfolio value excluding duties as of December 31, 2023 on an IFRS basis, i.e. on a full consolidation basis plus the share of joint ventures.
12/31/2023 12/31/2023
100% + Group share of JVs proportionate Change Change
Portfolio value excluding duties | (€m) | (€m) | (€m) | (%) |
| ||
OFFICES – well-positioned Paris | 1,131.2 | 1,131.2 | - | N/A |
La Défense/Nanterre-Préfecture | 1,920.5 | 1,692.8 | +227.7 | +13.5% |
Other Western Crescent | 264.7 | 264.7 | - | N/A |
Inner Ring | 613.7 | 613.7 | - | N/A |
Outer Ring | 361.0 | 361.0 | - | N/A |
TOTAL PARIS REGION | 4,291.1 | 4,063.4 | +227.7 | +5.6% |
France outside the Paris region | 634.4 | 528.4 | +106.0 | +20.1% |
TOTAL Offices – well-positioned | 4,925.5 | 4,591.9 | +333.6 | +7.3% |
TOTAL Offices – to be repositioned | 771.8 | 749.5 | +22.3 | +3.0% |
TOTAL OFFICES | 5,697.4 | 5,341.4 | +356.0 | +6.7% |
Light industrial Inner Ring | 473.5 | 471.4 | +2.1 | +0.4% |
Outer Ring | 231.7 | 231.7 | - | N/A |
TOTAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL | 705.2 | 703.2 | +2.0 | +0.3% |
TOTAL LAND* | 125.1 | 125.1 | - | N/A |
TOTAL OTHER* | 319.2 | 299.7 | +19.5 | +6.5% |
TOTAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT ASSETS | 6,846.9 | 6,469.4 | +377.5 | +5.8% |
including operating assets** 6,096.3 5,787.4 +308.9 +5.3% including non-operating assets** 750.7 682.0 +68.7 +10.1%
* Includes the reclassification of 6 assets from “Other” to “Land”.
** Adjusted for the asset reclassifications made between the two periods, including reclassifications from “Projects under development” to the “Operating” category upon completion of a property.
Fair value Fair value of assets Fair value as of sold as of Investments and Like-for-like Like-for-like as of
Offices – well-positioned | - | 60.9 | (181.4) | (3.7%) | |||
Offices – to be repositioned | 771.8 | (53.4) | 4.4 | (52.7) | (7.3%) | 670.2 | |
SUBTOTAL OFFICES | 5,697.4 | (53.4) | 65.3 | (234.1) | (4.1%) | 5,475.2 | |
Light industrial | 705.2 | - | 5.6 | +5.0 | +0.7% | 715.8 | |
Land | 125.1 | - | 0.9 | (10.6) | (8.4%) | 115.4 | |
Other (c) | 319.2 | - | 5.9 | (17.2) | (5.4%) | 307.9 | |
TOTAL | 6,846.9 | (53.4) | 77.7 | (256.8) | (3.8%) | 6,614.4 | |
including office segment reporting | 4,951.2 | (53.4) | 54.2 | (203.1) | (4.1%) | 4,748.9 | |
including business park segment reporting | 1,644.8 | - | 22.7 | (42.9) | (2.6%) | 1,624.6 |
(in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs)
12/31/2023 (a) other (b) change change (%) 
(a) Includes bulk sales and partial sales (unit sales or assets for which Icade’s ownership interest decreased during the period).
(b) Includes capex, the amounts invested in 2024 in off-plan acquisitions, and acquisitions. Also includes the adjustment for transfer duties and acquisition costs, changes in value of assets acquired during the period, works to properties sold, changes in transfer duties and changes in value of assets treated as financial receivables.
(c) Mainly includes hotel and retail assets.
2.2. Investments by type
Offices – well-positioned | - | 45.0 | 20.1 | ||||
Offices – to be repositioned | - | 2.2 | 0.9 | 3.1 | 28.0 | ||
Subtotal offices | - | 47.2 | 21.0 | 68.2 | 101.7 | ||
Light industrial Land | - - | 4.4 0.6 | 2.6 | 7.0 0.9 | 11.3 0.3 | ||
0.3 | |||||||
Other | - | 0.9 | 6.2 | 7.1 | 8.6 | ||
Total Property Investment Division investments | - | 53.0 | 30.0 | 83.1 | 121.8 |
Operational Total as of Total as of (in €m, on a full consolidation basis) Acquisitions Developments capex
2.3. Pipeline
Floor area Expected Remai-
Yield Total
Estimated date on a full rental ning to be % pre-
Project name Location Type of works Property type on investof completion consolida- income invested let
Cost ment (€m) tion basis (€m) (€m)
COLOGNE | RUNGIS | Refurbishment | Office | Q3 2024 | 2,927 | 11 | 0 | 100% | ||
NEXT | LYON CBD | Refurbishment | Office | Q3 2024 | 15,763 | 99 | 8 | 100% | ||
DATA CENTER | PORTES DE PARIS | Construction | Data center | Q3 2025 | 7,490 | 36 | 30 | 100% | ||
EDENN | NANTERRE | Construction | Office | Q4 2025 | 30,587 | 253 | 116 | 71% | ||
HELSINKI | RUNGIS | Refurbishment | Business parks | Q4 2026 | 10,578 | 44 | 39 | 100% | ||
ATHLETES VILLAGE | SAINT-OUEN | Construction | Office/ Light industrial | Q1 2026 | 12,404 | 61 | 8 | 0% | ||
29-33 CHAMPS-ÉLYSÉES PARIS CBD | Refurbishment | Mixed-use (office/retail) | Q4 2027 | 12,322 | 404 | 87 | 0% | |||
TOTAL PROJECTS STARTED | 92,071 | 45 | 5.0% | 907 | 288 | 42% | ||||
TOTAL UNCOMMITTED PROJECTS | 36,737 | 16 | 6.7% | 243 | 162 | - | ||||
| ||||||||
TOTAL PIPELINE | 128,808 | 62 | 5.4% | 1,150 | 450 | - |
Notes: 100% + Group share of JVs
2.4. Gross rental income
2.4.1. Gross rental income from Property Investment by location
Reported basis Like-for-like basis
in value in value
06/30/2023 06/30/2024 in % in % (in €m, on a full consolidation basis) terms terms
Paris | 22.2 | 23.6 | 1.4 | 6.4% | 0.3 | 1.5% |
La Défense/Peri-Défense | 46.4 | 52.0 | 5.6 | 12.2% | 5.6 | 12.2% |
Other Western Crescent | 5.7 | 6.7 | 1.0 | 17.0% | 1.0 | 17.0% |
Inner Ring | 17.7 | 16.8 | (0.9) | (5.3%) | -0.9 | -5.3% |
Outer Ring | 10.2 | 10.9 | 0.7 | 6.8% | 0.7 | 6.8% |
France outside the Paris region | 15.2 | 16.1 | 1.0 | 6.3% | 0.8 | 5.5% |
Offices – well-positioned | 117.3 | 126.1 | 8.7 | 7.4% | 7.5 | 6.4% |
Offices – to be repositioned | 31.5 | 27.4 | (4.0) | (12.8%) | -2.8 | -9.5% |
SUBTOTAL OFFICES | 148.8 | 153.5 | 4.7 | 3.2% | 4.6 | 3.2% |
Inner Ring | 16.7 | 17.9 | 1.2 | 7.2% | 1.2 | 7.2% |
Outer Ring | 6.3 | 6.9 | 0.6 | 9.2% | 0.6 | 9.2% |
SUBTOTAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL | 23.0 | 24.7 | 1.8 | 7.8% | 1.8 | 7.8% |
SUBTOTAL OTHER | 10.4 | 10.9 | 0.6 | 5.4% | 1.1 | 12.3% |
Intra-group transactions from Property Investment | (1.0) | (1.3) | (0.3) | 26.0% | -0.3 | 27.1% |
GROSS RENTAL INCOME FROM PROPERTY INVESTMENT | 181.1 | 187.8 | 6.8 | 3.7% | 7.3 | 4.1% |
including office segment reporting | 123.0 | 127.4 | 4.4 | 3.5% | 4.2 | 3.4% |
including business park segment reporting | 48.9 | 51.2 | 2.3 | 4.8% | 2.0 | 4.2% |
2.4.2. Net rental income and net to gross ratio
06/30/2024 06/30/2023
Net rental income Net to gross ratio Net rental income Net to gross ratio
(in €m, on a full consolidation basis)
Offices – well-positioned | 113.2 | 89.8% | 101.8 | 86.7% |
Offices – to be repositioned | 20.1 | 73.3% | 25.9 | 82.4% |
SUBTOTAL OFFICES | 133.4 | 86.9% | 127.7 | 85.8% |
Light industrial | 20.2 | 81.6% | 19.1 | 83.4% |
Land | (0.2) | N/A | 0.0 | N/A |
Other | 12.1 | 111.2% | 10.6 | 102.6% |
Intra-group transactions from Property Investment | 3.3 | N/A | 3.6 | N/A |
NET RENTAL INCOME FROM PROPERTY INVESTMENT | 168.9 | 89.9% | 161.0 | 88.9% |
2.4.3. Lease expiry schedule for the Property Investment Division in terms of IFRS annualised rental income (in €m, 100% + Group share of JVs)
3. Debt structure
3.1. Debt maturity profile
The maturity schedule of Icade’s drawn debt (in €m), excluding payables associated with equity interests and bank overdrafts as of June 30, 2024, was as follows:
The average debt maturity excluding debt associated with equity interests, bank overdrafts and NEU Commercial Paper was 4.3 years as of June 30, 2024 vs. 4.6 years as of December 31, 2023.
3.2. Maturity profile of derivatives
The outstanding amount of interest rate hedges (in €m) as of the end of each period is presented below:
The average maturity was 4.2 years for variable rate debt and 6.4 years for the associated hedges.
4. Events after the reporting period
¨ Financial liabilities
On July 9, 2024, Icade was informed that one of its subsidiaries did not comply with the LTV bank covenant relating to a bank mortgage totalling €347.2m as of June 30, 2024. This debt will be partially prepaid within the timeframe required to remedy this situation.
¨ Preliminary sale agreements signed
On July 3 and 17, 2024, preliminary agreements were signed to sell the Quai Rive Neuve and Castel assets for €44.5m.
5. Risk factors
The 2023 Universal Registration Document contains a detailed description of the risk factors to which the Group is exposed (see chapter 4 of the URD). No risks or uncertainties other than those presented in this document are anticipated.
Icade regularly identifies and assesses its exposure to the various sources of risk (interest rate, liquidity, counterparty, market risk, etc.), and defines appropriate management policies. As of June 30, 2024, only the financial risk factors were reviewed and are detailed in section 5.2 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
In addition, an unfavourable trend in the property market could have a negative impact on the valuation of the Group’s assets and on operating profit presented in note 4.2.4 to the consolidated financial statements.
6. Review of the Group’s indicators in H1 2024
As part of its ongoing efforts to improve the transparency of its financial reporting, the Group reviewed its indicators in H1 2024 and asked a panel of investors and analysts for their opinion.
In view of the comments received, industry recommendations, in particular from the European Public Real Estate Association, and best market practices, two changes have been made to provide more relevant information:
• the scope of calculation of certain indicators has been adjusted to reflect the IFRS scope of consolidation, plus the share of joint ventures;
• the methodology for calculating certain Group indicators has been updated.
The table below shows all the changes made as of June 30, 2024 and their relatively minor impact on the results as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023. Among these indicators, EPRA earnings and Icade Promotion’s current economic operating profit/(loss) are considered to be alternative performance measures.
Reported data | Recalculated data | |||||
Indicator | Former definition | New definition | 06/30/2023 | 12/31/2023 | 06/30/2023 | 12/31/2023 |
EPRA earnings | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares excluded (IFRS 2) | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares included (IFRS 2) | €91.9m | €213.9m | €91.4m | €212.4m |
EPRA cost ratio (including vacancy costs) | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares excluded (IFRS 2) Scope: Proportionate | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares included (IFRS 2) Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 24.2% | 23.1% | 24.5% | 23.3% |
EPRA cost ratio (excluding vacancy costs) | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares excluded (IFRS 2) Scope: Proportionate | Expense relating to the measurement of bonus shares included (IFRS 2) Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 11.9% | 14.7% | 12.8% | 15.3% |
Like-for-like change in gross rental income | Lease termination fees excluded on a like-for-like basis | Lease termination fees included on a like-for-like basis | +2.2% | +2.2% | +1.3% | +1.5% |
Average cost of debt | Capitalised interest expenses included and issue costs and premiums excluded | Capitalised interest expenses excluded and issue costs and premiums included | 1.59% | 1.56% | 1.66% | 1.60% |
EPRA net initial yield | Inclusion of non-recoverable service charges and calculation based on annualised IFRS rental income Scope: Proportionate | Inclusion of unrecovered service charges and calculation based on annualised rents receivable Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 5.0% | 5.6% | 4.6% | 5.3% |
EPRA topped-up net initial yield | Inclusion of non-recoverable service charges Scope: Proportionate | Inclusion of unrecovered service charges (including vacancy impact) Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 5.7% | 6.6% | 5.3% | 6.1% |
Current economic operating profit/(loss) – Property Development | Deduction of operating costs, excluding holding company costs | Deduction of operating costs, including holding company costs | €33.3m | €49.0m | €31.9m | €46.0m |
EPRA investments | Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities | Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | €121.6m | €259.1m | €121.8m | €259.1m |
Value of the Commercial Property Investment portfolio | Scope: Proportionate | Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | €7.2bn | €6.5bn | €7.7bn | €6.8bn |
Icade net initial yield | Scope: Proportionate | Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 6.6% | 7.5% | 6.6% | 7.5% |
EPRA vacancy rate | Scope: Proportionate | Scope: 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs | 14.4% | 12.9% | 14.5% | 13.1% |
7. Glossary
Icade uses alternative performance measures (APMs) which are indicated by an asterisk * and defined below in accordance with AMF Position DOC-2015-12.
Acronyms and abbreviations used:
• Capex: Capital expenditure • CPI: Consumer Price Index • EPRA: European Public Real Estate Association • Equity: Equity method • ERV: Estimated rental value • Full: Full consolidation basis • FV: Fair value • Group share of JVs: The Group’s share of joint ventures • ICC: Construction Cost Index • ICR: Interest coverage ratio • ILAT: Tertiary Activities Rent Index • IRL: Rent Reference Index • LFL: Like-for-like • LTV: Loan-to-value ratio | • NAV: Net Asset Value o EPRA NDV: Net Disposal Value o EPRA NTA: Net Tangible Assets o EPRA NRV: Net Reinstatement Value • NCCF: Net Current Cash Flow • Proportionate: Proportionate consolidation • REIT: Real Estate Investment Trust • SIIC: Société d’Investissement Immobilier Cotée (French listed real estate investment company) • WAULT to break: Weighted average unexpired lease term to first break • WO: Work order • YoC: Yield on cost |
¨ Proportionate consolidation: 100% of the IFRS financials of fully consolidated companies adjusted for noncontrolling interests + Group’s share of equity‑accounted companies (joint ventures and associates)
¨ Full consolidation: 100% of the IFRS financials of fully consolidated companies before adjustment for noncontrolling interests
¨ 100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of joint ventures: 100% of the IFRS financials of fully consolidated companies + Group’s share of equity‑accounted companies (jointly controlled entities only) Like-for-like: change on a like-for-like basis
Annualised headline rent
Annualised headline rent is the contracted rent as set out in the lease taking into account current index-linked rent reviews and excluding any lease incentives.
Annualised IFRS rent
Annualised IFRS rent is the contracted rent recalculated to include lease incentives spread over the lease term under IFRS.
Average cost of debt (full consolidation)
The average cost of debt is the ratio of the Group’s cost of gross financial liabilities to the average gross debt outstanding (excluding overdrafts) as reported in the consolidated financial statements.
Average debt maturity (full consolidation)
The average debt maturity is the ratio of the sum of debt repayments weighted by their average residual maturity to total gross debt (excluding overdrafts, payables associated with equity interests and the debt of equity-accounted companies. NEU CP is excluded from this calculation).
Backlog (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The backlog consists of revenue excluding taxes yet to be recognised using the POC method for all units sold or under a reservation or preliminary agreement as relates to subsidiaries (on a full consolidation basis) and joint ventures (on a proportionate consolidation basis).
Cancellation rate (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
The cancellation rate is the ratio of the number of cancelled reservations to the number of net reservations over a given period.
Current economic operating margin (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
Current economic operating margin is the ratio of current economic operating profit/(loss) to economic revenue.
Current economic operating profit/(loss) (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs) *
Current economic operating profit/(loss) equals the net property margin from Property Development after taking into account the following: other services provided, operating costs and other costs including holding company costs, profit/(loss) on asset disposals and the share in profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies. Trademark royalties and depreciation charges are excluded from the calculation of this indicator.
Development pipeline (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The pipeline of projects started consists of the Property Investment Division’s projects currently under construction for which a lease has been signed or a building permit issued.
The pipeline of uncommitted projects consists of the Property Investment Division’s projects having obtained a building permit and which may require pre-letting or optimisation before being started.
The total cost of development pipeline projects, i.e. total investment, includes the fair value of land (or building), cost of works, tenant improvements, finance costs and external costs. It excludes rent-free periods and intra-group costs.
EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation, as reported in the consolidated financial statements.
Economic revenue (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs) *
Economic revenue comprises revenue generated by fully consolidated property development companies, taken from IFRS consolidated financial statements, plus revenue from jointly controlled property development companies, on a proportionate consolidation basis. As such, this indicator reinstates revenue from jointly controlled companies which is not included in IFRS consolidated financial statements, in accordance with IFRS 11, which requires investments in such companies to be accounted for using the equity method.
EPRA cost ratio – Property Investment (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The EPRA cost ratio is the ratio of administrative and operating costs to gross rental income less ground rent costs.
EPRA earnings (proportionate) *
EPRA earnings represent recurring income from the Property Investment Division’s operational activities. This indicator is calculated based on EPRA recommendations and measures the Property Investment Division’s performance. EPRA earnings per share are calculated based on the average number of shares over a given period, excluding treasury shares and adjusted for any dilutive effect.
EPRA investments
EPRA investments include the cost of acquisitions, development work, maintenance and energy renovation work, capital and tenant improvements, as well as intra-group and external fees and finance costs.
EPRA NDV, EPRA NTA, EPRA NRV (proportionate) *
EPRA NDV, EPRA NTA and EPRA NRV are indicators of the Company’s asset value and are determined in accordance with EPRA recommendations. They measure changes in the Company’s asset value based on consolidated equity attributable to the Group plus, among other things, any unrealised capital gains or losses on other assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the financial statements:
• EPRA NDV represents the shareholders’ net assets under a disposal scenario, including the fair value of fixed rate debt. In this calculation, Icade takes into account unrealised capital gains on property development;
• EPRA NTA focuses on real estate activities, excluding the fair value of fixed rate debt;
• EPRA NRV represents the value required to rebuild the entity, including duties.
EPRA NAV metrics per share are calculated by dividing the NAVs by the Company’s number of shares at the end of the reporting period, excluding treasury shares and adjusted for any dilutive effect.
EPRA net initial yield (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
EPRA net initial yield equals annualised accrued rental income net of non-recoverable service charges for leased space and service charges that are not recovered due to vacancies, including lease incentives, divided by the appraised value (including duties) of operating properties.
EPRA topped-up net initial yield (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
EPRA topped-up net initial yield equals annualised rental income net of non-recoverable service charges for leased space and service charges that are not recovered due to vacancies, excluding lease incentives, divided by the appraised value (including duties) of operating properties.
EPRA vacancy rate (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The EPRA vacancy rate is defined as the ratio between the estimated rental value of vacant space and the estimated rental value of the whole portfolio. It is calculated based on operating assets at the reporting date.
European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA)
EPRA is an association representing Europe’s listed real estate companies, of which Icade is a member. EPRA publishes recommendations on performance indicators, with the goal of achieving greater transparency and comparability of financial statements across listed real estate companies in Europe.
Finance income/(expense) *
Finance income/(expense) is the cost of net financial liabilities plus other finance income and expenses as reported in the consolidated financial statements.
Financial occupancy rate (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The financial occupancy rate is the ratio of annualised headline rental income to the potential rental income that would be received by the Property Investment Division if its portfolio was fully leased (potential rental income from vacant space is based on estimated rental value). Properties or units being developed or refurbished are not included in this calculation.
Gross rental income (full consolidation)
Gross rental income includes lease income recognised on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease term and the period to the next break option in accordance with IFRS and, as such, after taking into account the net impact of straightlining lease incentives including rent-free periods. Other ancillary income from operating leases is also included.
Icade net yield including duties (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
Icade net yield (including duties) equals annualised net rental income from leased space plus potential net rental income from vacant space based on estimated rental value, excluding lease incentives, divided by the appraised value (including duties) of operating properties.
Interest coverage ratio (ICR) (full consolidation)
ICR is the ratio of EBITDA to the cost of net debt.
Inventory of units for sale (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
The inventory of units for sale is expressed in terms of units or value including taxes on the market but not yet reserved. It only includes units sold individually (i.e. excluding bulk sales).
Land portfolio (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The land portfolio is expressed in terms of the number of potential units and potential revenue excluding taxes with respect to property development projects not yet put on the market but for which a preliminary agreement to purchase land has been signed.
Lease expiry schedule (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The lease expiry schedule is an annual breakdown of annualised IFRS rental income based on the earlier of first break or expiry.
Loan-to-value (LTV) excluding or including duties (full consolidation)
The loan-to-value ratio is the ratio of consolidated net financial liabilities (full consolidation) to the portfolio value (excluding or including duties).
Net Current Cash Flow (NCCF) (proportionate) *
Net current cash flow is equal to net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group less non-current items (change in fair value, depreciation charges, impairment charges and reversals, IFRS 2 charge, profit/(loss) from acquisitions, profit/(loss) from disposals, non-current share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies, non-current finance income/(expense), non-current tax expense, non-current share of non-controlling interests). Group NCCF is comprised of NCCF from strategic operations (Property Investment and Property Development) and NCCF from discontinued operations (Healthcare).
Net debt *
Net debt is defined as gross debt less cash and cash equivalents, the mark-to-market on derivatives and receivables from equity-accounted or unconsolidated companies.
Net orders (residential segment) (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
Net orders correspond to signed reservation agreements for the purpose of acquiring residential units less cancellations. They are expressed in terms of units and value (in €m including taxes).
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group is the Group’s share of profit/(loss) as of the end of the period. It is equal to (Operating profit/(loss) + Finance income/(expense) + Tax expense + Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations – non-controlling interests). It is taken from IFRS consolidated financial statements.
Net property margin from Property Development (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The net property margin from Property Development is the profit on property development projects including all income and expenses related to property development projects. This ratio does not include expenses not directly attributable to property projects (mainly structural costs and overheads).
Net rental income (full consolidation)
Net rental income equals gross rental income less non-recoverable service charges, service charges not recovered due to vacancies or flat-rate service charges and, where applicable, land-related costs.
Non-recoverable service charges
Service charges that cannot be passed on to tenants and are to be borne by the landlord.
Operating profit/(loss) *
Operating profit/(loss) is obtained from EBITDA after taking into account changes in value, depreciation and amortisation and other operating income and expenses, as reported in the consolidated financial statements.
Operating properties
Operating properties are leased or partially leased properties not undergoing major refurbishments and vacant properties available for rent. Properties that have been deliberately taken off the market due to future refurbishments are excluded from this scope.
Preliminary off-plan sale agreements (commercial segment) (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
Preliminary off-plan sale agreements correspond to the floor area and revenue (excluding taxes) of commercial space for which a preliminary sale agreement was signed during the period.
Property margin rate (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The property margin rate is the ratio of the net property margin from Property Development to its revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis.
Property portfolio (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
The value of the property portfolio includes the fair value of investment property, properties under development, land holdings, operating properties and property stock. It includes assets held by joint ventures (proportionate) and financial receivables from public-private partnerships (PPP).
From June 2023, Icade updated the segmentation of its portfolio based on use, identifying four main asset segments: offices, light industrial, land and other assets.
¨ Office assets consist of:
• well-positioned offices, meaning assets that Icade believes will continue to be used as offices in the long term;
• offices to be repositioned, meaning assets whose future use as offices is in doubt in the medium term, particularly due to their location, and for which a change in use is envisaged.
¨ The light industrial segment is made up of TV studios, data centers, wholesalers and warehouses.
¨ The “Other Property Investment assets” segment mainly includes hotel and retail assets.
¨ Lastly, land holdings represent a source of potential value creation.
Rent collection rate
The rent collection rate is the ratio of gross rental income and service charges collected to gross rental income and service charges receivable over a rolling 12-month period.
Revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis
Property Development revenue is recognised using the percentage-of-completion method for revenue from construction contracts and off-plan sale contracts. It is recognised over time, pro rata on the basis of costs incurred and the progress of sales based on units sold during the period.
Sales (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
Sales correspond to notarised sale deeds, following the signing of reservation agreements for residential properties or off-plan sale agreements for commercial properties. They are used to calculate the percentage of sales completed on a project which is used to calculate revenue recognised on a percentage-of-completion basis.
Sales launches (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
Sales launches relate to development projects which were put on the market over the period. They are expressed in terms of the number of potential units and potential revenue including taxes.
Service charges not recovered from tenants
Service charges that are non-recoverable on leased space (see above) and service charges on vacant space.
Total investment or project cost (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs) (Property Investment Division)
Project cost includes the fair value of land (or building), cost of works, tenant improvements, finance costs and external costs. It excludes rent-free periods and intra-group costs.
“Units” means the number of residential units or equivalent residential units (for mixed-use developments) of a development. The number of equivalent residential units is determined by dividing the floor area for each property type (light industrial, retail, office) by the average floor area of residential units calculated as of December 31 of the preceding year.
Weighted average unexpired lease term to first break (WAULT to break) (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
WAULT to break is calculated based on the first break option exercisable by the tenant or expiry of each lease. It is weighted by annualised IFRS rental income.
Work orders (WO) (100% of fully consolidated entities + 100% of JVs)
Work orders relate to development projects on which construction started during the period. They are expressed in terms of the number of potential units or sq.m (units for the residential segment and sq.m for the commercial segment) and potential revenue (including taxes for the residential segment and excluding taxes for the commercial segment).
Working capital requirement for Property Development (Property Development WCR) (100% of fully consolidated entities + Group share of JVs)
Working capital requirement corresponds to current assets (inventories + accounts receivable + other operating receivables + advances and down payments received + prepaid income) less current liabilities (accounts payable + tax and social security liabilities + other operating payables + prepaid expenses).
Yield on Cost (YOC)
Yield on Cost is the ratio of headline rental income to a project’s total cost, also referred to as ‘total investment’.
1. Changes in composition of the Board of Directors and its committees as of June 30, 2024
1.1. Separation of the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer
The separation between the functions of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, which was adopted on February 17, 2015, makes governance more efficient, and enables gathering complementary skills, ensuring a better balance of power between the Board of Directors and senior management, managing potential conflicts of interest in a more efficient manner, and aligning Icade’s governance model with that of comparable companies.
1.2. Board of Directors
Icade’s Board of Directors sets the Company’s business strategy and supervises its implementation.
It also endeavours to promote long-term value creation by the Company by considering the social and environmental aspects of its activities. If applicable, it proposes any changes to the Company’s Articles of Association that it considers appropriate.
In relation to the strategy it has defined, the Board of Directors regularly reviews the opportunities and risks, such as financial, legal, operational, social and environmental risks, as well as the measures taken accordingly.
Frédéric Thomas Chairman of the Board of Directors | Caisse des Dépôts Represented by Alexandre Thorel Director | Emmanuel Chabas Director |
Dorothée Clouzot Director | Nathalie Delbreuve Independent director | Bruno Derville Independent director |
Laurence Giraudon Director | Olivier Lecomte Independent director | Marianne Louradour Director |
Olivier Mareuse Director | Florence Péronnau Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Independent director Lead Independent Director | Gonzague de Pirey Independent director |
Sophie Quatrehomme Director | Antoine Saintoyant Director | Bernard Spitz Director | ||
15 40% |
| 1/3 | 84% | 54.6 |
1.3. Committees of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has established various committees that serve in an advisory capacity and operate under its authority. They make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
• Olivier Lecomte, Committee Chairman, independent director
• Nathalie Delbreuve, independent director
• Olivier Mareuse
• Florence Péronnau, Committee Chairwoman, independent director
• Emmanuel Chabas
• Olivier Lecomte, independent director
• Antoine Saintoyant
• Bruno Derville, Committee Chairman, independent director
• Emmanuel Chabas
• Florence Péronnau, independent director
• Bernard Spitz
• Frédéric Thomas
• Alexandre Thorel
• Sophie Quatrehomme, Committee Chairwoman
• Florence Péronnau, independent director • Gonzague de Pirey, independent director
1.4. Changes and summary as of June 30, 2024
In H1 2024, the changes in the composition of the Board of Directors and its committees were as follows:
Governance body | Date | Departure | Appointment/co-option | Reappointment |
Board of Directors | 04/19/2024 | George Ralli (independent director) | Bruno Derville (independent director)
| Frédéric Thomas (Chairman of the Board of Directors) Nathalie Delbreuve (independent director) Laurence Giraudon (director) Florence Péronnau (independent director) |
Strategy and Investment Committee | 04/19/2024 | Bruno Derville (independent director) | ||
Audit and Risk Committee | 04/19/2024 | George Ralli (independent director) | ||
Appointments and Remuneration Committee | 04/19/2024 | George Ralli (independent director) | Olivier Lecomte (independent director) |
2. Composition of the Executive Committee
The members of Icade’s Executive Committee are recognised by their peers. They rely on their expertise and experience to contribute to local economic and social development and to the expansion of Icade. This committee meets each week to discuss issues relating to Icade’s strategy regarding finances, organisation, customers and staff. Since January 1, 2024, the following appointments have been made to the Executive Committee:
• in February 2024, Charles-Emmanuel Kühne, as CEO of Icade Promotion,
• in March 2024, Christelle de Robillard, as Group CFO,
• in early July 2024, Alexis de Nervaux, as Head of the IT and Digital Transformation Department,
• and, effective September 2024, Audrey Camus as Head of the Property Investment Division.
The Executive Committee consists of 10 members, including 6 women and 4 men.
Audrey Camus
In charge of the
Property Investment Division
Flore Jachimowicz In charge of CSR and Innovation
Véronique Mercier
In charge of Institutional
Relations and Communication
Nicolas Joly
Chief Executive Officer
Séverine Floquet-Schmit Sandrine Hérès
In charge of Audit, Risk, In charge of Human Resources
Compliance and Internal Control and Work Environment
Charles-Emmanuel Kühne In charge of the Property Development Division | Jérôme Lucchini General Secretary, in charge of the Group’s governance and Legal and Insurance Department |
Alexis de Nervaux In charge of IT and Digital Transformation | Christelle de Robillard In charge of Finance |
Consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024
Unless otherwise stated, the consolidated financial statements are presented in millions of euros, rounded to the nearest hundred thousand euros. Rounding differences may therefore occur in the financial statements presented.
Consolidated income statement
(in millions of euros) Notes 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Gross rental income | 187.8 | 181.1 | 363.9 | |
Income from construction and off-plan sale contracts | 497.5 | 459.8 | 1,073.9 | |
Income from services provided and other income | 13.6 | 55.8 | 89.8 | |
Other income from operating activities | 80.4 | 90.5 | 129.3 | |
Income from operating activities | 7.1. | 779.3 | 787.1 | 1,656.9 |
Purchases used | (436.2) | (414.6) | (946.1) | |
Outside services | (126.7) | (142.9) | (223.3) | |
Taxes, duties and similar payments | (2.9) | (3.6) | (7.4) | |
Staff costs, performance incentive scheme and profit sharing | (66.1) | (73.7) | (143.7) | |
Other operating expenses | (80.3) | 2.4 | (56.0) | |
Expenses from operating activities | (712.2) | (632.3) | (1,376.5) | |
EBITDA | 67.1 | 154.8 | 280.4 | |
Depreciation charges net of government investment grants | (13.0) | (12.0) | (22.8) | |
Change in fair value of investment property | 4.3. | (268.5) | (565.2) | (1,466.2) |
Charges and reversals related to impairment of tangible, financial and other current assets Profit/(loss) from acquisitions Profit/(loss) on asset disposals Goodwill impairment Share of net profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | (1.1) | (0.6) | 0.2 (1.7) (0.8) (54.9) (2.9) | |
(0.0) | (0.1) | |||
(4.3) | (3.0) | |||
- (2.1) | (16.6) | |||
8.2. | 1.7 | |||
OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) | (222.0) | (441.1) | (1,268.8) | |
Cost of net financial liabilities |
| (1.9) | (38.2) | (49.7) |
Other finance income and expenses | (4.8) | (6.4) | (19.7) | |
FINANCE INCOME/(EXPENSE) | 5.1.4. | (6.7) | (44.6) | (69.4) |
Tax expense | 9.1. | 26.1 | (1.2) | 9.2 |
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations (a) | (202.6) (0.5) | (486.8) | (1,329.0) 38.4 | |
39.9 | ||||
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) | (203.2) | (447.0) | (1,290.6) | |
Including net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | (180.5) | (475.4) | (1,250.3) | |
- Including continuing operations | (180.0) | (440.2) | (1,213.6) | |
- Including discontinued operations | (0.5) | (35.2) | (36.7) | |
Including net profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
| (22.6) | 28.4 | (40.3) |
Basic earnings per share attributable to the Group (in €) - Including continuing operations per share | 6.3.1. | (€6.27) (€5.81) | (€16.50) (€16.02) | |
(€2.38) | ||||
(€2.38) | ||||
- Including discontinued operations per share | (€0.01) | (€0.46) | (€0.48) | |
Diluted earnings per share attributable to the Group (in €) | 6.3.2. | (€2.38) | (€6.27) | (€16.48) |
- Including continuing operations per share | (€2.37) | (€5.80) | (€16.00) | |
- Including discontinued operations per share | (€0.01) | (€0.46) | (€0.48) |
(a) Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations related to the Healthcare Property Investment business.
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD | (203.2) | (447.0) | (1,290.6) |
Other comprehensive income: - Recyclable to the income statement – cash flow hedges: | 4.6 |
(7.9) | (29.9) |
- Change in fair value | 4.7 | (7.8) | (30.0) |
- Tax on changes in fair value | (0.0) | 0.0 | 0.3 |
- Recycling to the income statement | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.2) |
- Non-recyclable to the income statement | 0.8 | 0.6 | 0.3 |
- Actuarial gains and losses | 1.0 | 0.7 | 0.4 |
- Taxes on actuarial gains and losses | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.1) |
Total other comprehensive income | 5.4 | (7.2) | (29.6) |
- Including transfer to net profit/(loss) | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.2) |
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD | (197.7) | (454.2) | (1,320.2) |
- Including comprehensive income attributable to the Group | (174.9) | (481.6) | (1,276.6) |
- Including continuing operations | (174.4) | (445.6) | (1,238.8) |
- Including discontinued operations (a) | (0.5) | (36.1) | (37.8) |
- Including comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests | (22.8) | 27.4 | (43.5) |
(a) Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations related to the Healthcare Property Investment business.
Consolidated statement of financial position
(in millions of euros) Notes 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Other intangible fixed assets | 30.8 | 31.5 | |||
Tangible fixed assets | 45.7 | 55.9 | |||
Investment property | 4.1.1. | 6,422.6 | 6,646.8 | ||
Equity-accounted investments | 8.1. | 99.9 | 111.5 | ||
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 5.1.5. | 16.9 | 18.8 | ||
Financial assets at amortised cost | 5.1.5. | 23.9 | 17.1 | ||
Derivative assets | 5.1.3. | 67.9 | 63.0 | ||
Deferred tax assets | 9. | 42.9 | 18.8 | ||
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 6,750.7 | 6,963.4 | |||
Inventories and work in progress | 7.2.2. | 695.5 | 742.2 | ||
Contract assets | 7.2.3. | 213.6 | 204.3 | ||
Accounts receivable | 7.2.3. | 172.9 | 168.9 | ||
Tax receivables | 0.9 | 8.7 | |||
Miscellaneous receivables | 355.7 | 342.5 | |||
Other financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 5.1.5. | 0.1 | 0.1 | ||
Financial assets at amortised cost | 5.1.5. | 348.3 | 358.5 | ||
Derivative assets | 5.1.3. | 0.3 | 0.6 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | 5.1.6. | 1,151.7 | 1,620.2 | ||
Investment property held for sale | 4.1. | 61.8 | 62.0 | ||
Financial assets held for sale | 5.1.5. | 1,072.0 | 1,129.7 | ||
CURRENT ASSETS | 4,072.8 | 4,637.7 | |||
TOTAL ASSETS | 10,823.5 | 11,601.0 |
(in millions of euros) Notes 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Share capital | 6.1.1. | 116.2 | 116.2 | |||
Share premium | 2,387.4 | 2,387.4 | ||||
Treasury shares | (32.0) | (33.9) | ||||
Revaluation reserves | 5.1.3. | 66.6 | 61.8 | |||
Other reserves | 2,082.3 | 3,704.7 | ||||
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | (180.5) | (1,250.3) | ||||
Equity attributable to the Group | 4,440.1 | 4,985.9 | ||||
Non-controlling interests | 61.0 | 81.8 | ||||
EQUITY | 4,501.1 | 5,067.7 | ||||
Provisions | 10.1. | 17.9 | 18.5 | |||
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 5.1.1. | 4,180.6 | 4,519.5 | |||
Lease liabilities | 44.9 | 48.3 | ||||
Deferred tax liabilities | 19.4 | 21.4 | ||||
Other financial liabilities | 58.8 | 59.0 | ||||
Derivative liabilities | 5.1.3. | 1.2 | 1.3 | |||
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES | 4,322.8 | 4,668.0 | ||||
Provisions | 10.1. | 77.4 | 57.3 | |||
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 5.1.1. | 527.4 | 547.8 | |||
Lease liabilities | 9.0 | 12.2 | ||||
Tax liabilities | 1.4 | 2.9 | ||||
Contract liabilities | 7.2.3. | 54.1 | 65.4 | |||
Accounts payable | 676.6 | 692.2 | ||||
Miscellaneous payables | 652.6 | 486.0 | ||||
Other financial liabilities | 0.7 | 0.7 | ||||
Derivative liabilities | 5.1.3. | 0.0 | 0.0 | |||
Liabilities from discontinued operations | 4.1.2. | 0.5 | 0.8 | |||
CURRENT LIABILITIES | 1,999.6 | 1,865.3 | ||||
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 10,823.5 | 11,601.0 |
Consolidated cash flow statement
Notes 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
(in millions of euros)
Net profit/(loss) Net depreciation and provision charges | (203.2) 96.9 | (447.0) 16.7 | (1,290.6) 118.5 | |
Change in fair value of investment property | 268.5 | 556.7 | 1,457.7 | |
Unrealised gains and losses due to changes in fair value | 59.8 | 119.0 | 18.2 | |
Other non-cash income and expenses | (9.4) | (3.5) | 3.2 | |
Capital gains or losses on asset disposals | 0.3 | (3.9) | (5.6) | |
Capital gains or losses on disposals of investments in consolidated companies Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies Dividends received | 3.2 | 2.3 | 119.8 2.9 (13.5) | |
2.1 (49.4) | (1.7) 0.1 | |||
Cash flow from operating activities after cost of net financial liabilities and tax | 168.8 | 238.8 | 410.6 | |
Cost of net financial liabilities Tax expense | 35.7 (26.1) | 65.0 (0.5) | 107.1 (10.9) | |
Cash flow from operating activities before cost of net financial liabilities and tax | 178.5 | 303.3 | 506.8 | |
Interest paid Tax paid | (47.7) 6.5 | (69.7) (11.8) | (106.2) (12.9) | |
Change in working capital requirement related to operating activities | 7.2.1. | (32.2) | (73.9) | (79.5) |
Including net cash flow from operating activities – Discontinued operations | - | 117.7 | 126.2 | |
Other intangible and tangible fixed assets and investment property - acquisitions | (95.5) | (164.5) | (304.6) | |
- disposals | 0.0 | 89.7 | 148.3 | |
Change in security deposits paid and received | 0.1 | 11.9 | 17.2 | |
Change in financial receivables | 1.2 | 1.1 | 2.2 | |
Operating investments | (94.3) | (61.9) | (136.8) | |
Investments in subsidiaries - acquisitions | (0.4) | (5.7) | (7.9) | |
- disposals - impact of changes in scope of consolidation Investments in equity-accounted companies and unconsolidated companies - acquisitions - disposals Dividends received and profit/(loss) of tax-transparent equity-accounted companies | - (14.2) (0.0) 0.3 48.3 | - (1.4) 10.5 0.5 (17.9) | 1,400.5 (272.2) 11.3 0.8 14.7 | |
Financial investments | 34.1 | (14.1) | 1,147.1 | |
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES | (60.2) | (75.9) | 1,010.3 | |
Including net cash flow from investing activities – Discontinued operations | - | (43.5) | (314.2) | |
Amounts received from non-controlling interests on capital increases - final and interim dividends paid to Icade SA shareholders | - (183.4) | 7.7 (160.9) | 7.1 (328.1) | |
2.3. | ||||
- final and interim dividends paid to non-controlling interests | 3.0 | (89.5) | (95.4) | |
Repurchase of treasury shares | (1.3) | (0.3) | 0.0 | |
Change in cash from capital activities | (181.7) | (243.1) | (416.4) | |
Bond issues and new financial liabilities | 235.1 | 392.0 | 253.1 | |
Bond redemptions and repayments of financial liabilities Repayments of lease liabilities | (577.4) (6.2) | (644.4) (5.6) | (832.0) (11.6) | |
Acquisitions and disposals of current financial assets and liabilities | 21.4 | (17.4) | 129.3 | |
Change in cash from financing activities | 5.1.1. | (327.2) | (275.4) | (461.2) |
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES | (508.9) | (518.5) | (877.6) | |
Including net cash flow from financing activities – Discontinued operations | - | (227.8) | (227.7) | |
NET CHANGE IN CASH (I) + (II) + (III) CHANGES IN CASH FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS | (464.0) - | (446.4) (70.7) | 440.9 (70.7) | |
OPENING NET CASH | 1,407.2 | 966.3 | 966.3 | |
CLOSING NET CASH | 943.2 | 449.2 | 1,407.2 | |
Cash and cash equivalents (excluding interest accrued but not due) Bank overdrafts (excluding interest accrued but not due) | 1,136.7 (193.5) | 664.1 (214.9) | 1,609.4 (202.3) | |
NET CASH | 943.2 | 449.2 | 1,407.2 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Other reserves and net
(in millions of euros) | Share capital | Share premium | Treasury shares | Revaluation reserves | profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | Equity attributable to the Group | Non- controlling interests | Total equity |
EQUITY AS OF 12/31/2022 | 116.2 | 2,514.3 | (33.9) | 125.7 | 3,865.6 | 6,587.9 | 2,096.6 | 8,684.5 |
Net profit/(loss) | (475.4) | (475.4) | 28.4 | (447.0) | ||||
Other comprehensive income: Cash flow hedges: - Changes in value | (6.6) |
(6.6) | (1.2) | (7.8) | ||||
- Tax on changes in fair value | (0.0) | (0.0) | 0.0 | 0.0 | ||||
- Recycling to the income statement | (0.2) | (0.2) | 0.1 | (0.1) | ||||
Other non-recyclable items: - Actuarial gains and losses | 0.7 |
0.7 | 0.7 | |||||
- Taxes on actuarial gains and losses | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.1) | |||||
Comprehensive income |
| (6.8) | (474.8) | (481.6) | 27.4 | (454.2) | |
Dividends | (126.9) | (202.3) | (329.1) | (98.0) | (427.2) | |||
Capital increases |
| 7.7 | 7.7 | |||||
Treasury shares | (0.3) | (0.3) | (0.3) | |||||
Other | (0.0) | 1.5 | 1.4 | (0.3) | 1.2 | |||
EQUITY AS OF 06/30/2023 | 116.2 | 2,387.4 | (34.2) | 118.9 | 3,190.1 | 5,778.4 | 2,033.3 | 7,811.7 |
Net profit/(loss) |
| (774.9) | (774.9) | (68.7) | (843.6) | |
Other comprehensive income: Cash flow hedges: - Changes in value | (19.8) |
(19.8) | (2.4) | (22.2) | ||||
- Tax on changes in fair value | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.3 | ||||
- Recycling to the income statement | (0.2) | (0.2) | 0.2 | 0.0 | ||||
Other non-recyclable items: - Actuarial gains and losses | (0.3) |
(0.3) | 0.0 | (0.3) | ||||
- Taxes on actuarial gains and losses | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | |||||
Comprehensive income |
| (19.8) | (775.2) | (795.0) | (70.8) | (865.8) | |
Dividends paid | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | |||||
Treasury shares | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | |||||
Other (a) | (37.3) | 38.5 | 1.2 | (1,880.6) | (1,879.4) |
EQUITY AS OF 12/31/2023 116.2 2,387.4 (33.9) 61.8 2,454.4 4,985.9 81.8 5,067.7
Net profit/(loss) | (180.5) | (180.5) | (22.6) | (203.2) | |||||
Other comprehensive income: Cash flow hedges: - Changes in value | 5.0 |
5.0 | (0.3) | 4.7 | |||||
- Tax on changes in fair value | (0.0) | (0.0) | 0.0 | (0.0) | |||||
- Recycling to the income statement | (0.2) | (0.2) | 0.1 | (0.1) | |||||
Other non-recyclable items: - Actuarial gains and losses | 1.0 |
1.0 | (0.0) | 1.0 | |||||
- Taxes on actuarial gains and losses | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.1) | ||||||
Comprehensive income |
| 4.8 | (179.7) | (174.9) | (22.8) | (197.7) | |||
Dividends paid (b) | (367.8) | (367.8) | (1.1) | (368.9) | |||||
Treasury shares (c) | 1.9 | (3.3) | (1.3) | (1.3) | |||||
Other | 0.0 | (1.9) | (1.9) | 3.2 | 1.3 | ||||
EQUITY AS OF 06/30/2024 | 116.2 | 2,387.4 | (32.0) | 66.6 | 1,901.8 | 4,440.1 | 61.0 | 4,501.1 |
(a) In 2023, other factors related to the Healthcare Property Investment Division no longer being consolidated into the Group.
(b) The cash dividend approved by the General Meeting in 2024 was paid as an interim dividend in March 2024 with the balance paid in July 2024 (see note 2.3).
(c) Treasury shares amounted to 456,085 as of June 30, 2024 vs. 456,244 as of December 31, 2023.
Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024
NOTE 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES .......................................................................................................................................... 65
1.1. General information................................................................................................................................................ 65
1.2. Accounting standards ............................................................................................................................................. 65
1.3. Basis of preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements .................................................. 66
NOTE 2. H1 2024 HIGHLIGHTS .......................................................................................................................................... 69
2.1. Investments ............................................................................................................................................................ 69
2.2. Changes in financial liabilities ................................................................................................................................. 69
2.3. Dividend distribution .............................................................................................................................................. 69
NOTE 3. SEGMENT REPORTING ........................................................................................................................................ 70
3.1. Reconciliation of operational reporting to the consolidated financial statements ................................................ 71
3.2. Segmented income statement ................................................................................................................................ 73
3.3. Segmented statement of financial position ............................................................................................................ 74
NOTE 4. PROPERTY PORTFOLIO AND FAIR VALUE ............................................................................................................ 75
4.1. Property portfolio ................................................................................................................................................... 75 4.2. Valuation of the property portfolio: methods and assumptions ............................................................................ 75
4.3. Change in fair value of investment property .......................................................................................................... 79
NOTE 5. FINANCE AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ........................................................................................................... 80
5.1. Financial structure and contribution to profit/(loss) .............................................................................................. 80
5.2. Management of financial risks ................................................................................................................................ 84
5.3. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities ............................................................................................................. 88
NOTE 6. EQUITY AND EARNINGS PER SHARE .................................................................................................................... 89
6.1. Share capital and ownership structure ................................................................................................................... 89
6.2. Dividends ................................................................................................................................................................ 89
6.3. Earnings per share .................................................................................................................................................. 90
NOTE 7. OPERATIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 91
7.1. Revenue .................................................................................................................................................................. 91
7.2. Components of the working capital requirement................................................................................................... 91
NOTE 8. OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS ........................................................................................................................... 93
8.1. Change in equity-accounted investments............................................................................................................... 93
8.2. Information on joint ventures and associates ........................................................................................................ 93
NOTE 9. INCOME TAX ....................................................................................................................................................... 94
9.1. Tax expense ............................................................................................................................................................ 94
NOTE 10. PROVISIONS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES ..................................................................................................... 94
10.1. Provisions .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
10.2. Contingent liabilities ............................................................................................................................................. 94
NOTE 11. OTHER INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 95
11.1. Related parties ...................................................................................................................................................... 95
11.2. Off-balance sheet commitments and related parties ........................................................................................... 95
11.3. Events after the reporting period ......................................................................................................................... 95
11.4. Scope of consolidation .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Note 1. General principles
1.1. General information
Icade (“the Company”) is a French public limited company (SA, société anonyme) listed on Euronext Paris. The Company opted for the tax regime for French listed real estate investment companies (SIICs) referred to in Article 208 C of the French General Tax Code (CGI). Its registered office is situated at 27 rue Camille Desmoulins, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
The Company’s consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024 reflect the financial position and profits and losses of the Company and its subsidiaries (“the Group”), as well as the Group’s investments in equity-accounted companies (joint ventures and associates). They were prepared in euros, which is the Company’s functional currency.
The Group is an integrated real estate player operating as a commercial property investor and a developer of residential and office properties as well as large-scale public amenities.
1.2. Accounting standards
The Group’s condensed consolidated financial statements for the half-year ended June 30, 2024 have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union as of June 30, 2024, pursuant to European Regulation No. 1606/2002 dated July 19, 2002, and include comparative information (H1 2023 and/or December 31, 2023) prepared under the accounting standards applicable at the reporting date.
The international accounting standards are issued by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) and have been adopted by the European Union. They include the IFRS, the IAS (International Accounting Standards) and their interpretations. These standards are available for viewing on the European Commission’s website.
The accounting policies and measurement bases used by the Group in preparing the condensed consolidated financial statements are identical to those used for the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023, subject to the specific provisions of IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting described in note 1.3.3, and except for those mandatory standards, interpretations and amendments to be applied for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024, which are detailed in note 1.2.1 below.
1.2.1. Mandatory standards, amendments, interpretations and directive adopted by the European Union which became effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024
¨ Amendments to IAS 1 – Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current.
These amendments aim to clarify the criteria for the classification of a liability as either current or non-current.
¨ Amendments to IFRS 16 – Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback. This amendment clarifies the subsequent measurement of lease liabilities arising from sale and leaseback transactions, including those with variable lease payments.
¨ Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7 – Supplier Finance Arrangements. These amendments add disclosure requirements for supplier finance arrangements. They intend to enhance the transparency of these arrangements to better understand their effects on an entity’s liabilities, cash flows and exposure to liquidity risk.
These amendments have had no impact on the Group.
¨ International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules.
The 2024 Finance Act transposed Council Directive (EU) 2022/2523 of December 15, 2022 into French law. This directive aims to ensure a global minimum level of taxation of 15% for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups in the European Union, known as “Pillar Two”.
However, uncertainties remain as to how it should be applied, and the OECD regularly publishes administrative guidance on this subject. This guidance is expected to be transposed into French law by an ordinance, since the July 2023 and December 2023 guidance is not at present covered by the 2024 Finance Act.
“Transitional Safe Harbour”, i.e. a temporary simplification measure, has been introduced for the financial years 2024 to 2026. This measure enables groups to comply with their GloBE obligations gradually by not requiring them to perform all the calculations needed to determine their tax liability for GloBE purposes from the outset in countries where their presence is not significant or where taxation is high.
The Group has applied the amendment to IAS 12 providing for a mandatory temporary exception from accounting for deferred tax associated with top-up tax arising from the Pillar Two rules.
Top-up tax from the entry into force of the Pillar Two framework had no impact on the Group’s financial statements as of June 30, 2024.
1.2.2. Standards, amendments and interpretations issued but not yet mandatory for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024
Standards, amendments and interpretations issued by the IASB and adopted by the European Union but not yet effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024
¨ Amendments to IAS 21 – Lack of Exchangeability. This amendment specifies the exchange rate to use in reporting foreign currency transactions when exchangeability between two currencies is lacking.
The entity shall apply these amendments for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2025. Earlier application is permitted.
These amendments are not applicable to the Group.
Standards, amendments and interpretations issued by the IASB but not yet adopted by the European Union
¨ IFRS 18 – Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements
This Standard will replace IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements and amend IAS 7 – Statement of Cash Flows and IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.
It is intended to:
• improve comparability in the statement of profit or loss (income statement) by specifying its basic structure and content, in particular through the introduction of three new categories for income and expenses in addition to the existing income taxes category and discontinued operations category: operating, investing and financing;
• enhance transparency in reporting certain management-defined performance measures (MPMs) that are related to the income statement;
• improve the relevance of disclosures by tightening the requirements for aggregation and disaggregation of information disclosed in the primary financial statements and accompanying notes.
The application of IFRS 18 will be mandatory for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2027 on a retrospective basis and is subject to endorsement by the European Union.
1.3. Basis of preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements
According to the principle of relevance and the ensuing materiality notion, only information deemed relevant and useful to the users’ understanding of the consolidated financial statements is reported.
1.3.1. Measurement bases
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared according to the amortised cost method, with the exception of certain financial assets and liabilities and investment property measured at fair value.
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement utilises a fair value hierarchy across three levels:
¨ Level 1: fair value measured based on unadjusted prices quoted in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
¨ Level 2: fair value measured based on models using observable data, either directly (i.e. prices), or indirectly (i.e. data derived from prices);
¨ Level 3: fair value measured based on market data not directly observable.
1.3.2. Use of judgements and estimates
The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires the Group’s management to use estimates and assumptions to determine the value of certain assets, liabilities, income and expenses, as well as for the information provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Due to the uncertainties inherent in any measurement process, the Group revises its estimates on the basis of regularly updated information. The future results of the operations concerned may differ from the estimates made at the reporting date of the condensed consolidated financial statements.
The main estimates made by the Group related to the following measurements:
¨ The fair value of investment property determined by the valuations carried out by independent property valuers (see note 4.2);
¨ Measurement of credit risk arising from accounts receivable;
¨ Measurement of revenue based on the percentage of completion method for construction and off-plan sale contracts following the half-yearly review of property developments whose land is controlled by the Group.
The accounting estimates used to prepare the financial statements as of June 30, 2024 were made amid an economic environment characterised by persistently high interest rates. Amid a persistently challenging market environment for the Property Development Division as prices continue to fall, in particular for bulk sales, the Group conducted a comprehensive and detailed review of the Division’s project portfolio. This review entailed:
¨ for projects under construction: revising the price lists to factor in prevailing market conditions, especially for bulk sale prices;
¨ for projects in the pre-construction phase:
• writing down all the study costs incurred on discontinued or revised projects;
• updating land values for projects for which land has already been acquired, in line with the new residual values or based on the estimated resale price for discontinued or revised projects.
This rigorous approach led the Group to recognise a pre-tax impairment loss of €85.0 million (€63.5 million after tax) in its consolidated income statement as of June 30, 2024.
More generally, the Group has taken into account the reliable data available to assess the impact of the economic environment on its business as of June 30, 2024.
In addition, the Group had a high level of fixed rate or hedged debt as of June 30, 2024. In the short and medium term, the Group will nonetheless closely monitor interest rates in the financial markets and their impact on financing costs.
In addition to using estimates, the Group’s management relied on its judgement to define the appropriate accounting treatment for certain operations and transactions where current IFRS and their interpretations did not specifically address the accounting issues raised.
For example, the Group’s management has taken into account climate change and sustainable development issues through its investment and expenditure policy in line with applicable regulations and its strategy to reduce the Group’s carbon footprint. As such, funds have been allocated on a yearly basis to finance projects to be undertaken. Icade has also actively pursued its strategy of using sustainable finance for its business activities while adhering to its Green Bond Framework.
In addition, management exercised its judgement in:
¨ Determining the degree of control (sole or joint) by the Group over its investments or the existence of significant influence;
¨ Measuring the right-of-use assets and lease commitments that were used in applying IFRS 16 – Leases and, in particular, in determining lease terms;
¨ Determining the classification of leases in which the Group is the lessor between operating and finance leases; Recognising deferred tax assets, in particular tax loss carry forwards.
1.3.3. Specific rules applying to the preparation of condensed consolidated financial statements
The condensed consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2024 do not include all the financial information required for annual consolidated financial statements and should therefore be read in conjunction with the Group’s consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023.
In accordance with IAS 34, the tax expense for H1 2024 was calculated by applying, for each company, the average effective tax rate estimated for the full financial year to the profit/(loss) before tax for the interim period. This rate was estimated based on 2024 data approved by management.
1.3.4. Effects of climate change
In response to the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the Icade Group has stepped up its environmental and societal commitments by setting its divisions ambitious carbon reduction targets for 2030. These objectives have been factored into its investment and expenditure policy, with annual resources allocated in order to achieve them. When determining the fair value of investment properties, planned investments, including those related to climate, are submitted to the independent property valuers for review. Such property valuers carry out their work in accordance with their professional standards, as described in note 4.2.1 “Valuation assignments”. Based on their knowledge of the market, they found no evidence that sustainability criteria had a material impact on transaction prices in 2024. However, they remain attentive to any changes in the real estate market in this regard.
As of June 30, 2024, climate change effects had no material impact on the judgements and estimates required to prepare the financial statements.
Note 2. H1 2024 highlights
2.1. Investments
Investments made by the Property Investment Division totalled €83.1 million and related in particular to continued work on projects under development such as Edenn in Nanterre-Préfecture and Next in Lyon.
For further information about investments completed during the period, an analysis has been provided in note 4.1. “Investment property”.
2.2. Changes in financial liabilities
The Group’s gross financial liabilities decreased from €5,067.3 million as of December 31, 2023 to €4,708.0 million as of June 30, 2024, mainly due to the early redemption of two bonds for a total of €350.0 million:
¨ €142.5 million for bonds maturing on November 17, 2025 with a 1.125% coupon (ISIN: FR0013218393), reducing the amount outstanding from €500.0 million to €357.5 million following settlement on May 23, 2024;
¨ €207.5 million for bonds maturing on June 10, 2026 with a 1.750% coupon (ISIN: FR0013181906), reducing the amount outstanding from €750.0 million to €542.5 million following settlement on May 23, 2024.
This bond buyback is in line with the ReShapE strategic plan and financed with part of the proceeds received in 2023 from the first stage of the sale of the Healthcare business. It will enable the Group to proactively manage its debt repayment schedule.
A €12.7 million cash adjustment was received as a result of this bond buyback. It was recognised under “Other finance income and expenses” in the Group’s consolidated income statement.
A complete review has been provided in note 5 “Finance and financial instruments” for further information about changes in the Group’s finance during the period.
2.3. Dividend distribution
The General Meeting held on April 19, 2024 approved a gross cash dividend of €4.84 per share for the financial year 2023 and the following payment terms:
¨ Payment of an interim dividend of €2.42 per share on March 6, 2024 totalling €183.3 million, after taking into account treasury shares, and
¨ A final dividend payment of €2.42 per share on July 4, 2024 totalling €184.5 million, after taking into account treasury shares.
For further information about the dividends paid out by the Group during the half-year, an analysis has been provided in note 7 “Equity and earnings per share”.
Note 3. Segment reporting
The Group’s structure reflects its two business lines, each having its own specific risks and advantages. These two business lines, which constitute the Group’s two operating segments under IFRS 8, are as follows:
¨ The Property Investment business, which focuses primarily on holding and developing office properties and business parks for the rental of these assets and active management of this asset portfolio. Holding company activities are presented in the Property Investment segment;
¨ The Property Development business, which focuses primarily on building property assets with a view to selling them (office and residential properties, large-scale public amenities and healthcare facilities);
¨ The Intersegment transactions and other items column includes discontinued operations as well as eliminations and reclassifications relating to transactions between business lines.
Following divestment of the Healthcare Property Investment Division in 2023 and as part of reviewing the Group’s key indicators, Icade updated its segment reporting to reflect the change in internal reporting monitored by the Group’s management.
In this respect, the Property Development business line is now presented on a full consolidation basis for controlled entities and on a proportionate consolidation basis for joint ventures.
This presentation better reflects the level of performance and risks in terms of sales, operating income, working capital requirements and debt specific to this division.
The following notes include a reconciliation of operational reporting to the consolidated financial statements (note 3.1) and present the core segmented financial statements based on operational reporting (notes 3.2 to 3.4).
3.1. Reconciliation of operational reporting to the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated income statement
06/30/2024 06/30/2023
Group | Adjustment for joint ventures | Group Operational reporting |
181.1 | - | 181.1 |
459.8 | 75.6 | 535.4 |
55.8 | 0.4 | 56.2 |
90.5 | 1.3 | 91.8 |
787.1 | 77.4 | 864.5 |
(414.6) | (68.5) | (483.1) |
(142.9) | (0.5) | (143.5) |
(3.6) | (0.5) | (4.1) |
(73.7) | (0.0) | (73.7) |
2.4 | 0.0 | 2.4 |
(632.3) | (69.5) | (701.8) |
154.8 | 7.9 | 162.7 |
(12.0) | - | (12.0) |
(565.2) | - | (565.2) |
(0.6) | 0.2 | (0.4) |
(0.1) | - | (0.1) |
(3.0) | - | (3.0) |
(16.6) | - | (16.6) |
1.7 | (4.6) | (3.0) |
(441.1) | 3.5 | (437.7) |
(38.2) | (2.4) | (40.6) |
(6.4) | (0.5) | (6.9) |
(44.6) | (2.9) | (47.5) |
(1.2) | (0.5) | (1.7) |
(486.8) | 0.0 | (486.8) |
39.9 | - | 39.9 |
(447.0) | 0.0 | (447.0) |
28.4 | (0.0) | 28.4 |
(475.4) | 0.0 | (475.4) |
Gross rental income | 187.8 | - | 187.8 | |
Income from construction and off-plan sale contracts | 497.5 | 71.1 | 568.6 | |
Income from services provided and other income | 13.6 | 8.7 | 22.3 | |
Other income from operating activities | 80.4 | 0.4 | 80.8 | |
Income from operating activities | 7.1. | 779.3 | 80.2 | 859.5 |
Purchases used | (436.2) | (70.2) | (506.4) | |
Outside services |
| (126.7) | (1.1) | (127.8) |
Taxes, duties and similar payments |
| (2.9) | (0.9) | (3.7) |
Staff costs, performance incentive scheme and profit sharing |
| (66.1) | - | (66.1) |
Other operating expenses |
| (80.3) | 1.5 | (78.8) |
Expenses from operating activities |
| (712.2) | (70.7) | (782.8) |
| 67.1 | 9.6 | 76.6 |
Depreciation charges net of government investment grants | (13.0) | - | (13.0) | |
Change in value of investment property | (268.5) | - | (268.5) | |
Charges and reversals related to impairment of tangible, financial and other current assets | (1.1) | 0.2 | (0.9) | |
Profit/(loss) from acquisitions | (0.0) | - | (0.0) | |
Profit/(loss) on asset disposals | (4.3) | - | (4.3) | |
Goodwill impairment | - | - | - | |
Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | (2.1) | (3.0) | (5.2) | |
Operating profit/(loss) |
| (222.0) | 6.8 | (215.3) |
Cost of net financial liabilities | (1.9) | (2.4) | (4.3) | |
Other finance income and expenses | (4.8) | (2.4) | (7.1) | |
Finance income/(expense) |
| (6.7) | (4.8) | (11.5) |
Tax expense | 26.1 | (2.0) | 24.1 | |
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations | (202.6) | - | (202.6) | |
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations | (0.5) | - | (0.5) | |
Net profit/(loss) |
| (203.2) | - | (203.2) |
Including net profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests | (22.6) | (0.0) | (22.6) | |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group |
| (180.5) | - | (180.5) |
Adjustment Group
Note Group for joint Operational
(in millions of euros) ventures reporting
Consolidated statement of financial position
Assets 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Adjustment Group Adjustment Group
Group for joint Operational Group for joint Operational ventures reporting ventures reporting
(in millions of euros)
Other intangible fixed assets | 30.8 | (0.0) | 30.8 | 31.5 | (0.0) | 31.5 |
Tangible fixed assets | 45.7 | - | 45.7 | 55.9 | - | 55.9 |
Investment property | 6,422.6 | - | 6,422.6 | 6,646.8 | - | 6,646.8 |
Equity-accounted investments | 99.9 | (12.1) | 87.8 | 111.5 | (23.0) | 88.5 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 16.9 | - | 16.9 | 18.8 | - | 18.8 |
Financial assets at amortised cost | 23.9 | 0.7 | 24.6 | 17.1 | 0.7 | 17.8 |
Derivative assets | 67.9 | - | 67.9 | 63.0 | 0.1 | 63.1 |
Deferred tax assets | 42.9 | 0.7 | 43.6 | 18.8 | 0.6 | 19.4 |
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 6,750.7 | (10.7) | 6,740.0 | 6,963.4 | (21.7) | 6,941.7 |
Inventories and work in progress | 695.5 | 208.4 | 903.8 | 742.2 | 216.3 | 958.4 |
Contract assets | 213.6 | 53.1 | 266.7 | 204.3 | 79.9 | 284.2 |
Accounts receivable | 172.9 | 7.1 | 180.0 | 168.9 | 7.8 | 176.7 |
Tax receivables | 0.9 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 8.7 | 0.9 | 9.6 |
Miscellaneous receivables | 355.7 | 37.8 | 393.5 | 342.5 | 38.0 | 380.5 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 0.1 | - | 0.1 | 0.1 | - | 0.1 |
Financial assets at amortised cost | 348.3 | 8.6 | 357.0 | 358.5 | 12.3 | 370.9 |
Derivative assets | 0.3 | 0.0 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.0 | 0.6 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 1,151.7 | 96.0 | 1,247.7 | 1,620.2 | 84.9 | 1,705.1 |
Investment property held for sale | 61.8 | - | 61.8 | 62.0 | - | 62.0 |
Financial assets held for sale | 1,072.0 | - | 1,072.0 | 1,129.7 | - | 1,129.7 |
CURRENT ASSETS | 4,072.8 | 412.3 | 4,485.2 | 4,637.7 | 440.1 | 5,077.8 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 10,823.5 | 401.6 | 11,225.1 | 11,601.0 | 418.4 | 12,019.5 |
Liabilities 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Adjustment Group Adjustment Group
Group for joint Operational Group for joint Operational
(in millions of euros) ventures reporting ventures reporting
Equity attributable to the Group | 4,440.1 | - | 4,440.1 | 4,985.9 | (0.0) | 4,985.9 |
Non-controlling interests | 61.0 | 0.0 | 61.0 | 81.8 | (0.0) | 81.8 |
EQUITY | 4,501.1 | (0.0) | 4,501.1 | 5,067.7 | (0.0) | 5,067.7 |
Provisions | 17.9 | - | 17.9 | 18.5 | - | 18.5 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 4,180.6 | 54.3 | 4,234.9 | 4,519.5 | 52.5 | 4,572.0 |
Lease liabilities | 44.9 | - | 44.9 | 48.3 | - | 48.3 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 19.4 | 1.1 | 20.5 | 21.4 | 0.6 | 22.0 |
Other financial liabilities | 58.8 | 0.0 | 58.8 | 59.0 | 0.0 | 59.0 |
Derivative liabilities | 1.2 | - | 1.2 | 1.3 | 0.1 | 1.3 |
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES | 4,322.8 | 55.4 | 4,378.2 | 4,668.0 | 53.1 | 4,721.1 |
Provisions | 77.4 | 0.4 | 77.8 | 57.3 | 5.4 | 62.6 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 527.4 | 162.6 | 690.1 | 547.8 | 170.9 | 718.7 |
Lease liabilities | 9.0 | - | 9.0 | 12.2 | - | 12.2 |
Tax liabilities | 1.4 | 2.2 | 3.6 | 2.9 | 1.2 | 4.1 |
Contract liabilities | 54.1 | 11.1 | 65.2 | 65.4 | 12.2 | 77.6 |
Accounts payable | 676.6 | 134.2 | 810.8 | 692.2 | 139.8 | 832.0 |
Miscellaneous payables | 652.6 | 35.6 | 688.2 | 486.0 | 35.9 | 521.9 |
Other financial liabilities | 0.7 | - | 0.7 | 0.7 | - | 0.7 |
Derivative liabilities | 0.0 | - | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Liabilities from discontinued operations | 0.5 | - | 0.5 | 0.8 | - | 0.8 |
CURRENT LIABILITIES | 1,999.6 | 346.2 | 2,345.8 | 1,865.3 | 365.3 | 2,230.7 |
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 10,823.5 | 401.6 | 11,225.1 | 11,601.0 | 418.4 | 12,019.5 |
3.2. Segmented income statement
06/30/2024 06/30/2023
Property Investment | Property Development (a) | Intersegment transactions and other items | Group Operational reporting |
181.1 | - | - | 181.1 |
- | 535.4 | - | 535.4 |
9.5 | 48.0 | (1.3) | 56.2 |
87.4 | 4.4 | - | 91.8 |
277.9 | 587.8 | (1.3) | 864.5 |
(0.3) | (482.8) | - | (483.1) |
(112.9) | (31.0) | 0.4 | (143.5) |
(0.8) | (3.2) | - | (4.1) |
(26.1) | (47.6) | 0.1 | (73.7) |
0.1 | 2.5 | (0.2) | 2.4 |
(140.0) | (562.1) | 0.3 | (701.8) |
137.9 | 25.7 | (1.0) | 162.7 |
(7.6) | (5.5) | 1.0 | (12.0) |
(565.2) | - | - | (565.2) |
- | (0.4) | - | (0.4) |
- | (0.1) | - | (0.1) |
0.2 | (3.2) | - | (3.0) |
- | (16.6) | - | (16.6) |
(3.3) | 0.4 | - | (3.0) |
(438.0) | 0.3 | 0.1 | (437.7) |
(31.6) | (9.0) | - | (40.6) |
(5.4) | (1.5) | 0.0 | (6.9) |
(37.0) | (10.5) | 0.0 | (47.5) |
(0.3) | (1.4) | - | (1.7) |
(475.3) | (11.6) | 0.1 | (486.8) |
(8.6) | - | 48.5 | 39.9 |
(483.9) | (11.6) | 48.6 | (447.0) |
(38.2) | 1.1 | 65.6 | 28.4 |
(445.7) | (12.7) | (17.0) | (475.4) |
Gross rental income | 187.8 | - | - | 187.8 |
Income from construction and off-plan sale contracts | - | 568.6 | - | 568.6 |
Income from services provided and other income | 7.5 | 14.4 | 0.4 | 22.3 |
Other income from operating activities | 77.9 | 2.8 | (0.0) | 80.8 |
Income from operating activities | 273.3 | 585.8 | 0.4 | 859.5 |
Purchases used | 0.5 | (506.8) | - | (506.4) |
Outside services | (97.7) | (30.4) | 0.2 | (127.8) |
Taxes, duties and similar payments | 1.3 | (5.0) | - | (3.7) |
Staff costs, performance incentive scheme and profit sharing | (27.4) | (38.7) | 0.0 | (66.1) |
Other operating expenses | (1.1) | (78.0) | 0.3 | (78.8) |
Expenses from operating activities | (124.5) | (659.0) | 0.6 | (782.8) |
EBITDA | 148.8 | (73.2) | 1.0 | 76.6 |
Depreciation charges net of government investment grants | (8.8) | (5.4) | 1.1 | (13.0) |
Change in value of investment property | (268.5) | - | - | (268.5) |
Charges and reversals related to impairment of tangible, financial and other current assets | - | (0.9) | - | (0.9) |
Profit/(loss) from acquisitions | - | (0.0) | - | (0.0) |
Profit/(loss) on asset disposals | 0.0 | (4.4) | - | (4.3) |
Goodwill impairment | - | - | - | - |
Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | (5.4) | 0.2 | - | (5.2) |
Operating profit/(loss) | (133.8) | (83.6) | 2.1 | (215.3) |
Cost of net financial liabilities | (8.0) | (5.3) | 8.9 | (4.3) |
Other finance income and expenses | 5.6 | (2.5) | (10.2) | (7.1) |
Finance income/(expense) | (2.4) | (7.8) | (1.3) | (11.5) |
Tax expense | (0.3) | 24.4 | - | 24.1 |
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations | (136.5) | (67.0) | 0.8 | (202.6) |
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations | - | - | (0.5) | (0.5) |
Net profit/(loss) | (136.5) | (67.0) | 0.3 | (203.2) |
Including net profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests | (22.6) | (0.0) | - | (22.6) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | (113.9) | (66.9) | 0.3 | (180.5) |
Property Intersegment Group
Development transactions Operational Investment
(a) and other items reporting
(in millions of euros)
(a) Fully consolidated entities and the Group’s share of joint ventures.
3.3. Segmented statement of financial position
Assets 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Investment | Property Intersegment Development transactions and (a) other items | Group Operational reporting | |
22.3 | 9.1 | - | 31.5 |
29.5 | 28.5 | (2.1) | 55.9 |
6,646.8 | - | - | 6,646.8 |
87.9 | 0.7 | - | 88.5 |
18.7 | 0.0 | - | 18.8 |
300.8 | (140.1) | (143.0) | 17.8 |
63.0 | 0.1 | - | 63.1 |
0.0 | 19.4 | - | 19.4 |
7,169.1 | (82.3) | (145.1) | 6,941.7 |
0.8 | 957.6 | - | 958.4 |
0.0 | 286.2 | (2.0) | 284.2 |
107.3 | 81.0 | (11.6) | 176.7 |
0.0 | 9.6 | - | 9.6 |
87.2 | 294.3 | (1.1) | 380.5 |
0.1 | - | - | 0.1 |
364.8 | 119.9 | (113.8) | 370.9 |
0.2 | 0.5 | - | 0.6 |
1,290.6 | 442.1 | (27.6) | 1,705.1 |
62.0 | - | - | 62.0 |
(0.0) | - | 1,129.7 | 1,129.7 |
1,912.9 | 2,191.2 | 973.7 | 5,077.8 |
9,082.0 | 2,108.9 | 828.6 | 12,019.5 |
12/31/2023 | |||
Property Investment | Property Intersegment Development transactions and (a) other items | Group Operational reporting | |
3,635.8 | 35.0 | 1,315.1 | 4,985.9 |
74.6 | 7.2 | - | 81.8 |
3,710.5 | 42.2 | 1,315.1 | 5,067.7 |
11.3 | 7.2 | - | 18.5 |
4,518.4 | 196.5 | (143.0) | 4,572.0 |
41.6 | 6.7 | - | 48.3 |
15.6 | 6.4 | - | 22.0 |
58.8 | 0.1 | - | 59.0 |
1.1 | 0.3 | - | 1.3 |
4,646.9 | 217.2 | (143.0) | 4,721.1 |
14.1 | 36.5 | 12.0 | 62.6 |
338.0 | 745.4 | (364.7) | 718.7 |
9.4 | 4.9 | (2.1) | 12.2 |
1.2 | 3.0 | - | 4.1 |
- | 77.6 | - | 77.6 |
88.6 | 737.2 | 6.2 | 832.0 |
273.2 | 244.3 | 4.4 | 521.9 |
0.0 | 0.7 | - | 0.7 |
0.0 | 0.0 | - | 0.0 |
- | - | 0.8 | 0.8 |
724.6 | 1,849.5 | (343.4) | 2,230.7 |
9,082.0 | 2,108.9 | 828.6 | 12,019.5 |
Other intangible fixed assets | 21.3 | 9.5 | - | 30.8 |
Tangible fixed assets | 20.2 | 26.6 | (1.1) | 45.7 |
Investment property | 6,422.6 | - | - | 6,422.6 |
Equity-accounted investments | 87.3 | 0.5 | - | 87.8 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 16.3 | 0.5 | - | 16.9 |
Financial assets at amortised cost | 217.2 | (138.7) | (54.0) | 24.6 |
Derivative assets | 67.8 | 0.1 | - | 67.9 |
Deferred tax assets | 0.0 | 43.6 | - | 43.6 |
NON-CURRENT ASSETS | 6,852.8 | (57.7) | (55.1) | 6,740.0 |
Inventories and work in progress | 0.8 | 903.0 | - | 903.8 |
Contract assets | - | 266.7 | 0.0 | 266.7 |
Accounts receivable | 107.5 | 86.0 | (13.5) | 180.0 |
Tax receivables | 0.1 | 2.0 | - | 2.1 |
Miscellaneous receivables | 135.5 | 303.1 | (45.1) | 393.5 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 0.1 | - | - | 0.1 |
Financial assets at amortised cost | 459.6 | 133.2 | (235.8) | 357.0 |
Derivative assets | 0.1 | 0.2 | - | 0.4 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 866.8 | 404.6 | (23.7) | 1,247.7 |
Investment property held for sale | 61.8 | - | - | 61.8 |
Financial assets held for sale | (0.0) | - | 1,072.0 | 1,072.0 |
CURRENT ASSETS | 1,632.3 | 2,098.9 | 754.0 | 4,485.2 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 8,485.1 | 2,041.1 | 698.9 | 11,225.1 |
Equity attributable to the Group (b) | 3,235.3 | (42.2) | 1,247.0 | 4,440.1 |
Non-controlling interests | 55.6 | 5.4 | - | 61.0 |
EQUITY | 3,290.9 | (36.7) | 1,247.0 | 4,501.1 |
Provisions | 11.1 | 6.8 | - | 17.9 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 4,179.4 | 109.5 | (54.0) | 4,234.9 |
Lease liabilities | 36.6 | 8.3 | - | 44.9 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 15.6 | 4.8 | - | 20.5 |
Other financial liabilities | 58.7 | 0.1 | - | 58.8 |
Derivative liabilities | 1.2 | - | - | 1.2 |
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES | 4,302.6 | 129.6 | (54.0) | 4,378.2 |
Provisions | 13.3 | 52.5 | 12.0 | 77.8 |
Financial liabilities at amortised cost | 319.2 | 833.5 | (462.6) | 690.1 |
Lease liabilities | 6.3 | 3.8 | (1.1) | 9.0 |
Tax liabilities | 0.2 | 3.4 | - | 3.6 |
Contract liabilities | 1.8 | 63.4 | - | 65.2 |
Accounts payable | 78.1 | 729.4 | 3.2 | 810.8 |
Miscellaneous payables | 472.7 | 261.6 | (46.1) | 688.2 |
Other financial liabilities | 0.0 | 0.6 | - | 0.7 |
Derivative liabilities | 0.0 | 0.0 | - | 0.0 |
Liabilities from discontinued operations | - | - | 0.5 | 0.5 |
CURRENT LIABILITIES | 891.6 | 1,948.3 | (494.1) | 2,345.8 |
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 8,485.1 | 2,041.1 | 698.9 | 11,225.1 |

Property Intersegment Group
Development transactions and Operational Investment
(a) other items reporting
(in millions of euros)
(a) Fully consolidated entities and the Group’s share of joint ventures.
Liabilities 06/30/2024
Property Intersegment Group
Development transactions and Operational Investment (in millions of euros) (a) other items reporting
(a) Fully consolidated entities and the Group’s share of joint ventures.
(b) Equity attributable to the Group for the Property Development Division is presented after elimination of intercompany investments.
Note 4. Property portfolio and fair value
4.1. Property portfolio
The Property Investment Division’s property portfolio mainly consists of investment property. The change in its valuation obtained based on the methods described in note 4.2 resulted from the following:
Changes in Changes fair value in scope of
Construction recognised in the consolidation Other
(in millions of euros) Notes 12/31/2023 work (a) income statement (b) changes (c) 06/30/2024
Investment property measured at fair value | 6,646.8 | 82.8 | (253.6) | (53.4) | 0.0 | 6,422.6 | |
Investment property held for sale (IFRS 5) (d) | 62.0 | 0.0 | (0.1) | - | - | 61.8 | |
INVESTMENT PROPERTY ON THE BALANCE SHEET | 4.3. | 6,708.8 | 82.8 | (253.7) | (53.4) | 0.0 | 6,484.5 |
Investment property of equity-accounted companies (e) | 91.3 | 0.3 | (6.4) | - | - | 85.2 | |
Financial receivables and other assets | 70.6 | - | - | (1.2) | 69.4 | ||
| 6,870.7 | 83.1 | (260.1) | (53.4) | (1.2) | 6,639.1 |
Lease liabilities | (29.2) | (29.9) | |||||
Unrealised capital gains on other appraised assets | 5.5 | 5.2 | |||||
| 6,847.0 |
| 6,614.4 |
(a) The Property Investment Division’s construction work included €0.9 million in capitalised finance costs.
(b) Changes in scope of consolidation related to the sale of SNC Arcade by the Property Investment Division to the Property Development Division.
(c) Other changes primarily related to repayments of financial receivables.
(d) Assets held for sale related to Property Investment assets subject to preliminary sale agreements.
(e) Investment property of equity-accounted property investment companies is measured at fair value and shown on a proportionate consolidation basis.
Investments made by the Property Investment Division amounted to €83.1 million during the period and primarily included the following:
¨ Projects under development for €53.0 million including Edenn in Nanterre-Préfecture (€26.7 million) and Next in Lyon (€12.7 million).
¨ Other investments, encompassing “Other capex” and “Other” for €30.1 million, related mainly to building maintenance work and tenant improvements.
4.2. Valuation of the property portfolio: methods and assumptions
4.2.1. Valuation assignments
The Property Investment Division’s property assets are valued twice a year by independent property valuers for the publication of the half-year and annual consolidated financial statements, according to a framework consistent with the SIIC Code of Ethics (sociétés d’investissement immobilier cotées, French listed real estate investment companies) published in July 2008 by the French Federation of Real Estate Companies (Fédération des sociétés immobilières et foncières).
Valuers are regularly selected through a competitive process. They are chosen from among members of the French Association of Property Valuation Companies (Association Française des sociétés d’Expertise Immobilière, AFREXIM).
In accordance with the SIIC Code of Ethics, after seven years Icade shall ensure that there is an internal turnover of the teams responsible for the valuation of its assets in the selected property valuation company. The valuer signing the valuation may not be appointed for more than two consecutive terms of four years except where the valuer has met the requirement with regard to the internal turnover of the teams.
Property valuations were entrusted to Jones Lang LaSalle Expertises, Cushman & Wakefield Valuation France, CBRE
Valuation, Catella Valuation and BNP Paribas Real Estate Valuation. Property valuation fees are billed on the basis of a fixed service fee that takes into account the specificities of the properties (number of units, floor area, number of existing leases, etc.) and that is not based on the value of the assets.
The assignments of the property valuers, whose main valuation methods and conclusions are presented hereafter, are performed according to professional standards, in particular:
¨ The French Property Valuation Charter (Charte de l’expertise en évaluation immobilière), fifth edition, published in March 2017;
¨ The Barthès de Ruyter report from the French Securities and Exchange Commission (COB), which is part of the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF), dated February 3, 2000, on the valuation of the property assets of publicly traded companies;
¨ On an international level, TEGoVA’s (The European Group of Valuers’ Associations) European Valuation Standards as set out in the ninth edition of its Blue Book published in 2020, as well as the Red Book standards of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
These various texts specify the required qualifications for the property valuers, a code of conduct and ethics, and the main definitions (values, floor areas, rates and main valuation methods).
During each valuation session and when valuers submit their valuation reports, Icade makes sure that the methods used by the different property valuers to value its assets are consistent.
Valuations are presented both inclusive and exclusive of duties, the values excluding duties being net of duties and fixed legal expenses calculated by the property valuers.
Operating properties of significant value, the Le Millénaire shopping centre and assets in business parks are subject to a double appraisal approach. Until their completion, this approach is also applied to the Property Investment Division’s office projects under development (excluding off-plan acquisitions) with a valuation or capex budget over €10 million.
On-site inspections are systematically conducted by the property valuers for all new assets added to the portfolio. Further on-site inspections are then organised according to a multi-year schedule or each time that a specific event in the life of the building requires it (occurrence of significant changes in its structure or environment).
All the assets, including the land bank and projects under development, were valued as of June 30, 2024 according to the procedures currently in place within the Group, with the exception of:
¨ Properties subject to a preliminary sale agreement as of the end of the reporting period that are valued based on the contractual sale price;
¨ Public properties and projects held as part of public-private partnerships (PPP) which are not subject to a formal valuation due to the fact that ownership ultimately returns to the State at the end of these contracts. These assets are included in the value of the Group’s property portfolio based on their net carrying amount.
The Group has also implemented a process of internal valuation by its asset management teams in order to verify the asset values obtained by the property valuers and to gain a better understanding of the future performance of the portfolio on the basis of the business plans defined. This process is updated on a yearly basis.
4.2.2. Methods used by the property valuers
Investment property is valued by the property valuers who use two methods simultaneously: the net income capitalisation method and the discounted cash flow method (the property valuer may use the mean of the two methods or the most appropriate method, as the case may be). The direct sales comparison method, which is based on the prices of transactions noted on the market for assets equivalent in type and location, is also used to verify these valuations.
The net income capitalisation method involves applying a yield to income streams, whether that income is reported, existing, theoretical or potential (estimated rental value). This approach may be implemented in different ways depending on the type of income considered (effective rent, estimated rental value or net rental income), as different yields are associated with each type.
The discounted cash flow method assumes that the value of the assets is equal to the present value of the cash flows expected by the investor, including the sale at the end of the holding period. In addition to the resale value obtained by applying a yield to the previous year’s rents, cash flows include rents, the different service charges not recovered by the owner and the major maintenance and repair work. The discount rate to be applied to the cash flows is calculated based either on a risk-free rate plus a risk premium (related both to the property market and to the building considered taking into account its characteristics in terms of location, construction and security of income) or on the weighted average cost of capital.
The land bank and properties under development are also appraised. The methods used by the property valuers primarily include the residual method and/or the discounted cash flow method, and also in certain cases the sales comparison method.
The residual method involves calculating the residual value of a project from the point of view of a property developer to whom the land has been offered. From the sale price of the building at the time of completion, the property valuer deducts all the costs to be incurred, including construction costs, fees and profit, finance costs and any land-related costs.
For properties under development, all outstanding costs linked to the completion of the project, along with carrying costs until completion, must be deducted from the buildings’ estimated sale price. Projects under development are valued on the basis of a clearly identified and approved project, as soon as the building permit can be processed and implemented.
Regardless of the method used to determine their estimates, property valuers set a value and discount rate in line with the risks inherent in each project and, in particular, the state of progress of the various approval and construction stages (demolition permit, building permit, objections, stage of completion of work, any pre-commitment, or rent guarantee). From the exit value, the property valuers must explain which procedure they followed in estimating the degree of risk and the change in valuation for the building in the light of the circumstances under which they worked and the information made available to them.
It should be noted that, for all of its properties, Icade informs its property valuers of the work scheduled to be carried out in the coming years (maintenance, development, refurbishment). In particular, this scheduled work includes the investments needed to implement Icade’s carbon reduction strategy and comply with the French decree on the energy efficiency of service sector properties (Décret Éco Énergie Tertiaire) by 2030. Whether using the net income capitalisation method or the discounted cash flow method, these investments have a direct impact on property valuation.
In addition to this scheduled work, valuers rely on their own assumptions regarding the work required to re-let an asset if they presuppose that it will be vacated in their valuation.
Icade also gives the valuers the information they need to correctly assess the fair value of the buildings: leases, occupancy statuses, service charge budgets, etc. Since 2023, Icade has also provided all CSR criteria for its office properties, as defined in the ESG assessment framework published in 2023 by the French Association of Property Valuation Companies (AFREXIM). These criteria cover levels of electricity consumption, GHG emissions, environmental certification of buildings, proximity to public transport, etc.
Beyond taking into account the impact of work dedicated to sustainable development, the valuers have not, to date, found any evidence that ESG matters are reflected in the prices obtained or obtainable for offices on the French market. The information provided by Icade is nonetheless likely to enhance the valuers’ understanding of the properties under review and to reinforce their conclusions about their fair value.
4.2.3. Main valuation assumptions for investment property
Given the limited availability of public data, the complexity of property valuations and the fact that property valuers use the Group’s confidential occupancy statuses for their valuations, the Group considered Level 3, within the meaning of IFRS 13 (see note 1.3.1), to be the classification best suited to its assets. In addition, unobservable inputs such as rental growth rate assumptions and capitalisation rates are used by the property valuers to determine the fair values of the Group’s assets.
Asset types
Rates for discounting Exit yields Market yields (income Estimated rental value
Methods generally used | cash flows (DCF) | (DCF) | capitalisation) | (in €/sq.m) | |
OFFICES AND BUSINESS PARKS Offices Paris | Capitalisation and DCF |
5.3% - 7.8% |
4.0% - 6.3% | 4.0% - 6.5% | 270 - 1,100 |
La Défense/Peri-Défense | Capitalisation and DCF | 6.0% - 8.0% | 5.5% - 8.5% | 5.3% - 8.0% | 248 - 447 |
Other Western Crescent | Capitalisation and DCF | 5.5% - 6.0% | 4.8% - 5.2% | 4.5% - 5.0% | 471 - 581 |
Inner Ring | Capitalisation and DCF | 6.3% - 8.5% | 6.0% - 8.0% | 5.8% - 9.5% | 229 - 372 |
Outer Ring | Capitalisation and DCF | 5.9% - 6.1% | 7.9% - 8.1% | 9.7% - 9.9% | 197 - 240 |
France outside the Paris region | Capitalisation and DCF | 6.0% - 8.0% | 5.8% - 7.3% | 5.6% - 7.0% | 178 - 352 |
Business parks Inner Ring | DCF | 6.0% - 10.0% | 5.5% - 9.0% | N/A | 119 - 330 |
Outer Ring | DCF | 5.5% - 10.0% | 5.3% - 9.0% | N/A | 55 - 272 |
Other Property Investment assets Hotels (a) | Capitalisation | N/A | N/A | 5.6% - 8.0% | N/A |
Retail | Capitalisation and DCF | 8.0% - 10.0% | 7.3% - 9.0% | 7.5% - 9.7% | 88 - 276 |
Warehouses | Capitalisation and DCF | 9.9% - 10.1% | N/A | 11.9% - 12.1% | 48 - 58 |
(a) Not subject to the traditional rules for determining the estimated rental value, due to the layout and highly specific use of the premises.
4.2.4. Fair value sensitivity of property assets
To date, sensitivity analyses have only been performed to test the impact of potential increases in yields on the fair value of property assets. This impact would be as follows:
Yields (a)
As a % of fair value As a % of fair value in millions of euros in millions of euros
(calculated for the operating property portfolio) as of 06/30/2024 as of 06/30/2024
Offices | (6.7%) | (277.4) | (12.5%) | (518.5) |
- Paris | (7.6%) | (60.8) | (14.2%) | (112.6) |
- La Défense/Peri-Défense | (6.3%) | (120.5) | (11.9%) | (226.4) |
- Other Western Crescent | (9.0%) | (23.0) | (16.5%) | (42.1) |
- Inner Ring | (5.6%) | (32.7) | (10.7%) | (61.7) |
- Outer Ring | (4.3%) | (3.7) | (8.2%) | (7.1) |
- France outside the Paris region | (7.2%) | (36.7) | (13.4%) | (68.5) |
Business parks | (5.6%) | (84.5) | (10.7%) | (159.8) |
- Inner Ring | (5.6%) | (42.5) | (10.5%) | (80.4) |
- Outer Ring | (5.7%) | (42.0) | (10.8%) | (79.4) |
Other assets | (4.8%) | (8.0) | (9.0%) | (15.0) |
TOTAL | (6.4%) | (370.0) | (12.0%) | (693.2) |
(a) Icade’s yield on the operating property portfolio, including duties.
4.3. Change in fair value of investment property
The change in fair value of investment property for the periods presented broke down as follows:
(in millions of euros) Notes 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
| (268.5) | (565.2) | (1,466.2) | |
Other changes (a) | 14.8 | 9.0 | 8.1 | ||
CHANGE IN FAIR VALUE OF INVESTMENT PROPERTY | 4.1. | (253.7) | (556.2) | (1,458.1) |
(a) Mainly relates to the straight-lining of assets and liabilities associated with investment property.
The negative change in fair value of €253.7 million is mainly due to the continued rise in yields and discount rates used by property valuers in their valuation. The value of office assets to be repositioned, in particular, has also been impacted by lower estimated rental values.
Note 5. Finance and financial instruments
5.1. Financial structure and contribution to profit/(loss)
5.1.1. Change in net financial liabilities
Breakdown of net financial liabilities at end of period
Net financial liabilities as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 broke down as follows:
Cash flow from financing activities
Changes Fair value in scope of adjustments
Bonds | - | (350.0) | - | - | ||||
Borrowings from credit institutions | 996.2 | 10.1 | (2.4) | - | - | 1,003.9 | ||
Finance lease liabilities | 0.0 | - | (0.0) | - | 0.0 | |||
Other borrowings and similar liabilities | 0.1 | - | (0.0) | - | 0.1 | |||
NEU Commercial Paper | 225.0 | 225.0 | (225.0) | - | - | 225.0 | ||
Payables associated with equity investments | 89.3 | (0.5) | 0.2 | 89.0 | ||||
Bank overdrafts | 202.3 | (0.0) | (8.7) | 193.5 | ||||
Total gross interest-bearing financial liabilities |
| 5,062.8 | 235.1 | (577.4) | (0.6) | (8.5) | 4,711.4 | |
Interest accrued and amortised issue costs | 4.5 | - | (7.9) | (3.4) | ||||
GROSS FINANCIAL LIABILITIES (a) | 5.1.2. | 5,067.3 | 235.1 | (577.4) | (0.6) | (16.4) | 4,708.0 | |
Interest rate derivatives | 5.1.3. | (62.4) | - | (4.6) | (67.0) | |||
Financial assets (b) | 5.1.5. | (368.9) | (12.6) | 15.7 | (365.8) | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | 5.1.6. | (1,620.2) | 14.2 | 454.3 | (1,151.7) | |||
| 3,015.9 | 235.1 | (577.4) | 1.0 | 448.9 | 3,123.5 |
New financial consolidation and other (in millions of euros) liabilities (c) Repayments (c) (d) changes (e)
(a) Including, as of June 30, 2024, €527.4 million in current financial liabilities and €4,180.6 million in non-current financial liabilities.
(b) Excluding security deposits paid and security deposits received and held in an escrow account and excluding financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
(c) Cash flow from financing activities.
(d) Deconsolidation of Property Development entities having served their purpose (see note 11.3).
(e) Other changes related primarily to cash flow from bank overdrafts and cash and cash equivalents.
Gross debt (excluding derivatives) fell by €359.3 million compared with the previous period, mainly due to the redemption of two bonds for a total of €350.0 million (see note 5.1.2).
The -€327.2 million change in cash flow from financing activities in the cash flow statement primarily included cash flow relating to net financial liabilities (€577.4 million decrease and €256.4 million increase) and repayments of lease liabilities recognised under IFRS 16 (€6.2 million).
5.1.2. Components of financial liabilities
Gross financial liabilities: type of rate, maturity and fair value
Gross financial liabilities at amortised cost, excluding issue costs and premiums amortised using the effective interest method, stood at €4,711.4 million as of June 30, 2024 and broke down as follows:
Balance sheet
value Current Non-current Fair value
1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to
Bonds | 3,200.0 | - | 900.0 | - | 1,200.0 | - | 1,100.0 | |
Borrowings from credit institutions | 702.9 | 2.9 | 3.1 | 350.1 | 53.1 | 3.4 | 290.3 | 630.5 |
Finance lease liabilities | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | - | - | - | - | 0.0 |
Other borrowings and similar liabilities | 0.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | - | - | - | - | 0.1 |
Payables associated with equity investments | 4.1 | 4.1 | - | - | - | - | - | 4.1 |
NEU Commercial Paper | 225.0 | 225.0 | - | - | - | - | - | 225.0 |
Fixed rate debt | 4,132.1 | 232.0 | 903.2 | 350.1 | 1,253.1 | 3.4 | 1,390.3 | 3,717.1 |
Borrowings from credit institutions | 301.0 | 4.5 | 73.2 | 43.3 | 2.0 | 14.2 | 163.8 | 300.2 |
Payables associated with equity investments | 84.9 | 84.9 | - | - | - | - | - | 84.9 |
Bank overdrafts | 193.5 | 193.5 | - | - | - | - | - | 193.5 |
Variable rate debt | 579.4 | 282.9 | 73.2 | 43.3 | 2.0 | 14.2 | 163.8 | 578.6 |
TOTAL GROSS INTEREST-BEARING FINANCIAL LIABILITIES | 4,711.4 | 514.9 | 976.4 | 393.4 | 1,255.1 | 17.5 | 1,554.1 | 4,295.7 |
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 < 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years > 5 years
The average debt maturity (excluding debt associated with equity interests, bank overdrafts and NEU Commercial Paper) was 4.3 years as of June 30, 2024 (4.6 years as of December 31, 2023).
As of June 30, 2024, the average maturity was 4.2 years for variable rate debt and 6.4 years for the related hedges, allowing adequate hedging and anticipating coverage of future financing needs.
Characteristics of the bonds
Nominal Nominal value
FR0013218393 | 11/15/2016 | 11/17/2025 | 500.0 | Fixed rate 1.125% | Bullet | (142.5) | ||
FR0013181906 | 06/10/2016 | 06/10/2026 | 750.0 | Fixed rate 1.75% | Bullet | 750.0 | (207.5) | 542.5 |
FR0013281755 | 09/13/2017 | 09/13/2027 | 600.0 | Fixed rate 1.5% | Bullet | 600.0 | - | 600.0 |
FR0013320058 | 02/28/2018 | 02/28/2028 | 600.0 | Fixed rate 1.625% | Bullet | 600.0 | - | 600.0 |
FR0014007NF1 | 01/19/2022 | 01/19/2030 | 500.0 | Fixed rate 1% | Bullet | 500.0 | - | 500.0 |
FR0014001IM0 | 01/18/2021 | 01/18/2031 | 600.0 | Fixed rate 0.625% | Bullet | 600.0 | - | 600.0 |
Bonds |
| 3,550.0 | (350.0) | 3,200.0 |
Nominal value Repayment value as of as of ICADE Issue date Maturity date on the issue date Rate profile
The redemption of two bonds totalling €350.0 million is part of the ReShapE strategic plan (see note 2.2).
5.1.3. Derivative instruments
Presentation of the fair value of derivatives in the consolidated statement of financial position
Derivative instruments consist of interest rate cash flow hedges. As of June 30, 2024, the fair value of these instruments was a net asset position of €67.0 million vs. €62.4 million as of December 31, 2023.
Detailed changes in fair value of hedging derivatives as of June 30, 2024 were as follows:
(in millions of euros) | 12/31/2023 | Acquisitions | Changes in fair value recognised in the income statement | Changes in fair value recognised in equity | 06/30/2024 | |||||||
Cash flow hedges | 62.4 |
| (0.0) | 4.6 | 67.0 | |||||||
Interest rate swaps – fixed-rate payer | 58.3 | - | (0.0) | 5.0 | 63.3 | |||||||
Interest rate options – caps | 4.1 | - | - | (0.3) | 3.8 | |||||||
INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES EXCLUDING MARGIN CALLS | 62.4 | - | (0.0) | 4.6 | 67.0 | |||||||
TOTAL INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES | 62.4 | - | (0.0) | 4.6 | 67.0 | |||||||
Including derivative assets | 63.7 | - | (0.0) | 4.6 | 68.2 | |||||||
Including derivative liabilities | (1.3) | - | - | 0.1 | (1.2) | |||||||
Changes in revaluation reserves
Revaluation reserves consisted exclusively of fair value adjustments to financial instruments used by the Group for interest rate hedging purposes (effective portion). They totalled €68.3 million as of June 30, 2024.
Revaluation reserves as of June 30, 2024 are shown in the table below:
Attributable to
Attributable to non-controlling
(in millions of euros) | Total | the Group | interests |
REVALUATION RESERVES AS OF 12/31/2023 | 63.7 | 61.8 | 1.9 |
Changes in value of cash flow hedges | 4.7 | 5.0 | (0.3) |
Revaluation reserves for cash flow hedges recycled to the income statement | (0.1) | (0.2) | 0.1 |
Deferred tax on changes in value of cash flow hedges | (0.0) | (0.0) | 0.0 |
Other comprehensive income | 4.6 | 4.8 | (0.2) |
REVALUATION RESERVES AS OF 06/30/2024 | 68.3 | 66.6 | 1.7 |
Derivatives: analysis of notional amounts by maturity
The derivative portfolio as of June 30, 2024 was as follows:
(in millions of euros) | Total | < 1 year | > 1 year and < 5 years | > 5 years |
Interest rate swaps – fixed-rate payer | 426.9 | - | 38.1 | 388.8 |
Interest rate options – caps | 192.4 | 42.0 | 150.4 | - |
Interest rate swaps – fixed-rate payer | 104.2 | - | - | 104.2 |
Interest rate options – caps | 10.0 | - | 10.0 | - |
TOTAL INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES AS OF 06/30/2024 | 733.5 | 42.0 | 198.5 | 493.0 |
TOTAL INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES AS OF 12/31/2023 | 608.3 | 52.0 | 153.3 | 403.0 |
These derivatives are used as part of the Group’s interest rate hedging policy (see note 5.2.2).
5.1.4. Finance income/(expense)
Finance income/(expense) consists primarily of:
¨ Cost of gross financial liabilities (mainly interest expenses on financial liabilities and derivatives) adjusted for income from cash, related loans and receivables;
¨ Other finance income and expenses (primarily including non-use fees).
The Group recorded a net finance expense of €6.7 million for H1 2024.
06/30/2023 12/31/2023
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024
Restated (a) Restated (a)
Interest and premiums on borrowings and hedging instruments | (1) | (36.7) | (44.8) | (86.4) |
Interest on overdrafts and hedging instruments | (0.9) | (1.7) | (5.7) | |
Interest on projects under development (b) | (2) | 1.0 | 1.8 | 5.7 |
| (36.6) | (44.7) | (86.4) |
Interest income from cash and cash equivalents | 21.3 | 4.8 | 27.2 | |
Income from receivables and loans | 10.2 | 1.1 | 7.3 | |
Changes in fair value of cash equivalents recognised in the income statement | 3.2 | 0.5 | 2.3 | |
| (1.9) | (38.2) | (49.7) |
Dividends from unconsolidated companies (c) | 48.3 | - | 13.6 | |
Income/(expense) from financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (d) | (59.8) | (1.4) | (18.4) | |
Changes in fair value of derivatives recognised in the income statement | (0.3) | (0.2) | (0.5) | |
Non-use fees | (3.2) | (3.1) | (6.1) | |
Finance income/(expense) from lease liabilities | (1.1) | (1.3) | (2.4) | |
Other finance income and expenses (e) | 11.4 | (0.4) | (6.0) | |
| (6.7) | (44.6) | (69.4) |
COST OF DEBT (EXCLUDING OVERDRAFTS) | (1+2) | (35.6) | (42.9) | (80.7) |
Average gross debt outstanding (excluding overdrafts) | 4,710.0 | 5,219.9 | 5,057.3 | |
| 1.52% | 1.66% | 1.60% |
(a) For 2024, interest on projects under development has been deducted from the cost of gross debt. As such, the comparative periods have been adjusted for €1.6 million and €5.4 million as of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023 respectively.
(b) For 2024, interest on projects under development related to the Property Investment Division and amounted to €0.9 million.
(c) Dividends from unconsolidated companies mainly related to remaining interests in the Healthcare Property Investment Division.
(d) For December 2023 and June 2024, this related mainly to changes in fair value of the remaining interests in the Healthcare Property Investment Division.
(e) For 2024, this included prepayment penalties for bonds (call premiums) (€12.7 million).
5.1.5. Financial assets and liabilities
Changes in financial assets during the period
Changes in other financial assets as of June 30, 2024 broke down as follows:
Impact of changes Changes in fair value in scope of
Disposals / recognised in the consolidation
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (a) | 18.8 | 0.0 | (0.3) | (2.1) | 0.5 | - | |
Financial assets held for sale at fair value through profit or loss (b) | 1,129.7 | - | - | (57.7) | - | - | 1,072.0 |
TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS | 1,148.6 | 0.0 | (0.3) | (59.8) | 0.5 | - | 1,088.9 |
Receivables associated with equity investments and other related parties | 105.1 | 11.7 | (9.4) | - | 12.9 | 0.2 | 120.5 |
Loans | 0.3 | - | - | - | - | - | 0.3 |
Shareholder loans | 250.2 | - | - | - | (0.3) | (24.7) | 225.2 |
Deposits and guarantees paid | 5.6 | 0.4 | (0.6) | - | (0.1) | - | 5.2 |
Other (c) | 14.5 | 6.6 | (0.0) | - | (0.0) | - | 21.0 |
FINANCIAL ASSETS AT AMORTISED COST | 375.6 | 18.7 | (10.0) | - | 12.5 | (24.5) | 372.2 |
TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS | 1,524.1 | 18.7 | (10.3) | (59.8) | 13.0 | (24.5) | 1,461.2 |
(in millions of euros) 12/31/2023 Acquisitions Repayments income statement (d) Other changes
(a) Financial assets at fair value mainly consisted of investments in unconsolidated companies.
(b) Financial assets held for sale at fair value related to remaining interests in the Healthcare Property Investment Division.
(c) Included escrowed funds.
(d) Deconsolidation of Property Development entities having served their purpose (see note 11.3).
Measurement of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss that are held for sale related to remaining interests in the
Healthcare Property Investment Division. These interests were measured at fair value as of June 30, 2024 using EPRA NTA/net asset value as of June 30, 2024 calculated based on information available at the date of preparation of the financial statements. This measurement includes impairment of investment property estimated at -2% on average vs. December 31, 2023.
Maturity analysis of financial assets at amortised cost
A maturity analysis of financial assets as of June 30, 2024 is shown in the table below:
Financial assets at amortised cost Current Non-current
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 < 1 year > 1 year and < 5 years > 5 years
Receivables associated with equity investments and other related parties | 120.5 | 120.5 | (0.0) | 0.0 | |
Loans | 0.3 | 0.1 | 0.0 | 0.2 | |
Deposits and guarantees paid | 5.2 | 0.7 | 1.0 | 3.5 | |
Shareholder loans | 225.2 | 225.2 | - | - | |
Other | 21.0 | 1.9 | 17.7 | 1.4 | |
FINANCIAL ASSETS AT AMORTISED COST | 372.2 | 348.3 | 18.8 | 5.1 |
Changes in and maturity analysis of financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities consisted mostly of deposits and guarantees received from tenants for €59.4 million as of June 30, 2024. The non-current portion represents €58.8 million, including €57.3 million for the portion maturing in more than five years.
5.1.6. Cash and cash equivalents
(in millions of euros) | 06/30/2024 | 12/31/2023 |
Cash equivalents (a) | 635.6 | 788.7 |
Cash on hand and demand deposits (including bank interest receivable) | 516.1 | 831.5 |
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS | 1,151.7 | 1,620.2 |
(a) Comprising term deposits and money market UCITS.
5.2. Management of financial risks
The monitoring and management of financial risks are centralised within the Financing and Treasury Division of the Group’s Finance Department. In addition, the Group’s Risk, Rates, Treasury and Finance Committee meets on a regular basis with the Group’s CEO, Head of Risk, CFO and Head of Financial Control to discuss all matters relating to the management of the Group’s liabilities and associated risks.
The Audit and Risk Committee is also informed at least once a year of the Group’s financial policy and the monitoring of the various financial risk management policies.
5.2.1. Liquidity risk
A liquidity risk policy provides a framework and limits to the Group’s Finance Department in order to ensure that the Group is adequately protected from this risk.
As of June 30, 2024, the Icade Group had available liquidity of €2,636.8 million:
¨ a fully undrawn amount of €1,680.0 million from Icade’s credit lines (excluding credit lines for property development projects). This amount was unchanged compared to December 31, 2023;
¨ €956.8 million in closing net cash, net of bank overdrafts, including interest accrued but not due.
Excluding NEU Commercial Paper, which is a short-term source of financing, liquidity amounted to €2,411.8 million as of June 30, 2024 and covered the Group’s debt payments up to 2028.
In addition, the Group ensures disciplined management and monitoring of the maturities of its main credit lines as shown in the bar chart below. This chart presents the cumulative future principal repayments on the financial liabilities and interest payments for the Group, as estimated up to the maturity dates.
The Group’s next bond maturity is in November 2025. Following the bond tender offer in May 2024, the outstanding amount was reduced from €500.0 million to €357.5 million.
5.2.2. Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is also governed by a specific policy set out by the Group’s Finance Department and reported on a regular basis to the Audit and Risk Committee. This risk includes, in the event of increased interest rates, the risk of increased finance expenses related to variable rate financial liabilities and, in the event of reduced interest rates, the risk of reduced finance income related to variable rate financial assets.
In addition, the Group may use variable rate debt to finance its investments, thus remaining able to prepay debt without penalty.
For the past several years, the Group has pursued a prudent interest rate risk management policy with over 90% of its debt at fixed rate or hedged.
(in millions of euros) |
| Fixed rate | Variable rate | Total |
Gross interest-bearing financial liabilities | 5.1.2. | 4,132.1 | 579.4 | 4,711.4 |
Payables associated with equity investments | 5.1.2. | (4.1) | (84.9) | (89.0) |
Debt treated as variable rate debt: NEU Commercial Paper (a) | 5.1.2. | (225.0) | 225.0 | - |
Total |
| 3,903.0 | 719.5 | 4,622.5 |
Breakdown before hedging (in %) |
| 84% | 16% | 100% |
Impact of outstanding interest rate hedges (b) | 5.1.3. | 619.3 | (619.3) | - |
Breakdown after hedging |
| 4,522.3 | 100.2 | 4,622.5 |
Breakdown after hedging (in %) |
| 98% | 2% | 100% |
(a) Despite having a fixed interest rate, NEU Commercial Paper creates exposure to interest rate risk due to its average maturity of only 3 months. As a result, these securities are included in the hedging strategy and are hedged using derivatives in the same way as variable rate debt. (b) Taking into account outstanding hedges for calculating interest rate risk (see note 5.1.3).
As of June 30, 2024, the Group’s total debt consisted of 84% fixed rate debt and 16% variable rate debt, with fixed rate and hedged debt representing 98% of the total.
Excluding debt associated with equity interests, bank overdrafts and NEU Commercial Paper, the average debt maturity was 4.3 years as of June 30, 2024, with 4.2 years for variable rate debt and 6.4 years for the related hedges.
It should be noted that the Group favours designating its hedging instruments as “cash flow hedges” according to IFRS 9; therefore, any changes in fair value of such instruments are recognised in equity (for the effective portion).
The accounting impact of a -1% or +1% change in interest rates on the value of derivatives and debt described below:
Impact on the income
(in millions of euros) Impact on equity before tax statement before tax
Derivative instruments Impact of a +1% change in interest rates | 28.3 | - |
Impact of a -1% change in interest rates | (30.9) | - |
Debt Impact of a +1% change in interest rates | (0.1) | |
Impact of a -1% change in interest rates | 0.1 |
5.2.3. Currency risk
Since the Group does not enter into any foreign currency transactions, it is not exposed to currency risk.
5.2.4. Credit risk
In the course of its business, the Group is exposed to two major types of counterparties: financial institutions and its tenants.
Regarding financial institutions, credit and/or counterparty risk relates to cash and cash equivalents, and to the banks where they are deposited. The vast majority of investments have maturities of less than one year with a very low risk profile. These investments are monitored daily. As part of the control process, they also require approval prior to any transactions being made. Additionally, in order to limit its counterparty risk, the Group only enters into financial transactions with major banking institutions and applies a principle of risk dispersion, avoiding concentration of exposure to any single counterparty. These principles are set out in the Bank Counterparty Risk Policy managed by the Group’s Finance Department.
As regards its tenants, the Group believes that it is not exposed to significant credit risk thanks to its diversified tenant portfolio in terms of location and individual size of lease commitments. In addition, the Group has introduced procedures to verify the creditworthiness of tenants prior to signing leases and on a regular basis thereafter. In particular, a customer solvency analysis is carried out for the Property Investment business and a check is made on the financing of insurance and guarantees for the Property Development business. These procedures are subject to regular monitoring.
The Group’s exposure to credit risk corresponds primarily to the net carrying amount of receivables less deposits received from tenants, i.e. €44.9 million as of June 30, 2024 (€39.6 million as of December 31, 2023).
5.2.5. Covenants and financial ratios
In addition, the Group is required to comply with the financial covenants set out in the bank agreements and listed below, which are covered by the Group’s financial risk monitoring and management processes. These covenants are calculated in accordance with the bank agreements.
Covenants | 06/30/2024 | ||
Ratio of net financial liabilities/latest portfolio value excl. duties (LTV) | Maximum | < 60% | 37.7% |
Interest coverage ratio (ICR) based on EBITDA plus the Group’s share in profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies | Minimum | > 2 | 33.99x |
CDC’s stake | Minimum | > 34% | 39.20% |
Value of the property portfolio (a) | Minimum | > €4-5bn | €6.6bn |
Security interests in assets | Maximum | < 25% of the property portfolio | 8.8% |
(a) It should be noted that the minimum value of the property portfolio was lowered to €4 billion in all bank financing agreements after the reporting period. As of June 30, 2024, these agreements included both the €4 billion and €5 billion thresholds.
Loans taken out by the Group may be subject to financial covenants—loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and interest coverage ratio (ICR)—and to a clause on the level of control by Caisse des dépôts, the Group’s major shareholder, which may trigger early repayment. All covenants were met as of June 30, 2024.
As of June 30, 2024, Caisse des dépôts held 39.40% of voting rights and a 39.20% stake in Icade SA.
LTV bank covenant
The LTV bank covenant is the ratio of the Group’s net financial liabilities to the sum of (i) the latest valuation of the property portfolio (excluding duties), (ii) equity-accounted investments (excluding duties), (iii) the value of property development companies, and (iv) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (on a full consolidation basis). It stood at 37.7% as of June 30, 2024 (vs. 35.1% as of December 31, 2023). This level is well below the covenant of 60%.
Interest coverage ratio (ICR)
The interest coverage ratio, which is the ratio of EBITDA plus the Group’s share of net profit/(loss) of equity-accounted companies to the interest expense for the period, was 33.99x for H1 2024 (4.10x in H1 2023). This ratio has remained high, well above the limit set out in the bank agreements.
5.3. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities
5.3.1. Reconciliation of the net carrying amount to the fair value of financial assets and liabilities
Below is the reconciliation of the net carrying amount to the fair value of financial assets and liabilities in H1 2024:
Fair value
Carrying amount Fair value through profit Fair value as of (in millions of euros) as of 06/30/2024 Amortised cost through equity or loss 06/30/2024
ASSETS Financial assets held for sale (a) | 1,072.0 | 1,072.0 | 1,072.0 | ||
Financial assets | 389.2 | 372.2 | - | 16.9 | 389.2 |
Derivative instruments | 68.2 | 0.0 | 68.2 | - | 68.2 |
Contract assets | 213.6 | 213.6 | 213.6 | ||
Accounts receivable | 172.9 | 172.9 | 172.9 | ||
Other operating receivables (b) | 92.1 | 92.1 | - | 92.1 | |
Cash equivalents | 635.6 | 477.3 | 158.3 | 635.6 | |
TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS | 2,643.6 | 1,328.2 | 68.2 | 1,247.2 | 2,643.6 |
LIABILITIES Financial liabilities | 4,708.0 | 4,708.0 | - | 4,295.7 | |
Lease liabilities | 53.9 | 53.9 | 53.9 | ||
Other financial liabilities | 59.5 | 59.5 | 59.5 | ||
Derivative instruments | 1.2 | - | 1.2 | - | 1.2 |
Contract liabilities | 54.1 | 54.1 | 54.1 | ||
Accounts payable | 676.6 | 676.6 | 676.6 | ||
Other operating payables (b) | 435.0 | 435.0 | 435.0 | ||
TOTAL FINANCIAL LIABILITIES | 5,988.3 | 5,987.1 | 1.2 | - | 5,576.0 |
(a) Includes financial assets held for sale at fair value through profit or loss which related to the Group’s remaining interests in the Healthcare Property Investment Division.
(b) Excluding agency transactions, prepaid expenses/income and social security and tax receivables/payables.
5.3.2. Fair value hierarchy of financial instruments
The financial instruments whose fair value is determined using a valuation technique based on unobservable data are investments in unconsolidated, unlisted companies.
As of June 30, 2024, the Group’s financial instruments consisted of:
¨ Derivative assets and liabilities measured based on observable data (Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy);
¨ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, measured based on market data not directly observable (Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy);
¨ Cash equivalents (Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy).
Below is a summary table of the fair value hierarchy of financial instruments as of June 30, 2024:
Level 2: valuation Level 3: valuation
Level 1: quoted price technique based on technique based on
(in millions of euros) Notes in an active market observable data unobservable data Fair value
ASSETS Derivatives excluding margin calls | 5.1.3. | - | 68.2 | - | 68.2 | |
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 5.1.5. | - | - | 1,088.9 | 1,088.9 | |
Cash equivalents
| 5.1.6. | 158.3 | - | - | 158.3 | |
LIABILITIES Derivative instruments | 5.1.3. | - | 1.2 | - | 1.2 |
Note 6. Equity and earnings per share
6.1. Share capital and ownership structure
6.1.1. Share capital
As of June 30, 2024, the share capital was unchanged compared to December 31, 2023 at €116.2 million and consisted of 76,234,545 ordinary shares. All the shares issued are fully paid up.
As of June 30, 2024, no shares registered directly with the Company (not with an agent of Icade) were pledged.
6.1.2. Ownership structure
As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company’s ownership structure, both in terms of number of shares and percentage of share capital held, was as follows:
06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Number Number
Shareholders of shares % of capital of shares % of capital
Caisse des dépôts | 29,885,064 | 39.20% | 29,885,064 | 39.20% |
Crédit Agricole Assurances Group | 14,373,960 | 18.85% | 14,373,960 | 18.85% |
Public | 31,171,562 | 40.89% | 31,226,943 | 40.96% |
Employees | 347,874 | 0.46% | 292,334 | 0.38% |
Treasury shares | 456,085 | 0.60% | 456,244 | 0.60% |
TOTAL | 76,234,545 | 100.00% | 76,234,545 | 100.00% |
6.2. Dividends
Dividends paid as of
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Payment (a) to Icade SA shareholders for the previous financial year deducted from: - Tax-exempt fiscal profit (in accordance with the SIIC tax regime) | 367.8 | 202.0 |
- Profit taxable at the standard rate | - | - |
- “Merger premium” – Return of capital | 126.1 | |
Total distribution | 367.8 | 328.1 |
(a) The payment terms for the 2023 dividend are as follows (see note 2.3):
- an interim dividend payment of €2.42 per share on March 6, 2024 totalling €183.3 million, after taking into account treasury shares; - a final dividend payment of €2.42 per share on July 4, 2024 totalling €184.5 million, after taking into account treasury shares.
Dividends per share distributed in the financial years 2024 and 2023 in respect of profits for 2023 and 2022 were €4.84 and €4.33, respectively.
6.3. Earnings per share
Below are the detailed figures for basic and diluted earnings per share as of June 30, 2024, June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023:
6.3.1. Basic earnings per share
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from continuing operations | (180.0) | (440.2) | (1,213.6) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from discontinued operations (a) | (0.5) | (35.2) | (36.7) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | (180.5) | (475.4) | (1,250.3) |
Opening number of shares | 76,234,545 | 76,234,545 | 76,234,545 |
Average number of treasury shares outstanding | (467,683) | (463,340) | (472,327) |
Weighted average undiluted number of shares (b) | 75,766,862 | 75,771,205 | 75,762,218 |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from continuing operations per share (in €) | (€2.38) | (€5.81) | (€16.02) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from discontinued operations per share (in €) | (€0.01) | (€0.46) | (€0.48) |
BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP (in €) | (€2.38) | (€6.27) | (€16.50) |
(a) Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations related to the Healthcare Property Investment business.
(b) The weighted average undiluted number of shares is the number of shares at the start of the period plus, as the case may be, the average number of shares related to the capital increase less the average number of treasury shares outstanding.
6.3.2. Diluted earnings per share
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from continuing operations | (180.0) | (440.2) | (1,213.6) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from discontinued operations (a) | (0.5) | (35.2) | (36.7) |
Net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group | (180.5) | (475.4) | (1,250.3) |
Weighted average undiluted number of shares | 75,766,862 | 75,771,205 | 75,762,218 |
Impact of dilutive instruments (bonus shares) | 64,248 | 76,085 | 91,271 |
Weighted average diluted number of shares (b) | 75,831,110 | 75,847,290 | 75,853,489 |
Diluted net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from continuing operations per share (in €) | (€2.37) | (€5.80) | (€16.00) |
Diluted net profit/(loss) attributable to the Group from discontinued operations per share (in €) | (€0.01) | (€0.46) | (€0.48) |
DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP (in €) | (€2.38) | (€6.27) | (€16.48) |
(a) Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations related to the Healthcare Property Investment business.
(b) The weighted average diluted number of shares is the weighted average undiluted number of shares adjusted for the impact of dilutive instruments (bonus shares).
The diluted number of shares includes the unvested bonus shares which meet service and performance conditions.
Note 7. Operational information
7.1. Revenue
The Group’s income from operating activities breaks down as follows:
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Lease income from operating and finance leases | 187.8 | 181.1 | 363.9 |
Income from construction and off-plan sale contracts – Property Development | 497.5 | 459.8 | 1,073.9 |
Income from services provided and other income | 13.6 | 55.8 | 89.8 |
Other income from operating activities | 80.4 | 90.5 | 129.3 |
Income from operating activities | 779.3 | 787.1 | 1,656.9 |
“Other income from operating activities” mainly relates to service charges recharged to tenants by the Property Investment Division totalling €77.8 million as of June 30, 2024 vs. €86.8 million as of June 30, 2023 and €121.1 million as of December 31, 2023.
After taking into account changes during the half-year, which correspond to services rendered and new sales completed during the period, the services not yet rendered under construction contracts and off-plan sale contracts entered into by fully consolidated Property Development companies amounted to €733.2 million as of June 30, 2024. These services will be provided in a more or less linear fashion over the next 24 months.
7.2. Components of the working capital requirement
The working capital requirement consists primarily of the following items:
¨ Inventories and work in progress, accounts receivable, contract assets and miscellaneous receivables on the asset side of the consolidated statement of financial position;
¨ Accounts payable, contract liabilities and miscellaneous payables on the liability side of the consolidated statement of financial position.
7.2.1. Change in working capital requirement
The change in working capital requirement from operating activities in the consolidated cash flow statement can be broken down by segment as follows:
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Property Investment | (2.8) | 24.7 | (31.0) |
Property Development | (29.4) | (92.4) | (40.0) |
Discontinued operations (a) | - | (6.2) | (8.6) |
(a) Healthcare Property Investment business deconsolidated in 2023.
The change in working capital requirement (€32.2 million) as of June 30, 2024 was mainly attributable to the Property Development Division due to the business slowdown.
7.2.2. Inventories and work in progress
Changes in inventories in H1 2024 were as follows:
Property Development
(in millions of euros) | Land bank | Work in progress | Unsold completed units | Total | Property Investment | Total |
Gross value | 151.7 | 655.4 | 12.7 | 819.7 | 0.8 | 820.5 |
Impairment loss | (31.9) | (44.1) | (2.3) | (78.3) | (0.0) | (78.4) |
NET VALUE AS OF 12/31/2023 | 119.8 | 611.2 | 10.4 | 741.4 | 0.8 | 742.2 |
Gross value | 192.0 | 614.8 | 27.2 | 834.0 | 0.8 | 834.8 |
Impairment loss | (74.5) | (64.1) | (0.7) | (139.3) | (0.0) | (139.4) |
NET VALUE AS OF 06/30/2024 | 117.5 | 550.7 | 26.4 | 694.7 | 0.8 | 695.5 |
Following the comprehensive and in-depth review of the Property Development Division’s project portfolio conducted by management (see note 1.3.2), significant impairment losses on the Division’s projects were recognised for a total of €85 million before tax including €82 million on inventory. These losses mainly stemmed from:
€36 million pre-tax on projects to be discontinued or revised; €46 million pre-tax on ongoing projects.
7.2.3. Accounts receivable and contract assets and liabilities
Changes in accounts receivable in H1 2024 were as follows:
Net change in
Impact of changes impairment losses
Change for the in scope of recognised in the
(in millions of euros) 12/31/2023 period consolidation (a) income statement 06/30/2024
Construction contracts (advances from customers) | 65.1 | (13.0) | - | - | 52.1 |
Advances, down payments and credit notes to be issued | 0.3 | 1.7 | - | - | 2.0 |
CONTRACT LIABILITIES | 65.4 | (11.4) | - | - | 54.1 |
Construction and off-plan sale contracts | 204.3 | 9.3 | - | - | 213.6 |
CONTRACT ASSETS – NET VALUE | 204.3 | 9.3 | - | - | 213.6 |
Accounts receivable – operating leases | 50.0 | 2.1 | - | - | 52.1 |
Financial accounts receivable – finance leases | 69.8 | (1.2) | - | - | 68.6 |
Accounts receivable from ordinary activities | 76.4 | 5.9 | (3.5) | - | 78.8 |
Accounts receivable – Gross value | 196.1 | 6.8 | (3.5) | - | 199.5 |
Impairment of receivables from leases | (23.1) | - | - | (0.6) | (23.7) |
Impairment of receivables from ordinary activities | (4.1) | - | 0.8 | 0.4 | (2.9) |
Accounts receivable – Impairment | (27.2) | - | 0.8 | (0.2) | (26.6) |
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE – NET VALUE | 168.9 | 6.8 | (2.7) | (0.2) | 172.9 |
(a) Deconsolidation of Property Development entities having served their purpose (see note 11.3).
Note 8. Other non-current assets
8.1. Change in equity-accounted investments
In the consolidated statement of financial position, the change in “Equity-accounted investments” between December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2024 broke down as follows:
06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Total equity-
accounted Total equity-
(in millions of euros) Joint ventures Associates companies Joint ventures Associates accounted companies
OPENING SHARE IN NET ASSETS | 110.8 | 0.7 | 111.5 | 126.4 | 1.9 | 128.3 |
Share of profit/(loss) | (2.4) | 0.2 | (2.1) | (3.3) | 0.3 | (2.9) |
Dividends paid | (8.9) | (0.3) | (9.3) | 0.5 | (1.6) | (1.0) |
Impact of changes in scope of consolidation and capital | (0.2) | (0.0) | (0.2) | (12.8) | - | (12.8) |
CLOSING SHARE IN NET ASSETS | 99.4 | 0.5 | 99.9 | 110.8 | 0.7 | 111.5 |
8.2. Information on joint ventures and associates
Key information on the income statement of joint ventures is presented below (on a proportionate consolidation basis for the relevant companies). Associates are immaterial to the Group.
06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Property Property Property Property Property Property
(in millions of euros) Investment Development Total Investment Development Total Investment Development Total
Income from operating activities | 6.7 | 80.2 | 86.9 | 4.3 | 76.1 | 80.3 | 12.1 | 165.3 | 177.5 |
EBITDA | 1.0 | 9.6 | 10.6 | 1.1 | 7.9 | 9.0 | 2.9 | 10.6 | 13.5 |
Operating profit/(loss) | (5.0) | 9.8 | 4.8 | (3.0) | 8.1 | 5.2 | (6.9) | 12.5 | 5.6 |
Finance income/(expense) | (0.5) | (4.8) | (5.3) | (0.4) | (2.9) | (3.3) | (0.9) | (6.5) | (7.4) |
Income tax | 0.1 | (2.0) | (1.9) | - | (0.5) | (0.5) | 0.0 | (1.4) | (1.4) |
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) | (5.4) | 3.0 | (2.4) | (3.3) | 4.6 | 1.3 | (7.8) | 4.5 | (3.3) |
including depreciation net of government grants | (0.1) | - | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.1) | (0.2) | - | (0.2) |
Note 9. Income tax
9.1. Tax expense
The tax expense is detailed in the table below:
(in millions of euros) 06/30/2024 06/30/2023 12/31/2023
Tax expense | 26.2 | (0.6) | 10.8 |
Company value-added contribution (CVAE) | (0.1) | (0.5) | (1.5) |
Mainly generated by the Property Development business, tax income/(expense) recognised in the income statement as of June 30, 2024 was an income of €26.1 million, compared with an expense of €1.2 million as of June 30, 2023 in line with the trend in income from this business.
Note 10. Provisions and contingent liabilities
10.1. Provisions
Provisions as of June 30, 2024 were adequate to cover all identified risks regardless of their nature, particularly operational and financial risks.
Risk exposure and hedging strategy
Changes in scope of Actuarial consolidation gains and
Employee benefit liabilities | 0.3 | (0.0) | - | - | (1.0) | |||
Other provisions | 59.5 | 15.6 | (2.4) | (2.2) | 9.1 | - | 79.6 | |
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES | 75.8 | 15.9 | (2.4) | (2.2) | 9.1 | (1.0) | 95.2 | |
Non-current provisions | 18.5 | 0.3 | (0.0) | - | - | (1.0) | 17.9 | |
Current provisions | 57.3 | 15.6 | (2.4) | (2.2) | 9.1 | - | 77.4 |
(in millions of euros)
Charges Use Reversals (a) losses 
(a) Deconsolidation of Property Development entities having served their purpose (see note 11.3).
10.2. Contingent liabilities
As of June 30, 2024, the Group was aware of no contingent liabilities likely to have a material effect on the Group’s profits, financial position, assets or business.
Note 11. Other information
11.1. Related parties
The Group has not entered into any significant new transactions with related parties.
11.2. Off-balance sheet commitments and related parties
No significant off-balance sheet commitments have been identified since December 31, 2023.
11.3. Events after the reporting period
¨ Financial liabilities
On July 9, 2024, Icade was informed that one of its subsidiaries did not comply with the LTV bank covenant relating to a bank mortgage totalling €347.2 million as of June 30, 2024. This debt will be partially prepaid within the timeframe required to remedy this situation.
¨ Preliminary sale agreements signed
On July 3 and 17, 2024, preliminary agreements were signed to sell the Quai Rive Neuve and Castel assets for €44.5 million.
11.4. Scope of consolidation
The table below shows the list of companies included in the scope of consolidation as of June 30, 2024 and the consolidation method used (“full” for “full consolidation” or “equity” for “equity method”).
Full = full consolidation
Equity = equity method 06/30/2024 12/31/2023
Deconsolidated (a)
Joint ventures / Method of
Company name Legal form % ownership % ownership
Associates consolidation
| ||||
ICADE SA | SA | Parent company | Full | Parent company | ||||
GIE ICADE MANAGEMENT | GIE | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
BATI GAUTIER | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
68 VICTOR HUGO | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
MESSINE PARTICIPATIONS | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
1 TERRASSE BELLINI | SCI | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 | |||
ICADE RUE DES MARTINETS | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
TOUR EQHO | SAS | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | ||||
LE TOLBIAC | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SAS ICADE TMM | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SNC LES BASSINS À FLOTS | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI LAFAYETTE | SCI | 54.98 | Full | 54.98 | ||||
SCI STRATEGE | SCI | 54.98 | Full | 54.98 | ||||
SCI FUTURE WAY | SCI | 52.75 | Full | 52.75 | ||||
SCI NEW WAY | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI ORIANZ | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
POINTE METRO 1 | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI QUINCONCES TERTIAIRE | SCI | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | ||||
SCI QUINCONCES ACTIVITES | SCI | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | ||||
SNC ARCADE | SNC | Property development disposal | 100.00 | |||||
SNC NOVADIS | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI AMPHORE | SCI | 55.00 | Full | 55.00 | ||||
OTHER ASSETS | ||||||||
BASSIN NORD | SCI | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 | |||
SCI BATIMENT SUD DU CENTRE HOSP PONTOISE | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI BSM DU CHU DE NANCY | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI IMMOBILIER HOTELS | SCI | 77.00 | Full | 77.00 | ||||
SCI BASILIQUE COMMERCE | SCI | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 | |||
OTHER | ||||||||
ICADE 3.0 | SASU | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
CYCLE-UP | SAS | 31.69 | Joint venture | Equity | 31.69 | |||
URBAN ODYSSEY | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SCI DU CASTELET | SCI | 99.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SARL B.A.T.I.R. ENTREPRISES | SARL | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||||
SARL FONCIERE ESPACE ST CHARLES | SARL | Deconsolidated | 86.00 | |||||
MONTPELLIERAINE DE RENOVATION | SARL | Deconsolidated | 86.00 | |||||
SCI ST CHARLES PARVIS SUD | SCI | 58.00 | Full | 58.00 | ||||
MSH | SARL | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||||
SARL GRP ELLUL-PARA BRUGUIERE | SARL | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
SNC LE CLOS DU MONESTIER | SNC | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||||
SCI LES ANGLES 2 | SCI | 75.50 | Full | 75.50 | ||||
SCI LES JARDINS D’HARMONY | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||||
SNC MEDITERRANEE GRAND ARC | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||||
ICADE PROMOTION LOGEMENT | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||||
CAPRI PIERRE | SARL | 99.92 | Full | 99.92 | ||||
SNC CHARLES | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||||
SCI MONNAIE – GOUVERNEURS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | |||||
(a) The Group reviewed its scope of consolidation and deconsolidated companies in the Property Development Division having served their purpose.
Joint ventures
STRASBOURG R. DE LA LISIERE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 33.00 | |||
SNC LES SYMPHONIES | SNC | Deconsolidated | 66.70 | |||
SNC LA POSEIDON | SNC | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
MARSEILLE PARC | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
LE PRINTEMPS DES ROUGIERES | SARL | Deconsolidated | 96.00 | |||
SCI BRENIER | SCI | 95.00 | Full | 95.00 | ||
PARC DU ROY D’ESPAGNE | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI JEAN DE LA FONTAINE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
MARSEILLE PINATEL | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI LILLE LE BOIS VERT | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI RUEIL CHARLES FLOQUET | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D2 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 17.33 | |||
BOULOGNE VILLE A2C | SCI | Deconsolidated | 17.53 | |||
BOULOGNE VILLE A2D | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
BOULOGNE VILLE A2E | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
BOULOGNE VILLE A2F | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
BOULOGNE PARC B1 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 18.23 | |||
BOULOGNE 3-5 RUE DE LA FERME | SCI | Deconsolidated | 13.21 | |||
BOULOGNE PARC B2 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 17.30 | |||
SCI LIEUSAINT RUE DE PARIS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
BOULOGNE PARC B3A | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
BOULOGNE PARC B3F | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
SAS AD2B | SAS | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCI CHATILLON AVENUE DE PARIS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI FRANCONVILLE – 1 RUE DES MARAIS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 49.90 | |||
ESSEY LES NANCY | SCI | Deconsolidated | 75.00 | |||
SCI LE CERCLE DES ARTS – Housing | SCI | Deconsolidated | 37.50 | |||
LES ARCHES D’ARS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 75.00 | |||
ZAC DE LA FILATURE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI LA SUCRERIE – Housing | SCI | 37.50 | Full | 37.50 | ||
SCI LA JARDINERIE – Housing | SCI | Deconsolidated | 37.50 | |||
LES COTEAUX DE LORRY | SARL | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI LE PERREUX ZAC DU CANAL | SCI | Deconsolidated | 72.50 | |||
SCI Boulogne Ville A3 LA | SCI | Deconsolidated | 17.40 | |||
SNC Nanterre MH17 | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SNC SOISY AVENUE KELLERMAN | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SNC ST FARGEAU HENRI IV | SNC | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | |||
SCI ORLEANS ST JEAN LES CEDRES | SCI | Deconsolidated | 49.00 | |||
RUE DE LA VILLE | SNC | 99.99 | Full | 99.99 | ||
RUE DU 11 NOVEMBRE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
RUE DU MOULIN | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
IMPASSE DU FORT | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
DUGUESCLIN DEVELOPPEMENT | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
DUGUESCLIN & ASSOCIES MONTAGNE | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
CDP THONON | SCI | Deconsolidated | 33.33 | |||
SCI RESID. SERVICE DU PALAIS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCI RESID. HOTEL DU PALAIS | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
SCI LE VERMONT | SCI | Deconsolidated | 40.00 | |||
SCI HAGUENAU RUE DU FOULON | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SNC URBAVIA | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI GERTWILLER 1 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI RUE BARBUSSE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
ROUBAIX RUE DE L’OUEST | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI CHAMPS S/MARNE RIVE GAUCHE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 PP | SCI | Deconsolidated | 33.33 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 D1 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 E | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 DEF COMMERCES | SCI | Deconsolidated | 27.82 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 ABC COMMERCES | SCI | Deconsolidated | 27.82 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 F | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE SEINE D3 C1 | SCI | Deconsolidated | 16.94 | |||
SCCV SAINTE MARGUERITE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SNC ROBINI | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCCV LES PATIOS D’OR – GRENOBLE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCI DES AUBEPINES | SCI | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | |||
SCI LES BELLES DAMES | SCI | Deconsolidated | 66.70 | |||
SCI PLESSIS LEON BLUM | SCI | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCCV RICHET | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCI BOULOGNE PARC B4B | SCI | Deconsolidated | 20.00 | |||
SCI ID | SCI | 53.00 | Full | 53.00 | ||
SNC PARIS MACDONALD PROMOTION | SNC | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
COEUR DE VILLE | SARL | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | |||
SCI CLAUSE MESNIL | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
OVALIE 14 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCCV VILLA ALBERA | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI ARKADEA LA ROCHELLE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCCV FLEURY MEROGIS LOT1.1 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | |||
SCCV FLEURY MEROGIS LOT1.2 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | |||
SCCV FLEURY MEROGIS LOT3 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCI L’ENTREPÔT MALRAUX | SCI | Deconsolidated | 65.00 | |||
SCCV CERGY – LES PATIOS D’OR | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
MULHOUSE LES PATIOS D’OR | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 40.00 | |||
SCCV CLERMONT-FERRAND LA MONTAGNE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 90.00 | |||
SCCV NICE GARE SUD | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 | |
SEP COLOMBES MARINE | SEP | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 | |
SCI CLAYE SOUILLY – L’OREE DU BOIS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCI BONDOUFLE – LES PORTES DE BONDOUFLE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCCV ECOPARK | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 90.00 | |||
SCI FI BAGNOLET | SCI | Deconsolidated | 90.00 | |||
SCI ARKADEA TOULOUSE LARDENNE | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
SCCV 25 BLD ARMEE DES ALPES | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCCV HORIZON PROVENCE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 58.00 | |||
SCCV SETE – QUAI DE BOSC | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 90.00 | |||
SCCV RIVES DE SEINE – BOULOGNE YC2 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCI BLACK SWANS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 85.00 | |||
SCCV CANAL STREET | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
SCCV BLACK SWANS TOUR B | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 85.00 | |||
SCCV ORCHIDEES | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | ||
SCCV MEDICADE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCI PERPIGNAN LESAGE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SNC TRIGONES NIMES | SCI | 49.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.00 | |
SCCV BAILLY CENTRE VILLE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCCV MONTLHERY LA CHAPELLE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | |||
SCI ARKADEA MARSEILLE SAINT VICTOR | SCI | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | |||
SCCV SAINT FARGEAU 23 FONTAINEBLEAU | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | |||
SCCV CARENA | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | |||
SCCV BLACK SWANS TOUR C | SCCV | 85.00 | Full | 85.00 | ||
SCI CAEN LES ROBES D’AIRAIN | SCI | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | |||
SCI CAPITAINE BASTIEN | SCI | Deconsolidated | 80.00 | |||
SCI PERPIGNAN CONSERVATOIRE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | |||
SCI LILLE WAZEMMES | SCI | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 | |
SCCV ANTONY | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | ||
SCCV SAINT FARGEAU LEROY BEAUFILS | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 65.00 | |||
SCI ST ANDRE LEZ LILLE – LES JARDINS DE TASSIGNY | SCI | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CARIVRY | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | ||
SCCV L’ETOILE HOCHE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | ||
SCCV LES PINS D’ISABELLA | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 49.90 | ||
SCCV LES COTEAUX LORENTINS | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV ROSNY 38-40 JEAN JAURES | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV CARETTO | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV MASSY CHATEAU | SCCV | 50.00 | Full | 50.00 | |
SCCV MASSY PARC | SCCV | 50.00 | Associate | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV NEUILLY S/MARNE QMB 10B | SCCV | 44.45 | Full | 44.45 | |
SCCV VITA NOVA | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | ||
SCCV NEUILLY S/MARNE QMB 1A | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 44.45 | ||
SCCV LE RAINCY RSS | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SCCV LE MESNIL SAINT DENIS SULLY | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV CUGNAUX – LEO LAGRANGE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV COLOMBES MARINE LOT A | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV COLOMBES MARINE LOT B | SCCV | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 |
SCCV COLOMBES MARINE LOT D | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV COLOMBES MARINE LOT H | SCCV | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 |
SCCV LES BERGES DE FLACOURT | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 65.00 | ||
SCCV QUAI 56 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV LE PIAZZA | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV ICAGIR RSS TOURS | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SSCV ASNIERES PARC B8 B9 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SSCV SAINT FARGEAU 82-84 Avenue de Fontainebleau | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 70.00 | ||
SAS PARIS 15 VAUGIRARD LOT A | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV PARIS 15 VAUGIRARD LOT C | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV SARCELLES – RUE DU 8 MAI 1945 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV SARCELLES – RUE DE MONTFLEURY | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV MASSY PARC 2 | SCCV | 50.00 | Associate | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CANTEROUX | SCCV | 50.00 | Full | 50.00 | |
SCCV SOHO | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | ||
SCCV IPK NIMES CRESPON | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV BEARN | SCCV | 65.00 | Full | 65.00 | |
SCCV ASNIERES PARC B2 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV PERPIGNAN AVENUE D'ARGELES | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV 117 AVENUE DE STRASBOURG | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV MARCEL PAUL VILLEJUIF | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | ||
SCCV MAISON FOCH | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 40.00 | ||
SCCV CHATENAY MALABRY LA VALLEE | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV LOT 2G2 IVRY CONFLUENCES | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | ||
SCCV LA PEPINIERE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV NICE CARRE VAUBAN | SCCV | 95.00 | Full | 95.00 | |
SNC IP1R | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SNC IP3M LOGT | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV LILLE CARNOT LOGT | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV NORMANDIE LA REUNION | SCCV | 65.00 | Full | 65.00 | |
SAS AILN DEVELOPPEMENT | SAS | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 |
SCCV URBAT ICADE PERPIGNAN | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV DES YOLES NDDM | SCCV | 75.00 | Full | 75.00 | |
SCCV AVIATEUR LE BRIX | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SARVILEP | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV POMME CANNELLE | SCCV | 60.00 | Full | 60.00 | |
SCCV RS MAURETTES | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV BRON LA CLAIRIERE G3 | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV BRON LA CLAIRIERE C1C2 | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV BRON LA CLAIRIERE C3C4 | SCCV | 49.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.00 |
SCCV BRON LA CLAIRIERE D1D2 | SCCV | 49.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.00 |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 2 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 4 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 5B | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV URBAN IVRY 94 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV YNOV CAMBACERES | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV DES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 5 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV DES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 6 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV MONTPELLIER SW | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV LES JARDINS DE CALIX IPS | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV BOUL DEVELOPPEMENT | SCCV | 65.00 | Full | 65.00 | |
SCCV BILL DEVELOPPEMENT | SCCV | 65.00 | Full | 65.00 | |
SCCV PATIOS VERGERS | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV LILLE PREVOYANCE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV BOUSSY SAINT ANTOINE ROCHOPT | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV IXORA | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV CAP ALIZE | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV IPSPF CHR1 | SCCV | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SCCV LORIENT GUESDE | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV BOHRIE D2 | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SAS AD VITAM | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SNC SEINE CONFLUENCES | SNC | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CHATENAY LAVALLEE LOT I | SCCV | 50.10 | Full | 50.10 | |
SCCV QUINCONCES | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SARL BEATRICE MORTIER IMMOBILIER – BMI | SARL | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV CARTAGENA | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 95.00 | ||
SAS LES HAUTS DE LA VALSIERE | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV LE SERANNE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SCCV VIADORA | SCCV | 30.00 | Associate | Equity | 30.00 |
SNC URBAIN DES BOIS | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV NANTERRE HENRI BARBUSSE | SCCV | 66.67 | Full | 66.67 | |
SCCV LES PALOMBES | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV 3 – B1D1 LOGEMENT | SCCV | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 |
SCCV 7 – B2A TOUR DE SEINE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV 8 – B2A PARTICIPATIF | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SAS 9 – B2A CITE TECHNIQUE | SAS | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV TREVOUX ORFEVRES | SCCV | 65.00 | Full | 65.00 | |
SAS SURESNES LIBERTE | SAS | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SAS CLICHY 33 MEDERIC | SAS | Deconsolidated | 45.00 | ||
SAS L'OREE | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CERDAN | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV DES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 7 | SCCV | 45.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 45.00 |
SAS BREST COURBET | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV MITTELVEG | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 8 | SCCV | 45.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 45.00 |
SCCV TERRASSES ENSOLEILLEES | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV ISSY ESTIENNE D’ORVES | SCCV | 85.00 | Full | 85.00 | |
SCCV CARAIX | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SAS TOULOUSE RUE ACHILE VIADEU | SAS | 55.72 | Full | 55.72 | |
SCCV ARC EN CIEL | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SNC LE BOIS URBAIN | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV DOMAINE DE LA CROIX | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV ILE NAPOLEON | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 |
SAS RB GROUP | SAS | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SARL M&A IMMOBILIER | SARL | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LE FORUM-LATTES | SCCV | 32.65 | Full | 32.65 | |
SCCV BLEU PLATINE -SETE | SCCV | 45.70 | Full | 45.70 | |
SCCV LADY MARY-MONT SAINT CLAIR | SCCV | 45.70 | Full | 45.70 | |
SARL KALITHYS | SARL | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LADY SAINT CLAIR – SETE | SCCV | Merger | 65.29 | ||
SCCV BASSA NOVA – PERPIGNAN | SCCV | 52.23 | Full | 52.23 | |
SCCV VILLA HERMES – MANDELIEU | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV HERMES 56 – MONTPELLIER | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV L'OASIS – CASTELNAU | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV VERT AZUR – GRABELS | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV VILLA BLANCHE LUNEL | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LE PARC RIMBAUD | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV SILVER GARDEN | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV SETE PREMIERE LIGNE | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LE 9 – MONTPELLIER | SCCV | 33.30 | Full | 33.30 | |
SCCV EUROPE – CASTELNAU | SCCV | 32.65 | Joint venture | Equity | 32.65 |
SAS RB PARTICIPATIONS | SAS | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SNC M&A PROMOTION | SNC | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LES BAINS – JUVIGNAC | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV LES PINS BLEUS – GRABELS | SCCV | 52.23 | Full | 52.23 | |
SCCV 68 AMPERE | SCCV | 80.00 | Full | 80.00 | |
SCCV IPSPF-CHR2 | SCCV | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SCCV LUNEL FOURQUES | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ – AVENUE DU BOIS | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV ECHO LES MENUIRES | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV ACANTHE | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SAS COLOMBES AURIOL | SAS | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV ZAC REPUBLIQUE | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV MEDOC 423 | SCCV | 49.90 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.90 |
SCI ARKADEA LYON GIRONDINS | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV BRON CLAIRIERE F1 | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV VILLA LAURES – MONTPELLIER | SCCV | 43.55 | Full | 43.55 | |
SCCV COEUR CARNOLES | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV ARRAS MICHELET | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV BRON CLAIRIERE G4 | SCCV | 49.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.00 |
SCCV STEEN ST MALO LA FONTAINE | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SAS STEEN LIBOURNE | SAS | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN DIJON | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN PARIS 9 PETRELLE | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN ROANNE FOLLEREAU | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV PHARE D’ISSY | SCCV | 75.00 | Full | 75.00 | |
SEP PEACEFUL | SEP | 29.38 | Joint venture | Equity | 29.38 |
SCCV 63 DUPONT DES LOGES | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS BF3 SAINT RAPHAEL | SAS | 20.00 | Equity | 20.00 | |
SCCV ARCHEVECHE | SCCV | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SAS NEUILLY VICTOR HUGO | SAS | 54.00 | Full | 54.00 | |
SNC VILLEURBANNE TONKIN | SNC | 55.72 | Full | 55.72 | |
SCCV MONTIGNY LOTS 1C 5A 5B | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV ILOT DES PLATANES – LATTES | SCCV | 56.80 | Full | 29.38 | |
SCCV STEEN CHATEAURENARD DENIS PAULEAU | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN DOUAI BOULEVARD VAUBAN | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN LE CHESNAY | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SNC M&A CE | SNC | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV BREST REPUBLIQUE DEVELOPPEMENT | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CASTELNAU DAHLIAS | SCCV | Dissolution | 90.00 | ||
SCCV SAINT VALERY CAVEE LEVEQUE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV SEVRAN ROUGEMONT | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV STEEN ST GILLES RAIMONDEAU | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV STEEN GAILLON SUR MONTCIENT | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV LILURA DE L’ADOUR | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV ZOKO ST ESPRIT | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV AME ECHO | SCCV | 60.00 | Full | 60.00 | |
SCCV PARIS 12 MESSAGERIES L3 L4 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV LA PLATEFORME RE | SCCV | 70.00 | Full | 70.00 | |
SCCV NANTERRE PARTAGEE | SCCV | 35.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 35.00 |
SCCV NIMOZA NIMES | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | 65.29 | |
SCCV FORUM II – LATTES | SCCV | 63.33 | Full | 39.18 | |
FONDATION D’ENTREPRISE ICADE PIERRE POUR TOUS | Foundation | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS EQUINOVE | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV LA SAUVEGARDE | SCCV | 50.10 | Full | 50.10 | |
SCCV CHOISY B7 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV DUNKERQUE ZAC GRAND LARGE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SCCV TOULOUSE GARONNE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SCCV STEEN CHANTILLY CASCADES | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SCCV DE LA BERGERIE | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | ||
L’OLIU – REDESSAN | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | ||
SAS IPSXM | SAS | 100.00 | Full | ||
SCCV MAS VINHA – FRONTIGNAN | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | ||
SCCV 1 PLACE COPERNIC | SCCV | 55.00 | Full | ||
SNC ARCADE | SNC | 100.00 | Full | ||
SCCV PREMIUM B2 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SCCV PREMIUM RE3 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SCCV BRON CLAIRIERE M3 | SCCV | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | |
SNC ICADE PROMOTION TERTIAIRE | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV SAINT DENIS LANDY 3 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SNC GERLAND 1 | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SNC GERLAND 2 | SNC | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
CITE SANITAIRE NAZARIENNE | SNC | Deconsolidated | 60.00 | ||
ICAPROM | SNC | Deconsolidated | 45.00 | ||
SCCV LE PERREUX CANAL | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
ARKADEA SAS | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
CHRYSALIS DEVELOPPEMENT | SAS | Deconsolidated | 35.00 | ||
MACDONALD BUREAUX | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SCI 15 AVENUE DU CENTRE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SAS CORNE OUEST VALORISATION | SAS | 25.00 | Associate | Equity | 25.00 |
SAS ICADE-FF-SANTE | SAS | Deconsolidated | 65.00 | ||
SCI BOURBON CORNEILLE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV SKY 56 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SCCV SILOPARK | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 | ||
SCCV TECHNOFFICE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SARL LE LEVANT DU JARDIN | SARL | Deconsolidated | 50.67 | ||
SCI ARKADEA RENNES TRIGONE | SCI | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | ||
SCCV LE SIGNAL/LES AUXONS | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SCCV LA VALBARELLE | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 49.90 | ||
SAS IMMOBILIER DEVELOPPEMENT | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV HOTELS A1-A2 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV BUREAUX B-C | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 50.00 |
SCCV MIXTE D-E | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV CASABONA | SCCV | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SNC IP2T | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV TOURNEFEUILLE LE PIRAC | SCCV | 90.00 | Full | 90.00 | |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 0 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV LES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 3 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SCCV DES RIVES DU PETIT CHER LOT 1 | SCCV | 60.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 60.00 |
SAS NEWTON 61 | SAS | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SCCV BRON LES TERRASSES L1 L2 L3 N3 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS LA BAUME | SAS | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SCCV PIOM 1 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV PIOM 2 | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV PIOM 3 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV PIOM 4 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS PIOM 5 | SAS | Deconsolidated | 100.00 | ||
SCCV COLADVIVI | SCCV | 40.00 | Associate | Equity | 40.00 |
SCCV PIOM 6 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV 1 – B1C1 BUREAUX | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV 2 – B1D1 BUREAUX | SCCV | 25.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 25.00 |
SCCV 4 – COMMERCES | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV 5 – B1C1 HOTEL | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV 6 – B1C3 COWORKING | SCCV | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV PIOM 7 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV PIOM 8 | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SCCV PALUDATE GUYART | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV BRON LES TERRASSES A1 A2 A3 A4 | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS 10 COMMERCES B1A4 AND B1B1B3 | SAS | Deconsolidated | 25.00 | ||
SCCV BRON CLAIRIERE B | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV ECOLE DE LA REPUBLIQUE | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SCCV STEEN PETREQUIN | SCCV | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV CEREREIDE – LATTES | SCCV | 65.29 | Full | ||
SARL DOMAINE DE LA GRANGE | SARL | Deconsolidated | 51.00 | ||
RUE CHATEAUBRIAND | SCI | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SNC DU PLESSIS BOTANIQUE | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SARL LAS CLOSES | SARL | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SNC DU CANAL ST LOUIS | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SNC MASSY VILGENIS | SNC | 50.00 | Full | 50.00 | |
SAS LE CLOS DES ARCADES | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS OCEAN AMENAGEMENT | SAS | 49.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 49.00 |
SNC VERSAILLES PION | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS GAMBETTA SAINT ANDRE | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS MONT DE TERRE | SAS | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SAS ODESSA DEVELOPPEMENT | SAS | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SAS WACKEN INVEST | SAS | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SCCV DU SOLEIL | SCCV | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS MEUDON TASSIGNY | SAS | 40.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 40.00 |
SAS DES RIVES DU PETIT CHER | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SNC LH FLAUBERT | SNC | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS BREST AMENAGEMENT | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 50.00 |
SAS ICADE PIERRE POUR TOUS | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS BONDY CANAL | SAS | 55.50 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SAS HOLDING TOULOUSE TONKIN JHF | SAS | 79.60 | Full | 79.60 | |
SAS JALLANS | SAS | 55.72 | Full | 55.72 | |
SAS CLINIQUE 3 | SAS | 55.72 | Full | 55.72 | |
SAS STEEN REHAB | SAS | 33.33 | Joint venture | Equity | 33.33 |
SCCV 86 FELIX EBOUE | SCCV | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS DE LA BERGERIE | SAS | 51.00 | Full | 51.00 | |
SAS REPRENDRE RACINES | SAS | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SAS JAURES GALLIENI | SAS | 55.00 | Full | 55.00 | |
SCCV MARSEILLE SMCL | SCCV | 15.00 | Equity | 15.00 | |
SAS HOLDING CITY PARK LEVALLOIS | SAS | 100.00 | Full | 100.00 | |
SAS SAINT PIERRE CENTRE 2025 | SAS | 70.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 70.00 |
SNC LEVALLOIS CITYPARK | SNC | 51.00 | Joint venture | Equity | 51.00 |
SAS L'OLIVERAIE | SAS | 50.00 | Joint venture |
Statutory Auditors’ report on the half-year financial information
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit 63, rue de Villiers 92208 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, France | Forvis Mazars 61, rue Henri-Regnault 92075 Paris La Défense, France |
Statutory Auditors’ report on the half-year financial information
(for the period from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024)
To the Shareholders
27, rue Camille Desmoulins
92445 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France
In compliance with the assignment entrusted to us by your General Meeting and in accordance with Article L. 451-1-2 III of the French Monetary and Financial Code, we have performed:
- a limited review of the half-year condensed consolidated financial statements of Icade SA for the period from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024, as attached to this report;
- A verification of the information contained in the half-year management report.
These half-year condensed consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on these financial statements based on our limited review.
I – Conclusion on the financial statements
We conducted our limited review in accordance with the professional standards applicable in France.
A limited review mainly consists of making inquiries of the members of management responsible for financial and accounting matters and of applying analytical procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the professional standards applicable in France. Accordingly, a limited review provides a moderate level of assurance that the financial statements, taken as a whole, are free of material misstatement, less than that provided by an audit.
Based on our limited review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying half-year condensed consolidated financial statements were not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34, the IFRS on interim financial reporting as adopted by the European Union.
II – Specific verification
We have also verified the information contained in the half-year management report on the half-year condensed consolidated financial statements subject to our limited review.
We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and consistency with the half-year condensed consolidated financial statements.
Neuilly-sur-Seine and Paris La Défense, July 19, 2024
The Statutory Auditors
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Forvis Mazars SA
Lionel Lepetit Claire Gueydan O’quin
[1] Icade’s remaining stake in Praemia Healthcare stood at 22.52% as of June 30, 2024
[2] Estimated portfolio value down by -2% on average vs. December 31, 2023
[3] Icade’s remaining stake in IHE Healthcare Europe stood at 59.39% as of June 30, 2024
[4] Source: Adéquation, figures as of the end of June 2024
[5] Source: Crédit Logement – 20-year rate of 3.73% in May 2024 vs. 4.20% in December 2023
[6] Including Public and Healthcare Amenities Development
[7] Excluding payables associated with equity interests, bank overdrafts and NEU Commercial Paper
[8] Calculated based on S&P methodology