par Kavahana

Kava Industry Primed for Expansion: Comprehensive Studies by World Health Organization (WHO) and Codex Alimentarius Commission Confirm Kava Does Not Cause Liver Damage

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 14, 2023 / In a landmark collaboration, Kavahana, Melo, and Kalm with Kava have joined forces with the International Kava Organization (IKO), building upon the pivotal findings of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This partnership represents a significant stride in correcting longstanding misconceptions about kava, particularly concerning its impact on liver health. United in their efforts, these industry leaders, along with IKO, are ushering in a new era for kava, emphasizing its safety and underscoring its potential for global recognition and appreciation.

A poster displaying an aesthetic picture of a shell of all-natural kava, with the text:

World Health Organization (WHO) & Codex Alimentarius Commission findings shed light on kava liver damage myth

Dispelling Myths, Restoring Reputation:

For years, kava, a traditional beverage made from the Piper methysticum plant with over 3000 years of safe historical, social, and ceremonial uses, has been overshadowed by unfounded safety concerns. These misconceptions, stemming from isolated incidents of liver damage linked to improper preparation and adulteration, have unfairly tarnished kava's reputation.

The negative portrayal significantly impacted Pacific Island communities, for whom kava is not only a cultural mainstay but also an economic lifeline. The recent evaluations by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission have been instrumental in shedding light on the truth about kava. Their findings conclusively demonstrate that when prepared correctly, kava poses no risk to liver health, paving the way for its rehabilitation in the global wellness and cultural landscape.

Dr. Andrew Weil's Endorsement Reinforces Kava's Safety and Therapeutic Benefits

In a significant development for the herbal medicine community, Dr. Andrew Weil, a prominent figure in integrative medicine, recently shared insights that robustly affirm the safety of kava. In a video, Dr. Weil specifically addresses long-standing concerns about kava's impact on liver health. He clarifies that these concerns were initially based on a limited number of cases in Germany, which were linked to alcohol-based kava extracts and substandard manufacturing practices that no longer represent the kava industry's current standards.

Dr. Weil emphasizes that today's kava products, primarily water-based extracts derived from the root, are entirely safe, with no evidence of liver toxicity. This clear stance from Dr. Weil not only helps to dispel persistent myths but also illuminates the considerable therapeutic value of kava, especially as an effective and natural solution for managing anxiety. His strong endorsement of kava's efficacy is a reflection of an evolving perspective within the wider medical community, signaling a growing recognition and acceptance of kava's safety profile and its health benefits.

A United Front for Kava's Future:

Stepping into this new chapter, Kavahana, Melo, and Kalm with Kava, alongside the IKO, are committed to redefining the narrative around kava. Each organization brings its unique strengths to this partnership.

As the first kava-only bar in Los Angeles and online retailer of kava products, Kavahana has set a high standard for safe and authentic kava experiences. Co-founders Hannah Wilen and Neil Bhatia remarked, "This partnership with the International Kava Organization marks a significant moment in our journey. We are dedicated to changing perceptions and showcasing kava's true, safe nature to the world."

Pioneering in the ready-to-drink kava market, Melo offers innovative beverages that meet the demands of a modern lifestyle while honoring the rich heritage of this ancient plant. Co-founder Amy Bett stated, "Aligning with IKO and our industry partners reflects our shared commitment to educate and promote the responsible consumption of kava."

Known for its high-quality kava products and educational initiatives, Kalm with Kava is a leader in responsible kava advocacy. "Kalm with Kava supports IKO's mission to facilitate mainstream kava education and consider it fundamental to the industry's success." stated CEO Morgan Smith, "We also agree with the WHO Codex Alimentarius decision to consider kava a safe beverage and urge the US government to adopt this stance."

Envisioning a Sustainable Future for Kava:

This collaboration is more than a partnership; it's a commitment to a series of key objectives aimed at ensuring the sustainable growth of the kava industry. The focus is on advocating for standardized regulations and quality control to guarantee kava's purity and integrity, educating consumers and healthcare professionals about its safety and benefits, supporting the livelihoods of indigenous kava cultivators, and promoting responsible consumption rooted in scientific evidence and cultural respect.

Championing a Global Kava Movement:

This partnership represents a bold step towards a future where kava is not only understood and respected globally but also celebrated as a symbol of cultural diversity and holistic wellness. By joining forces with IKO, Kavahana, Melo, and Kalm with Kava are leading the way in a global kava renaissance, where tradition and science come together to secure kava's place in the world.

Join the Movement, Learn More:

To learn more about this collaboration, the safety of kava, and the initiatives of IKO and its partners in promoting responsible kava consumption, please visit the following websites:

  • Kavahana:
  • Melo:
  • Kalm with Kava:
  • International Kava Organization:

Together, we can champion kava's true narrative and empower its global renaissance.

About The International Kava Organization (IKO):

The International Kava Organization is a non-profit entity dedicated to the holistic advancement of kava. As the leading authority and industry association for kava, IKO is committed to uniting traditional kava practices with modern scientific research and innovation, ensuring kava's enduring legacy and global acceptance.

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SOURCE: Kavahana

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