September 2024




2nd October 2024

5:45 pm


Information pursuant to articles L. 233-8-II of French

Commercial code and 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation

in connection with the number of outstanding shares in the Company and related voting rights

Company: ALTEN SA (the “Company”)

Stock-exchange: Euronext Paris

Compartment: A

ISIN Code : FR0000071946


 Total number of shares constituting the share capital

Total number of theoretical voting rights


30th September 2024



35 209 501*


40 670 446


* Ordinary shares

Article 9 of ALTEN’s Articles of Association provides that any shareholder acting alone or in concert, in addition to the thresholds set forth in Article L. 233-7 of the French Commercial code, that crosses the threshold (upwards or downwards) of 3% of the share capital or voting rights must inform the Company of such crossing. This information must be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 15 days from the date on which such threshold was crossed.


About ALTEN 

For more information:

Journalists’ details: 


As a European Leader in Engineering and Technology Consulting (ETC), ALTEN carries out design and research projects for Technical and IT divisions of major clients in industry, telecoms and services. 


ALTEN’s stock is listed in compartment A of the Euronext Paris market (ISIN FR000001946); it is part of the SBF 120, the IT CAC 50 index and MIDCAP100, and is eligible for the deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

Engineering and IT Services                                                         

Voir toutes les actualités de ALTEN