BioMérieux to Present Strategic Plans at J.P. Morgan HealthCare Conference

bioMérieux, a leading name in in vitro diagnostics, will participate in the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. This conference will occur from January 13 to 16, 2025. Pierre Boulud, bioMérieux's CEO, is scheduled to present on January 14 at 5:15 pm PT.
During his presentation, Boulud will outline the company's strategic plan, GO•28, focusing on profitable and sustainable growth. Targets include achieving a +7% CAGR in organic sales from 2024 to 2028 and increasing the CEBIT margin from 16.6% in 2023 to 20% by 2028.
Updates on product installations, with 500 new BIOFIRE® units and 900 SPOTFIRE® units in Q4 2024, will be shared. Additionally, Boulud will discuss bioMérieux's recent acquisition of SpinChip, a Norwegian start-up specializing in point-of-care immunoassays.
R. H.
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