Capital changes at DMS Group following the acquisition of SFT

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL (EPA:ALDMS).

On January 20, 2025, Diagnostic Medical Systems (DMS), a specialist in medical imaging, announced details of the acquisition of Solutions For Tomorrow (SFT). The purchase of 100% of SFT’s shares was obtained for an amount of EUR 4,626,516. A small part was paid in cash, while the major part involved the issuance of DMS shares to Verso Capital and a co-shareholder.

As part of this acquisition, 1,964,285 new shares were allocated with stock warrants (BSA Ajustement). The exercise of the BSA resulted in the issuance of 2,751,579 additional shares, thus impacting the percentage of participation of existing shareholders.

This capital increase reduces the stake of a shareholder previously at 1% to 0.87%. No other BSA can be exercised within the framework of the acquisition of SFT. DMS specifies that the issue does not require a Prospectus approved by the AMF.

R. P.

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