Success for the capital increase of BIO-UV Group

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BIO UV GROUP (EPA:ALTUV).

BIO-UV Group, a recognized player in water treatment and disinfection, announces the success of its €8 million capital increase. This operation generated a total demand of €9.5 million, reaching an oversubscription rate of 137%. Thus, 3,807,686 shares were issued at a price of €2.10 each.

The funds will enable the company to develop new services, expand its geographic presence, strengthen its sales team, and reduce its debt. BIO-UV's share capital now stands at 14,154,679 shares following this issue.

This transaction, which benefited from the full extension clause, demonstrates shareholders' confidence in the company's strategy. The market responded positively, although there are risks of volatility and capital dilution for those who did not subscribe.

R. P.

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