sur Sunrise UPC GmbH

Sunrise Awarded Platinum Medal for Sustainability by EcoVadis

Sunrise UPC GmbH has received a platinum medal from EcoVadis, a global leader in corporate sustainability assessments. With a score of 81 points, Sunrise ranks among the top 1% of globally rated companies. The company plans to release its first comprehensive sustainability report soon.

CEO André Krause expressed his delight, stating that the award recognizes the entire Sunrise team. He credited the achievement to a targeted strategy, focused initiatives, measurable results, and a strong determination to excel in sustainability. Krause sees this award as motivation to continue making significant contributions to sustainability.

Sunrise integrates sustainability into its corporate strategy and daily activities through its Sunrise IMPACTS strategy, which focuses on People, Planet, and Progress, underpinned by Governance. Achievements include successful volunteering programs, resource efficiency improvements, sustainable product packaging, and a commitment to digital inclusion and social responsibility.

EcoVadis evaluates companies on 21 sustainability criteria across four core areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Sunrise's success is based on international standards such as the UN Global Compact, ILO conventions, GRI standards, and ISO 26000, providing a roadmap for continuous improvement.

R. H.

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