sur Thermador Groupe (EPA:THEP)
Thermador Groupe Sees 13.3% Decline in 2024 Turnover

Thermador Groupe has reported a 13.3% decrease in its turnover for 2024, with a total revenue of €503.9 million. When adjusted for constant scope, the turnover fell by 13.5%, while the selling price changes contributed an estimated 2.6% to this decline.
The turnover reduction was consistent across the quarters, with the first quarter experiencing the steepest drop of 17.2%. The breakdown by business shows significant declines, with Thermador central heating accessories down by 31.8% and DPI plastic piping down by 21.3%. However, Axelair showed a positive growth of 2.9% and Sectoriel grew by 1.0%.
The decrease includes impacts from the consolidation of newly acquired companies, namely Alto Metering and Vena Contracta, which were integrated in the latter part of the year.
R. P.
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