sur Troy Minerals Inc. (isin : CA8974711084)

Troy Minerals Announces High-Purity Silica Findings at Table Mountain

Troy Minerals Inc. has revealed promising results from its Table Mountain Silica Project in British Columbia, Canada. The sampling and mapping program discovered three high-purity silica zones within the Mount Wilson Quartzite Formation. The Table Mountain Zone showed 98.86% silica (SiO2) over 62.11 metres, while outcrop sampling returned grades from 98.18% to 99.74% SiO2.

President Yannis Tsitos emphasized the strategic potential of these findings for Troy's growth in the North American silica market. The reported low levels of deleterious elements bolster the appeal of the project. A total of 110 grab samples and 70 channel samples confirmed the exceptional quality of the mineralization.

R. P.

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